AMD 5800X3D performance

Copying textures is actually not helped much by cache – you only touch the data once, then write it out to the GPU memory, never to be seen again. Simulation code that touches data points over and over, or follows pointers in object-oriented C++ code, will benefit a lot more from the additional cache memory as repeated uses of the same memory pay dividends.

Yes, but this isn’t an identical comparison. The 5950X has two core complexes, with each core complex having 32 MB of L3 cache. In comparison, the 5800X3D has one core complex with 96 MB of L3.


Thanks. Didn’t know that. :+1:

I getting my 5800x3d PC in 4 days. Is here someone that has undervolted 5800x3d? You cant overclock it, but maeby slightly undervolting so temps arent gettins so high? Im getting 420mm AIO with it, should be cool enough for sim anyways.

Lower voltage with PBO2Tuner has been mentioned in this thread. I think it helps to run the cooler with lower heat and lower noise.

In contrast, I think going low voltage directly in UEFI is quite difficult to stabilize and the benefit is small for the work.
The benefit of low voltage drive for Zen3 CPUs is that it is easier to keep the boost clock high by keeping the heat low.
However, the 5800X3D is L3 cache driven at 4.3GHz and is already running near the boost limit under high MSFS loads.
This is because we probably cannot expect any further increase in speed. It is +0.1 GHz at best.

I’m running -30 on all cores via PBO2 Tuner and I’m very happy with the results.

Cinebench R23 scores went up slightly and the 5800x3d temps are a good 10 degrees cooler than stock in both idle and gaming situations.

Temps now hover around the mid 60s in MSFS with CPU related settings cranked (TLOD 400, OLOD 200, etc)

I followed this guide:

With undervolting the 5800x3d and overclocking & undervolting my 3060ti, I’m getting very good performance with minimal temperature and fan noise. :+1: Very happy.


Yes there are many ways the large cache can help.

At work C++ written with Microsoft Parallels was blazingly fast, the large cache might help multiple threads access data efficiently, It was a toolpath simulation - every thread could execute in parallel if the data could be written in parallel. We got up to x150 compared to single thread.

The different architectures of one or two core complexes and one or two L3 cache is interesting. I’d like to learn more about each architecture.

BTW Microsoft Parallels requires a re-write, declaring shared memory etc. Within a Do loop it will run as many threads as possible to speed up the loop, blocking a thread if it tries to use memory another is thread using.


I’ve ran my X3D with an artic freezer ii 280 with uprated bionic 140mm fans from day one it’s never had any issues running hot ever.

Must say I am quite impressed. Reading all this incredible stuff about the great performance of the 5800X3D in MSFS I decided to take the plunge and switch from my 5950X to the 5800X3D. Using a RTX 3070 card, I did some FPS tests - the same I used for testing and comparing the performance in the different installments of the SU10 Beta and which provided comparable results

I used the same settings (C414 with PMS GTN 750, High End with TLOD and OLOD at 200 in DX11, no additional mods). Also I tried to make the scenarios as identical as possible (flying low at a certain altitude on a certain course from a certain point though PG or normal scenery, sitting at the same spot an airport etc., no clouds) and in different parts of the world.
To my utter astonishment, I had an increase in FPS between 35% and 50% over the 5950X. Also I had very few instances were I was Main Thread Limited which almost completely eliminated the stutters.

Open ocean even resulted in triple digits:


Woah I never get triple digits in MSFS but only in the menu screen hehe. My GPU is my main bottleneck. Also my 10th gen i7 is a bit of a slouch.
I have considered building a PC with the 5800X3D and 40series GPU.
I will admit I have a ton of mods installed. GSX, FSTL etc… Without those I am looking an extra 10fps. Maybe I should stick to GA. Way better performance.

Another X3D happy owner :+1:


LOL, 4.8ms main thread timing? That might be a record :slight_smile:

Why don’t you get a good GPU so you can get to 200 fps :laughing:

working on it :smiley:

I have a 5900x, a 2080ti (at the moment, but planning to switch for a more capable card) and a Samsung G9 (5120x1440 screen).
Would be a waste of money to switch to 5800x3d?
My main use is Flight Sims (DCS, MS2020, Il2) as for normal gaming I prefer Ps5.
All the comparisons I found are referring to 1080p resolution and towards 5800x and not 5900x like I have


When I push up the render scaling to 1440p (have a 1080p screen) the increases are on a similar level. So in general I wouldn’t consider switching from th 5900X to a 5800X3D a waste of money. On the contrary. I don’t exactly know how your 2080TI compares to my 3070, but I wouldn’t expect it to be far behind. A 2080TI is still quite a decent card.

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Ok. Thanks for your suggestion.
I will consider it in the coming months.

About the 2080ti is basically on par with the 3070 but it has more VRAM.

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Amazing cpu. Did get 30% boost with 2K ultra settings. +45% boost with FSLTL in use.

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I saw a significant increase in performance when I went from the 5800X to the 5800X3D paired with my 3090 - That said, any significant form of AI traffic will still really drag it down. I run the sim at 4K which probably also doesn’t help. Out over open terrain in the Fenix I can maintain 60-70 FPS, but put me at KLAX or EGLL with 60 odd AI aircraft in the sim and i’m back down to 25-30.

It would be great if Asobo optimized the AI traffic or SimObject processing.


Yeah had the same here, using on 2k with a suprim X 3080

i went from airports like KLAX / KJFK that i was getting around less than 30fps on ground to over 70 fps. just insane.

This processor is the way to go for any AM4 users. I was planning to upgrade CPU/MOBO
this made me completely change this idea. No need to buy a new mobo, DDR5 etc…

The boost this thing gives to MSFS will only be beat when the 7800x3D launch, in the meanwhile this is the best CPU on the market today for game and specially for this sim, even after the Ryzenn 7000 series ( cant say anything about the 13900K that is still coming) but for now this beat anything that is available today.

with a TDP of 105w will be really hard to beat by anything other than the future 7800x3D.

Those that are on AM4 plattaform already with a 30xx series and 32/64gb of RAM and not looking to completely upgrade the PC. This is a no brainer. The first time a single upgrade to my computer gave me soooooo much performance that surprised me.


No surprises I am finding myself GPU limited now after going to the X3D, any tips on some settings to lower to reduce VRAM usage that maybe don’t affect visuals so much?