Anyone else having the bug where ATC radio through (continuously) to tell me to expedite to my assigned altitude,even though I’m already at the correct altitude?
Anyone else having the bug where ATC radio through (continuously) to tell me to expedite to my assigned altitude,even though I’m already at the correct altitude?
Yes, I also had, and then walked 700 ft and then it went. was pretty strange,
whether that’s a bug hmm
(sorry englisch google translate)
I still couldn’t play after the hotfix (too many CTDs). Before, on SU5, the ATC was using barometric altitude, not FL. So, if you would set barometric altitude, the ATC would shut up.
Yea for a while I kept getting told I was 600ft below FL410. Altimeter was set to standard as well. Can’t seem to replicate though, and I believe it’s only when I let MSFS do my flight plan for me.
Oh Yeah! Please tell the guys from the ATC: " IT’S FORBIDDEN DO BE DRUNK ON DUTY!!!"
The altimeter set above FL180 should be 2992 / 1013
Same for me : FL180, baro was at 2992 and ATC didn’t stop telling me to climb to FL180 and during approach, ATC put me at 6000 ft instead of 2000 ft to capture ILS, the result : I was way too high to land
Strangely, I had the same problem for a landing at San Jose : ATC put me too high to land : declared missing landing and finally ATC guided me well to a second landing attempt.
Yes, same for me. i’m flying with IA traffic and ATC is contine call all the IA flights and tell them to change altitude… please do something.
Same for me, on pc windows Store version. Arrived at FL290 as requested by ATC, altimeter on standard and keep saying I am 400ft below assigned altitude.
Seems that ATC still keeps the ground QNH for any flight level, even above transition altitude.
Should be great also to have ATC to detect local transition altitude or at least the one input in the FMS to change to standard. can be more realistic and seems be simple to have an if/else on the transition altitude vars.
By the way, hope to have a quick fix for the standard QNH as fast as the previous fix. It is almost perfect.
Yep, It’s annoying
Moreover, the current altitude is always lower or higher than the specified or automatically managed altitude ranging from 100ft to 300ft
The aircraft is lasted of development A32NX
I’m getting this flying IFR in any plane, constantly told to expedite my climb. Using correct baro too. It was fine before the update.
This is apparently tied to live weather. Altitude can be off by as much as 2500ft whilst using live weather. I saw this post about it.
Using preset weather is a workaround for now
same here, was fine before update
Same here. very annoying
Came here for this, voted.
Just seen a few posts on the and have voted. Its really annoying and seems to only have happened since the most recebnt update. Was hoping it would be rectified in the latest “hotfix” as well. I am having issues in the 787 but from the thread it seems to be across multiple planes. It also seems to be across both the PC and the XBOX releases (I am a PC user).
I have the same problem.
It does NOT matter if one is flying above 18000 ft with the altimeter set to 29.92, or below 18000 with the altimeter set as instructed. The bug happens in both cases.
I tested using the wrong setting of 29.92 below 18000 ft, hoping that doing so would be a reverse version of the sim bug, and thus cancel it out… doesn’t help either.
My record was 1700ft, that I had to climb above my “official” altitude to get ATC to stop bugging me. (Of course, I was already at my aircraft’s ceiling.)
Yes the Same here. Im currently at FL360 and ATC told me to climb to FL350. Very annoying
Same here since latest update.
In the last flight was constantly told to expedite my descent to 18000 while I was supposed to be FL35000 and this was at the beginning of the flight. Really annoying and having to play with volume down as its every minute Im gettting called