Allow to refund the game on PC after update 5 graphical downgrade

No no, Microsoft spent
It’s really ridiculous, but they did

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Hmm. I’ll look into this. Thanks

The landscape is not right in both images in terms of color saturation and exposure. The colors are bleached out like in a vacation brochure that has been lying in the sun for weeks. Before SU5 this was not the case.


With respect refunds: Although I do hate the latest update for pretty obvious reasons, retrospectively I still have to call this game good value (around 20p/hour of enjoyable gametime in my case). Obviously not everyone is in the same situation here.

What concerns me is how Asobo will go forward without future steady income from the sim. I wonder if Xbox and pc will continue to be lumped together with continued botched fixes. I would rather pay a little for updates to give Asobo some incentive to do things properly and the customer more power by choosing whether to purchase or not.

It was the case for me since the Jan update…The 1st pic looked better in flight then It appears there but the cockpit was way to dark (lights are on in the 1st pic) and you cant even tell in game…

I was actually seeking advice on PC specs to build a new rig to enjoy FS with maxed-out graphics settings - and bing satellite photos enabled. I was hoping to do that for $1500-$2k. But now I’m having serious doubts about upgrading. Why bother if the graphics look the same as the HIGH setting? Would appreciate any guidance from members here and suggested specs. Thanks in advance.

I’ll leave that for someone using LOD 9 to explain and believe me the graphics are not degraded. However you are quite right in that for 1080p ultra great hardware is no longer essential, for one thing even 16GB ram is probably too much (although with the proposed cache slider you never know). Don’t expect PC to stay within XBox boundaries for long because there’s too many hardcore simmers that have splashed out on huge overspec systems that will feel cheated if that isn’t changed. An extreme mode is very likely.

They can always release a 2022 or 2023 version with some of the expected features like multi screen. Hopefully they will not start charging monthly fees for using the servers. From third party software they can also get income.

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Even after you have build this super monster PC it will be out of date by the time you use it. That’s how quickly things change :worried:
So go ahead and do it. Microsoft will correct all these minor grumbles about scenery and CTDs. A hotfix is on the way. You will enjoy superb flying with that spec, but make sure you have your machine build as a gaming machine.

Game Pass for PC users isnt anything like a bargain as for xbox users and I wont be renewing when my sub runs out.

I went ahead with 32GB RAM and an Ampere GPU and both the FS2020 update and the game pass version of The Ascent have been major disappointments. Promised features are not there and game pass is all about Day 1 access.

Yes, me too.
The game is broken since SU5.
And Asobo wont fix (throw away) this ugly Xbox stuff.
I cant fly anymore, with this ugly visuals.
Its a shame. A shame for Asobo.

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They released a second hotfix that apparently fixes the graphics. Have you updated? If so, have you noticed any difference? I will update later today

If you can’t retune your graphic settings what do you really expect?

The thing is that if we were given this version from the start none would be complaining cause it’s still the best looking sim on the market. But you just don’t advertise and release a Ferrari to just swap it for a Fiat a year later! And you can just flust the recommended specs down the toilet!

That is BS… yes we all know there’s still a couple of issues that we have already been told will be fixed in the August DACH update and fyi this “Fiat” is way quicker than your Ferrari if you manage to unleash your vsinc … Some of us have better graphics than ever not least because we followed Babu’s revised tuning guide instread of just sitting there complaining

The way it looks is not very important if you constantly have all kinds of problems and small issues, and the nature and severity of the problems change every 2 months. I had to quit for a week because i had so much issues. Since this morning i’m trying to complete a single flight but no success yet.

The one thing Asobo can’t do is update your mods and addons, if you can’t do that the problems they bring won’t go away on their own.

Most of these problems are there without mods and add-ons.

And yes a lot of add-ons cause CTDs but why can’t the sim give us an error code instead of crashing? There are no error codes in this sim at all, if something goes wrong it just crashes without saying anything.
How am i (and how are mod developers) supposed to fix these issues? People will have hundreds of mods in the future, it’s simply not possible to troubleshoot it every 2 months.

I’m guessing a great many FSX mods are going to fall by the wayside. And as for developers there is a whole set of new hoops they must jump through to work with MSFS and with good reason because Asobo will not want to be held back just to appease developers of yesteryear … However any developer need only ask to find out the new rules.

Honestly the money side of this mess is one side. The other is the insane amount of time Microsoft and Asobo are stealing from us.
All the crashes, all the fiddeling with settings to get the sim working, all the back and forth with the community folder, all the search for bugs, the reporting, etc.
Literally thousends of hours wasted for absolutelly nothing simply because they produce such a bug fest.