Anyone recognise this place? 76T Work around

Guys, I think this solves the issue that that is related to this 10fps thing. However, from my testing, it doesn’t solve the issue that we are having here Performance Degradation with Upgrade

This should be clear otherwise Asobo will just do half fix thinking that workaround is the cure for all performance issues which is not


I agree with this post 100%.

There are several performance issues and the fix posted in this thread may address only one of them.

In my opinion, there are 3 issues:

  1. Generally lower FPS, playable, but lower. For example, 60 FPS is now 40 FPS. Probably related to the lower GPU utilization after last patch, which use to be at 100% but is now around 70% for example.

  2. Intermittent stutters which brings FPS from around 60 FPS to 15 FPS. Occurs to me 2 or 3 times for about a minute in a short flight (30 minutes).

  3. Super low FPS (like…2 and 3 FPS) at some locations, i.e. Bishop.

2 and 3 may be related.

In my opinion, the fix that OP posted may address ONLY this 3rd issue.

In my normal FPS test area (Rome’s Fiumicino Airport), I have been getting 50 FPS since SU3 (was higher before). But it’s still very acceptable. When I applied the fix posted by OP, my FPS went down to 30 FPS. My conclusion is that it works only for that one specific issue in those specific problem areas.

I hope Osobo does not get tunnel vision on this and address all 3 issues. I hope our performance goes back to how it was prior to SU3 (for me, at least).


I think what frustrates me the most is that the community is killing itself trying to find a fix while MS/Asobo is completely silent.

They may ALREADY know the issues and fix while we are here killing ourselves. I hope they can keep us in the loop about this, even informally.


Agree entirely with both of your posts

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It might help to read the weekly developer update. The bug is listed there to be fixed “ASAP”. And they did already acknowledge the bug. So no “complete silence” at all.


At least this workaraound will help to narrow it down.

You don’t have to resize the window, just click on the small triangle at the top of the box to minimize it.

Sorry but that is not nearly enough communication for something that affects almost everyone, and for some, is making the sim unplayable.

But if that one line in the dev update does it for you, I am glad. In the meantime, the community is killing itself trying to figure this thing out when the Devs may already know what is going on.


To be fair not everyone works on a sunday :slight_smile:

People on Avsim tried this, it doesn’t work if you fly away from the airport where you started,


I just did a flight from EIDW to EGNT with the “fix” when close to and landing at EGNT it had no airport just photo base, grass runways. Sadly this does not work for longer flights.

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People always think they are entitled to hourly personal bulletins…

We know it is worked on. We know they are going to fix it. All this moping and whining does not help. All this entitlement is just silly.


From memory , minimizing it left it as a single title bar in my right eye vision, so I had to move it / shrink it so it fid not appear in either eye.

It works but it’s for sure a work around. I’m quite appreciative to see some places stutter free that I haven’t in almost 2 weeks. It doesn’t allow new scenery to enter. Flying in the dark to my home airport, which is regdesigns-cykf-waterloo. The airport wouldn’t draw in, in a few attempts until scenery editor closed. Thanks, this for sure got me a lot farther than no fix, was nice to fly somewhere other than Asia and The Alps, and a few other spots I found larger unaffected areas. One thing this bug has done, is got me flying in spots I wouldn’t have, or as often.

I have to disagree respectfully. When the fps makes the sim completely unplayable for many that is not “moping and whining.” That is warranted frustration about a product folks have already spent hundreds if not thousands of dollars to run…as I have. Now…if the company who actually makes a product and puts it in to the marketplace and then harms its own product after you paid good money you absolutely have a right to be “moping and whining.” You can’t play the sim!

The part that is most frustrating for people is they want to play this amazing sim. They want to keep buying addons and improving it. Now…I have a high end rig…so I can play…but hardly an enjoyable experience right now. Live traffic is a mess too.

When you say “we know it is worked on. We know they are going to fix it” there are many things that have not been fixed six months since launch and there are things that still don’t work that Asobo marketed would work at launch. So please forgive those who are “moping and whining!”


Totally agree, a lot of people are talking like MSFS was a freeware … it isn’t !!


It seemed odd as when at 76T I was looking at the task manager performance screen and noticed nothing was changing, cpu sat fairly idle, gpu also, memory at 41%, no network activity so I thought that maybe something is causing a loop and it seemed logical that it’s probably in the scenery, so I thought let’s open the scenery editor and have a look, and the rest is history. Just dumb luck I suppose. :rofl:

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I’m not sure to be honest, I haven’t really tried, I did notice that you need to leave the scenery editor open otherwise it just drops back to single FPS, I’ll try it today and let you know how I get on.

Just raised a ticket stating the work around, hopefully it may help them correct the issue.

So you don’t have the problem that many people have, that doesn’t give you a right to talk down to people. That’s just rude.