Another big patch. LOD still terrible compared with pre Alpha 1.6.x, which looked perfect

And then they said they haven’t touched the LOD settings and they are actually looking to increase them but they did say that before after screenshots help because it is possible a bug is causing it.

There is no reason to believe they are intentionally reducing graphics quality. Porting to a console from pc is relatively easier than console to PC.

Most likely the already have one of the presets slated for it. They will fork the branch and make adjustments to that. Not wholly change the code base to accommodate xbox.


On the Twitch interview today they talk about the AA and LOD…

LOD issue

Has the performance issue been resolved. The almighty stuttering?

I’m away at the minute so cannot check it and ive stopped playing since the last patch update

Dunno what’s going on… :confused: I don’t see any difference myself. Mine looks the same now as it did on release, and I’m being completely serious. Maybe some people have borked installations or something, but I’m not having LOD problems at all.

OK., for all the doubters out there. Here is May 5th 2020, vs Sept 30th 2020. Far fewer trees more than 2 miles out. And horrible spindly trees in the mid range which just didn’t happen previously.

Also in the later version, the trees are not being antialiased as well, making the popup even more obvious.


Great News! Looks like they have heard our Lamentations!

At the 53:05 mark they address the LOD issue are looking into it and already have an idea to improve it for us!


I can’t understand this
Some people have issues with the LOD, some not
Could that be a server issue, country location, etc?
And yes, I do believe, some people have no LOD iss at all

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It’s simple. Problems don’t always affect everyone.

Lol and that will be a dreadful thing just thinking about xplane makes me cringe

Okay, but there must be something. An explanation

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Again, I wonder if the tree sizes and quantity reduction could account for a lot of what we’re seeing? I sure wish I had a copy of the original vegetation files (there are four I think) and could compare numbers…

Might be worth an experiment to adjust tree size and quantity numbers and do a test.

Yes, I’m hoping that they have just tweaked the numbers in the config files , numbers that we could restore to release values.

I wonder could it be a Teredo issue if the devs have not changed anything

It might be possible

Looks like without those far distance trees, AA is also another issue on the top of the hills

What’s your Xbox companion app settings / network?
NAT Type, etc

Some people on this forum manually tweaked the density and size of trees. Perhaps the engine draws objects based on a certain size, if the “new” trees" do not meet that requirement they fall in a different category that draws closer to the viewer? It definitely does not happen by design as stated by Asobo.

I am successfully connected to Xbox Live Network but my NAT is Moderate. And no matter how hard I tried to change it open, it did not work

Same here, i tried many times