[August 24, 2023] Expert Series I: ATR 42-600 / 72-600 Update 1.0.31

I’ve reported the fail of terrain radar that show red as if the plane was surrounded by mountains, despite are flying over plain terrain. Before the update this terrain radar works fine. The WX radar still don’t work. The DH - MDA knob was sincronized OK, but since that, no “minimums, minimums” anounce works.
Has someone experienced these findings?

A day later (today) I’ve made a flight without problems, the aircraft and settings are exatly the same. The pictures from Telluride arrival and parking:

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I didn’t try terrain, but the weather radar worked for me during the one flight I took yesterday.

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Your updates are nice and nice, but the essential corrections have not been made, in particular the intensity of the lighting of the blue fonts on the PFD

What is TRU anyway??? Ive been turning it on since watching a video and turning it off when leaving the runway on landing…and never really know what it is…

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Thanks. Can tell me your’s WX radar settings?

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Transformer Rectifier Unit

Basically, it transform AC power from the AC Wild generator #2 into DC power

It’s a checklist item to put it to on now when AC Wild gens are online after a rash of DC generator failing


Guys do you leave these options enabled or disabled? Earlier in the ATR I “missed a flight” of more than 2 hours because I was about 5 seconds above the speed limit of the aircraft.


Disabled, as there seem to be issues with some planes. Especislly 3rd party/non-default ones.


Have you, at least, turned the brightness up on the displays? Doing so helps quite a bit with this.

I leave those options disabled. Many reasons - 1 is that many 3rd party aircraft have “stress” damage due to open windows above ground, etc… Second is that with failures present on some aircraft, there are tons of checklists to be run when you have a tailstrike, etc… Not all crashes end with nothing else to do.


I leave it enabled, not problem at all (if I don’t crash, of course). Note: I use only 3 aircraft, Tiger Moth, Cessna 310R and ATR 42 600. Only disabled to replay.

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I have to say that this version update works fine at last on ILS approaches, more screen on MCDU to insert performance data. The two MCDUs work differently​:+1:. The integration with simbrief it’s perfect on weights and flight plan data and the very first time i managed to landing without bumping on the runway :clap::clap::clap::clap:

Good work on that althought still is a very floaty plane ,but improving from past updates.

Now I would like that FSIPanel works on ATR for practise landings and whatever its possible with the program.



I still have doubts about the insertion of weights by the tablet via Simbrief. I did a test, and if you zero the weights in the options of the simulator itself and insert the weights by the Tablet, the FMC on the weight page will show a very questionable CG. Is it really inserted?

The entire weights thing is just a mess. “Set fuel” sets the fuel but “Set payload” doesn’t set the payload. The load aircraft thing decides to change the GW as soon as you press the button to less than what was calculated. Holding the FMC weights buttons give slightly different results than what’s in the W&B page.

Please fix it so when I click set fuel and set payload it loads the plane with the planned fuel and payload, and that’s it. Doesn’t need to be so complex.


Everytime I am in hotel mode and turn off the prop brake the engine turns on properlly, however the animation appears as if it was still… any solutions?

The solution is to pressurize the blue hydraulic system with the AUX pump before disengaging the propeller brake.


Newbie question here…
Just started flying the ATR three days ago , and the update was today.
With the help of video tutorials, I managed to sort out almost everything, but since today’s update, when I press the “TO CONFIG” during taxi, I get an error “CONFIG FLT CTL” in the ECAM. When taking off, the error appears again with a Master Alarm horn. If I silence the horn, the error seems to disappear.
And, yes, the gust-lock is removed when doing the TO config test.
So, bug or my mistake?
THanks in advance for any insight
BTW - great plane, I am starting to fall in love with it, despite its few bugs and quirks.

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Has anyone done a multi-leg flight in this new update yet? I just did one and on the second leg, the autopilot absolutely would not engage. I’ve been flying this plane for a while now, so a, following the correct procedures.

I do it afer taxi, before T/O, no problem at all (also today with the updated version)

Did you set the trim to the suggested value? It’s usually around 1.1-1.3. There’s not much that the takeoff config is looking for that I can remember.