[August 24, 2023] Expert Series I: ATR 42-600 / 72-600 Update 1.0.31

One thing, usually pilots use the auxiliary pump to engage it, not to disengage it.

When pilots disengage it before taxiing, the exact procedure they usually follow :

  • Starting engine 1
  • After successful start, Put engine 1 condition lever in Auto
  • Once engine 1 is stabilised with Np at 70.8%, disengage Prop Brake
  • Once propeller rotation confirmed, put Engine 2 condition lever in auto
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Not sure if I made it right, my NP only stay at 63.3% ? Engine #2 is already in Hotel Mode with PROP BRK !

At our operator we start 2 in hotel. On the push spin 2 by engaging aux pump and releasing prop brake, then start 1 and increase both to auto

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You shouldnā€™t set number 2 to auto with prop brake engaged. Release the prop brake and then bring to auto


Ok, I missed this point :+1:

[EDIT] So, it should be like this, before releasing PROP BRK ?

Not easy to learn alone and to see what we are doing wrong. I admit Iā€™ve put this addon a bit on the side, by not understanding what were the bad actions Iā€™ve performed. Today Iā€™ve learned some important steps to bring it up and running, thanks to the community :+1:
It would have been a pity otherwise, as I really love this aircraft. :slightly_smiling_face:

There is a bug currently where Np do not get high enough for AC Wild generators to engage with throttle at Ground Idle

just give a bit of throttle for now on engine 1, AFAWK a patch is in the works, but donā€™t know where it will be ready

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On my side I used Magnar Nordal video as a reference, but other operators such as yours will have different procedures

It looks like 70% NP is around this position :

Right now, yes.

Before SU14, it was at the GI position (Ground Idle), like real life, but SU14 change things a bit on that front.

Should be fixed when the next patch for the craft is out

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I hope it will be soon. This hydraulic pressure loss is so annoying that I practically stopped flying it.

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I used to think so too but after getting used to putting the throttle levers slightly open itā€™s no longer a huge issue. My biggest complaint with the ATR is the bright side window. Itā€™s worse at night and it looks like thereā€™s a bright light reflecting off the window.

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I reported the problem since SU13 beta (August) and it has not been fixed yet ATR: Idle problem with SU13 Beta


Thanks, voted.

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Do you have keybindings for lights? One of Land or Taxi bindings, canā€™t remember which, on my yoke triggers light to glow from the left window no matter the switches inside the actual plane. Turning the physical switch off fixes it.

I have to say Iā€™m very relieved hearing from Jƶrg in the last dev stream that Hans and team are still very active on the project and we can expect more fixes. In addition the commitment to receive future model enhancements following the real aircraft evolution is also encouraging.

It is the tube I fly most and it is fantastic to hear that it will continue to receive attention from Microsoft and the devs.


Jƶrg did not say it will be on a Majestics level.

Nor should it be IMO.

Majestic is an exception more than anything else in the sim world

I want to believe. ATR72 is a joy to fly, it needs proper support though.

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Jorg also did not mention the -600F which was originally due to be in the initial release :frowning:

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