Allow to refund the game on PC after update 5 graphical downgrade

I see no visual downgrade at all on my end. Everything looks as it did before. Maybe try setting your settings to medium and then back to ultra? Seems like quite a few people are having graphical issues still while the rest of us aren’t.

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I’m not happy either.

I’m a bit in the middle, on this topic. I like flying nature scenery… Bali, Caraibean, Galapagos… and Norway also, the Alps… sun set shots… clouds… quite sensitive to any change ! I’m very relieved Hotfix 2 came early. They picked up the message… and upside is… they optimized it to the bone. Everything got faster, not only frame rate.


You are totally wrong.
There is a big and massiv visual downgrade.
If you cant see this, you mighty play with Xbox?


I’m on a laptop i7/MX330/16GB, so it’s about the level of XBox-S

And I’m totally right :innocent: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


You do not see the graphical deterioration because both the console and your pc do not have the possibility to show you the graphics in ultra.
the ultra that there is now is not the same as before, and if you have a medium-low pc (even a 3080) you don’t notice it.
People like me, more fortunate who have PCs of a certain power, notice the great visual deterioration.
and if you go and read what the patch has fixed and what they say will fix you would understand it too.

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Too put it mildly

You obviously don’t think they will fix things so it’s your choice and I’m sure Microsoft will be sympathetic but good luck getting your cash back from all the 3rd party developers, that sounds like a lot of letter writing.

Support the idea, they betrayed us.


Betrayed for a whole month because after completing a complete engine rewrite and performance upgrade there’s things that still need fixing? Ever considered you might be overreacting?


Engine rewrite? Lol there’sa Video from them out they literally say they turned down the visuals for xbox and we get the same build


I’ll never see that money back nor do I really care. I care more about them fixing it. It was relatively fine before that update. And the “good day” in the atc is very annoying. Maybe if it sounded more real but the way they have it now is just bad. I like the pilot edge for the more realistic flight but they need to fix all the bugs with the aircraft.

So moving stuff to other cores and completely changing how the sim works with memory was nothing then OK. Go right ahead but just be sure when making your claims that your hardware falls within their supported range because prior to the update the sim was virtually unplayable to a vast amount of users that do have the requisite hardware and for them MS and Asobo have the most duty of care.

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it was relatively fine for you but for most it was a framedropping stutterfest.

The sims works now in the limited RAM specs of xbox, nice engine upgrade lol


No, cause they haven’t fixed things. That’s great if it works for you but do you think all these people complaining are making it up. I’m guessing you’re not of the flight sim community… if nothing else the true loyalist of flight sim are some of the nicest, genuine and understanding people. Just go to a forum on or avsim and look at how people react to some of the worst screen shots I’ve ever seen, people still say “oh, great shots bud”, its actually kinda disgusting. The point is most these people have every right to be furious. We were promised this wont be another betrayal to the purist like “Flight”. Turns out, it was worse because at least Flight was free


X-box uses completely different (wider) memory bandwidths that when supported DX12 will be a huge fix for PC, in fact we are probaly seeing some of the code now. Direct Storage when fully implemented will hugely benefit those with faster drives e.g. NVme or possibly even SSD’s in a RAID-0 configuration. And with it will come more headroom for better graphics

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No one is making it up but that’s not the point, this sim just isn’t about competing with x-plane for their customers, Microsoft are courting a much wider audience most of whom would never have considered buying a flight sim without the amazing scenery that you are now complaining about. And at least Asobo is one of you and your friends although many of you don’t even want to know that but would rather just blame where non should really be attached.

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I didn’t know it had been downgraded but I had the same feeling while playing after my vacations and I came across this thread because I was wondering if other people shared the same opinion as me


MSFS had a great foundation to work off and improve the core sim issues. Instead the last year was spent tweaking and downgrading the graphics which now requires more time to get back.