Allow to refund the game on PC after update 5 graphical downgrade

@saltensea you said 3 days ago you stopped flying.

Did you actually try the Hotfix 2 update to ? What’s your version now ?

I found some improvements this time… :cat:

I have been experiencing similar issues with the MSFS 2020 since I installed their latest big update or “hot fix”, all of my previously installed addons to the community folder just vanished and it wont let me re-install them again, Im seriuosly considering requesting a refund and delete MSFS for good until they decide to do this well

“Thrill is gone baby” :frowning:


Lol whatever

Thanks! I really appreciate the help. I’ll see if I can find a rig with an i7 and similar specs. Someone else on the forum said to get one with eight cores to be safe. So much for trying to do this for $1500… but I know once I do this it will be good for a few years. Now the hard part and explaining why I need this to my wife. Ugh…

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Thanks for the help on this and great points. Now the hard part is selling my wife on why I need another PC. Sigh…

No it’s not “broken”.

It’s the best version that has been released BY FAR. They have addressed most of the complaints, but indeed, there will ALWAYS be people who want to “call the manager”.


I think Asobo have learnt not to pay too much attention to them.


…and just focus on their Xbox customers.


No, from the few hours I’ve played SU5 (downloaded it yesterday), the game has been polished in almost EVERY SINGLE RESPECT:

  • much better map

  • loading times halved (why does nobody talk about it ?)

  • flying lessons completely revamped and much improved from the few I’ve done

  • friendlier GUI (doesn’t require to go back to the lobby every time)

  • Many more Points Of Interest from what I’ve seen

  • lots of details have been improved

  • the game is fluid AT LAST on my PC

  • no CTD so far (crossing fingers)

But people will always be dissatisfied. At some point, it’s just tiring hearing constant whines.


You are tired of hearing the whines but there are people who don’t have the same experience with the current sate of the sim as you. I have been troubleshooting things all weekend, and i just wanted to fly. Do you understand how that could be very frustrating for someone?

Everybody uses the sim in a different way. Some people are more serious than others, some have a lot of add-ons, some fly in London and some in other places, some have multiplayer traffic on and others not. There are a lot of different ways to enjoy this, so people will notice different things they think are important to have fun with this. So something i consider to be very annoying maybe hasn’t bothered you at all, or maybe you didn’t even notice it.

But in the end saying how everybody is a whiner doesn’t help anyone.


After every hotfix i have a look (short fly (3 mins)) over my hometown, see this visual damage and crash the plan into streets, houses somewhere, wont fly anymore, its disgusting.

There is still a massiv visual downgrad.
The visual system is broken and they wont fix this. To fix this, the have to remove this Xbox stuff.

And YOU can see this broken visual at yourself.
If you didnt use SU4 before, compare FS2020 visuals with!!!


Your neighbourhood changed ? You remember when that happened ? Was there a world update near ? We’ve had Japan, US, UK, Netherlands/France/Belgium and the Nordic…

You won’t get the real photographs like in bing maps, nowhere… you can only move the camera back and forth in bing maps… there is no fly over. In MSFS, they use special software to create buildings from many photographs.

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Imagine xbox users now complain not getting 60fps on 4k….next downgrade for us incoming :dizzy_face:


What should this be? Did you think?

What one can expected if a bicycle will rides on a motorway?

The best match is always handcrafted buildings. But handcrafted is a lot of work. For one person to model one house properly, it takes a day of work. There is no way MS/Asobo/Blackshark (makers of MSFS) they can handcraft the world completely. Also… the data for every handcrafted house in the world would not fit on our disk !!

I don’t even recognize my own neighbourhood in MSFS, it’s all automatic buildings, they don’t match the actual buildings… it should be much better (NL world update) but for my village it is not. To have a good match with your house, you must live in a city handcrafted, or with very good photogrammetry.

You are not able to understand?
Make it simple, compare the visuals of FS2020 (after SU5!) and

I’ve just revisited Strasbourg and it is as splendid now as it was before.

Downgraded what ? You’re comparing apples and oranges, you can’t fly a C152 in Bing maps, at 1500 feet, or land anywhere and change the weather. Best you can do moving freely in Bing is aerial maps, that is it… you can fly straight in Google Earth, at 8 FPs or so… no time, no weather…

If you want to look at things from ANY camera angle, use MSFS ! and take all the bad houses for granted. They’ll work on it… I don’t see any reason to be disappointed now… it’s all new… since 1 year we can fly anywhere. There is nothing downgraded, because before MSFS free simulated flight did not exist.