AMD 5800X3D performance

Praise the lord

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Main CPU spread is great now just re enabled SMT with DX12 flew all day yesterday main cpu1 I never seen more than 50% load on average.

Better to have enabled SMT? Since the last update

Ive tried on and off in past and produced smoother results off, but it ran great yesterday in DX12 enabled and seemed to reduce the heavy load on cpu1 by a fair bit so for now I’m leaving it back on unless I see any reason to disable it again.

We are talking about 5800X3D right?

Yes that’s what I’m running along with the Nvidia studio driver👍

Every set ups different but I’d do a comparison on and off with the windows resource monitor open and compare the CPU loads.

For example, if 60 FPS is already stable in an area where you fly well, you may not need to go any faster, and if you are getting the performance you want, it is often better not to turn off SMT “for other applications”.
Windows runs many programs behind MSFS, and it is generally more efficient to have SMT.

(I experimented with the SMTONOFF pattern because I wanted to know the difference, not to verify which is better. (superiority or inferiority)

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A lot of Blah blah when comes to 4k they all starting to look like 1 chip. Why I can’t find a true 4k 5800x3d bench vs 5950x and 12900k/s. Buying a 3090ti to play on a 1080p screen is like to eat Kobe Beef on a NY trashcan lid.

I agree with you.

I think the higher resolution makes it relatively harder to see the difference between the CPUs and makes it closer to comparing GPUs, so they all look the same.
So when comparing new CPUs, the media use lower resolutions because they need the ads, which is unavoidable.
We have to collect the data for ourselves.

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I have the MSI MPG Gaming Edge WiFi, and I have today just bought a 5800X3D to put in it. I was going to wait till the end of the year a buy a whole new PC with a 4090, but in all honesty I feel like, my 3090 isn’t done yet and this CPU will give me another year at least.

I just am not sure if an upgrade across the board will give me such a massive difference that it will justify the probably £4000 I would spend. I only play games now on this PC, I dont care about photoshop / Visual Studio performance, just games and MSFS / X-Plane 12, that’s all this PC does.

Anyway this is my board that I am putting the 5800X3D in, I did the BIOS update last night in earnest, told the better half this morning :heart_eyes:


Enjoy there great CPUs! certainly not worth upgrading to a 4000 series I think the current CPUs are a generation behind the graphics cards in as much as a 3090 still can’t be 100% utilised with the current 5000 gen so would be complete overkill getting a 4000

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I still have a B450 for my 5950X, but I’m seriously considering the “downgrade”. I do photo editing but don’t have applications that can make good use of the additional cores. So I guess the 5800X3D should work out.

There is no doubt the 96MB of L3 Cache produces the fastest MSFS frame rate.

This is because huge textures have to be moved from CPU to GPU. AMD know this and made a special package with the highest L3 cache ever seen in a commercial CPU.

Only server CPUs have larger caches, AMD seem to have the lead there also, at the moment.

The competitive nature of AMD means you don’t have to scrap the motherboard when updating a CPU, unlike Intel.

You can’t beat healthy competition.


Anyone using this CPU, I’m just installing mine now, so I need the 8 and 4 pin power on the motherboard, or is that just for a cpu that would want more power for overclocking?

Your motherboard manual should tell you.

Not sure. The manual of my MSI MPG Z490 board just say than both 4 and 8 pin should be connected for the card to work fine, and I guess that’s the case for all motherboard.
Saying that, the power supply I have don’t have the extra 4 pin connector, so I only connected the 8 pins one, and all work fine for more than 20 months now.
My i7-10700K is currently OC 5.0GHz all cores when flying, and in Auto mode (4,7Ghz) the remaining time… So far so good.

Still I’m amazed that the 5800X seems to so clearly surpass the 5950X which has 64MB L3 Cache. That’s alread quite a lot as well.

From memory when I built mine last month I think the 4 is for extra juice overclocking which you don’t do on the X3D anyway I may be wrong can’t quite remember but it says in the manual depending on which board your using it was in mine on the Asus tuf x570 pro

I didn’t have an 8 + 4 cable so just went with the 8. Seems to be fine! Thanks for the responses.

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I believe with the architecture of the Ryzen 9 5950x the L3 cache is broken into 2 chunks so any given core only has access to 32MB of cache.