[ANNOUNCEMENT] JRF-6 Goose | Big Radials

Why am I more interested in the Goose than the Twin Otter since the last few days? :thinking::grin:


‘cause one company decided to trash their history and appeal to the lowest bidder so to speak (which will make it irrelevant in some years) and one is doing a Grumman Goose I’m going to buy.


Let’s goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


Narrator: The Grumman Goose is such a versatile bird and has adapted to life all over our planet. From the frosty north, to the brilliant blue waters and hot humid temperatures of The Bahamas.


If you’ve flown our previous aircraft, you should know that we add things in there in sneaky ways :smiley:


Yeah, and I like the radio in the machine gun thingy in the p40. But for flying IFR at least in a lot of Europe (don’t know about US) a GPS is mandatory. And since I love to take planes on Vatsim this is essential. And also was a killer not being undockable in the Twotter. Hence I asked. The answer of Leprechaun fits your theme then, nice and hidden in a like :wink:
Now I am even more excited.


Guess who’s going to be previewing something tonight ( in ~2hrs) with yours truely??


“Yes we will be on Marketplace and Xbox, and no we don’t need to dumb anything down for Xbox.”


Nice shout out by BJ to @CodenameJack447 there in the stream for the flight model. :slight_smile:


Great stream, team. That price is incredible - just give us a launch date and I’m there.

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For the way it looks to handle and the fact that the systems are deep enough you can set the engines on fire if you mishandle them, I feel like I’d be stealing it for $25.

Please consider adding a transponder in there, otherwise it looks fantastic!

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Giving us the opportunity to purchase this great aircraft at this price encourages many more people to buy the airplane who might not have otherwise gotten it. I’ve been using the freeware port for this plane and since it isn’t an absolute favorite of mine I thought of sticking with that. After seeing the work you guys have put into this, how incredible it looks and performs, and what an incredible price you’ve put on it for us, I will be grabbing this as soon as it’s available. Thanks so much for all your hard work and contributions to the community!

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I just saw the presentation and it is really a wonderful plane.
I was very glad to hear, that you are still tweaking the sounds. Please, please take your time on that. Listening to the Twitch stream it already sounded very well, especially from outside. But for proper VR immersion you really need the nice deep hum in the cockpit. The DC6 has it, the Corsair not.
Of course sound is not the only, maybe not even the most important aspect of a good plane, but to me its the one, that can spoil an otherwise faultless plane.
The DC6 is still my No1 in MSFS whilst I dont use the Corsair at all.
If you even would be able to implement a special immersive “open window” sound, that would be the cream on top.
By the way does anyone know, how Flying Iron manages to allow the Spitfire being flown with open canopy, avoiding an overstressed airframe breakdown? It would be phantastic to fly the goose with open window in VR.

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I had to stop watching shortly after takeoff. Did they discuss pricing and a release date? I’m glad to see engine damage is coming to this. Hopefully it’ll make it’s way to the P-40, as engine damage is about the only thing that beauty is missing.


Price, yes: $25 USD. Release date, no. Not that I heard anyway.

Yeah no release date. Soon(ish). But it is already looking great. Better than some released planes

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After being burned on my last 3 purchases (AH P-51 and F3F, AS Twotter) I’d rather they take as much time as they need and not release a mess like those others and $25 is a steal for what I saw.


(Deleted as better info has been posted)

ok, so, had to leave early, but little debrief:

-as usual with last minute streams, i could see all sorts of problems witht the plane lol
-That livery is corrupted somehow, it has USCG markings where it shouldnt

  • Some sounds were vastly different than from our build, so if you already liked them, they’re gonna
    be miles better at launch

-There will be a transponder
-Windows will open without triggering a crash
-Wind noise will be present when windows are opened in flight
-The back compartment will look much better
-Theres a ski version (i dont know if Fabio showed that)
-Price will be the same as the P40, so ya around 25-26 USD depending on the rates
-Engine damage is likely to be post launch, we dont know yet
-Release date is undecided, it’ll go out when its done and we know we wont have to release a huge day one patch…hum (we might still have to do considering our launches always go ■■■■ up at some point :smiley: )


This so much!