ATC keeps telling me to please expedite my climb to my assigned altitude

Well, 1.18.15 didn’t fix the ATC altitude problem, either. In fact, it seems worse because now ATC can’t tell my altitude even when the OAT is functioning properly.

NOTE: I just randomly took this pic and didn’t notice the names of the waypoints until I started annotating the pic. IOW, that wasn’t planned. For them as are interested in going to the ■■■■ and MIND waypoints, this was a trip from SVMG to SMJP using high-altitude airways along the old Spanish Main.

Edit: HAHAHA, this forum even censored a legit waypoint name :upside_down_face:


The hotfix was never meant to fix the ATC altitude problem, so I am not sure what your issue is here?

We know it’s broke… we know why it’s broke and we have been told when it will be fixed.



It’s annoying I know. I think the fix for it is coming in the next big update. I could be wrong but it’s been moved back until September? For now what I do is when I get told to contact an ATC, I tune into that ATC, but dont make contact. I only make contact when Im close to my destination. That way it shuts them up for abit :joy:

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“I think the fix for it is coming…’. ‘I could be wrong…’. I hope you’re right as that would be great.

That picture is telling more than a thousand words.

All - I have had it with MSFS - 2020. Multiple issues with setting up hardware which should work and does not, mouse wont turn on buttons switches, ATC/NAV/ILS all of it been broke since Aug 2020, that is year for those challenged by time. Tonight, my frustration reached the heavens, I purchased the DC Designes F-14, because I wanted a plane which actually works, well it does, the underlying sim does not. I have seen multiple threads and watched videos of this plane flying, taking off, being turned on, from cold and dark, and I am unable to do it, the important mouse button actuations don’t work. Have had this sim up to hear and beyond. I removed it and X-Box services from my PC an hour ago. I will now use only FSX, because it works. Enjoy this massived junk heap. I will check back in 6 months to see if it’s better, if not will then wait year, by then PC won’t run it, so most likely going to chaulk this up to a bad purchase. Oh, did complete OEM USB Drive Rebuild of PC after V5 Update last month trashed the store and could not update period. Took 5 days to get PC back to now, then 20+ hours to completely reinstall the game and another 4 hours to download the extra content paid for as part of purchase. So it’s not my install, it’s not my PC, it’s NOT my OS, it’s the code in this game is XXXX.

Same here.

Heheh, 1.18.x broke a bunch of stuff, and arbitrarily changed other things for the worse for no good reason (tooltips, for example). All of that is VERY aggravating and discouraging but I’m dealing with it. And really, the ATC not knowing what altitude I’m really at is pretty harmless as things go. But the constant nagging is annoying as Hell and reminds me of other, more serious issues, so I find it symbolizes the whole 1.18.x mess quite well. Hence, the pic, with the hilariously appropriate waypoint shown by pure chance :slight_smile:

That said, I don’t totally hate 1.18.x. I mean, it brought in all the Xbox folks so the skies are once again full of folks with silly, obscene, and/or quite imaginative names again. Also, seaplanes FINALLY got the ability to taxi into and out of the water, which was pretty high on my wishlist. Too bad all the new ones have major issues with taxiing, either in the water or on land. But hey, we’re making progress at least :slight_smile:


What were you thinking? Ok, MSFS s**ks on my rig, let’s see if installing the F-14 solves the problem?
Predictable outcome: Nope, it won’t help.
Good luck with FSX and above all, happy :small_airplane:

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My work around for this bug and to keep using ATC is to fly VOR to VOR VFR… even at 44500 feet! :joy:. A little unrealistic, but so is the altitude bug.

I have been changing the baro down until it shuts up. Sometimes I’m at 28.90in… pretty shoddy that it’s not been patched

same issue here. need to climb 800 ft higher to make her happy.

This is a bug introduced after SU5 - the barometric pressure doesn’t match up with live weather and ATC, which therefore thinks you’re at the wrong altitude. It will hopefully be rectified in the next major update in Sept.

In the meantime, I do the following to get around it - annoying, but it works:

  • During the climb to cruise, I add 500’ to my assigned altitude to trigger ATC for the next level.
  • As I get higher this sometimes needs to be raised to 1000’ or even 1500’ more.
  • After reaching cruise altitude and I get calls to climb to proper altitude, I cancel IFR. I then request Flight Following.
  • If this choice isn’t available, I change the frequency to get peace and quiet. :slightly_smiling_face:
  • About 10NM from my TOD I Request to refile original IFR flight plan. The calls for altitude adjustment pretty much go away after beginning descent.

why theres no option to “vote” on this post?

Hi there,
No one can vote vote on topics in General Discussion. You can only vote in three places in the forums:

  1. Bugs & Issues
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The bug corresponding to this issue is here:

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Just hit ‘B’ to set your barometric reference to the correct setting

I have the same problem. I am
Asked to expedite to FL 300 when I am already there with the correct baro at 29.92. Adding 1500’ to FL300 at Baro 29.92 shut the tower up for me. Although, when handed off to another tower, my radio communication to the tower sends I am at FL315 descending to FL300.

Fix would be awesome for this :wink:

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This is driving me nuts!! Does anyone know if this will be fixed in world update 6?

It’s not an Baro problem.

Even if you hit “B” while in flight, ATC still yells at you like a drunk ex-girlfriend at 3am.


As I understand it, this is a barometric issue with Live Weather whereby ATC thinks you’re not at the correct altitude (though you are). This is to be resolved in the upcoming update.

Yes, it’s a pain right now. What I do to shut ATC up is:

  • Proceed up another 500 to 1500 ft (the BP error becomes worse at higher altitudes) to trigger the call for the next step of the climb
  • When at cruise I change the frequency and all is quiet.
  • About 10 nm before my TOD I request Flight Following
  • As soon as Flight Following is established I request my Original IFR Flight Plan
  • I request descent and the issue pretty well abates for the approach.

Again, Asobo is aware of this and has stated it is part of the next update.