ATR - cannot start engines after shutting down

After I shut down the engines and switch to ground power I cannot start them again. No Nh rotation. Additionally, the panel lights won’t work and all illuminated pushbuttons are suspiciously dim. The only way to fly more than one leg is to restart the flight. I believe this problem has been around for a long time but I fly ATR very rarely. Is there any sort of workaround for this?

Hello @juk1236743,
I’ve added the ATR tags but wasn’t sure which ATR so I added both!

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Saw this from earlier this year. Looks like it fixes several battery, generator and charging issues. If you havent updated the ATR I would try this update.

My ATR is up to date

I am having the same issue, even after latest update.

I have flown one leg, but for the second leg, I am not able to start the engines again.

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Should be moved to the bug section with voting able …

Updated ATR and I am having the same issues.

Guys, make sure you have enough voltage in your batteries.

Also, some smaller airports sont have enough powerful GPU, for those you have to run hotel mode

In order to run Hotel mode, we need to be able to start the engine. Which, we can’t. At least after shutting down already.

Same issue reported here too:

Could it be linked to that bug report ?