Axis and Ohs: Help and questions

Sorry my bad. I extracted the files without tiping in the password. The files got extracted, but the error message showed up.

Now with entering the PW everything works.

Hi, i use the latest lorby axis and Ohs and when i turn the starter knob in the Saitek Pro Flight Switch Panel to off the knob only goes on direction left to the off position but i cant get the cessna 152 starter to OFF position
any idea?

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sounds strange. I am certain that it used to work in the C152, that was my preferred aircraft for testing MSFS. I will look into it.

Is it the same with all aircraft? There is always the possibility that any MSFS update changes something in the aircraft or simulator logic that counteracts the SimConnect events used by AAO.

Best regards
Oliver Binder

With the new update, is there a way of activating the avionics switch on the switch panel?

When you actuate the avionics switch, AAO sends the corresponding event from the SDK “TOGGLE_AVIONICS_MASTER”. If the aircraft that you are flying reacts to that or not is in the logic of the airplane, not in AAO. You can change the event that is sent by AAO yourself if there is another one that works for this aircraft (see SDK documentation). In a later version there will be the option to run LUA scripts which may help with more complex aircraft.

Best regards
Oliver Binder

Hello, the Radio Panels staying dark. But they work
what can i do?

Will check it, was the latest Version of MF with the simconnect patch.

Did yesterday’s patch fix the simconnect problems?

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Im having trouble getting the Axis and Ohs web panels to work across my local network - my windows firewall is blocking it (works if i disable it).

Does anybody know how to change rules on Windows 10 firewall to allows Accross and Ohs to work across my LAN?

Thank you

edit - the web panels dont actually seem to work they dont update correctly. shame - unless this is my error?

edit2: they seem to be working now after a reload :slight_smile: just need to fix this firewall issue

Make sure that “Ignore sim electrical power” is ACTIVE in the AAO “Tools” menu.

AAO is using the http port 8080, that should always be accessible. But I can add a parameter for that port in the app (or change it to plain old port 80), should that become necessary. So in the firewall you would have to check if 8080 is free to access from your target device, maybe add a port forwarding rule to your router. But I won’t pretend that I am in any way a network tech

The Web FIPs use a fair bit of Javascript and asynchronous requests, so if something gets stuck, the safest bet is to restart the app and the browser for a fresh sync.

Best regards
Oliver Binder

Make sure that “Ignore sim electrical power” is ACTIVE in the AAO “Tools” menu.

It was.

Strange. That and the Windows EPM are the only things I know that would prevent the displays from showing data.

EPM? What’s that?

EPM? What’s that?

Windows 8/10 Enhanced Power Management. There is an option in the AAO Tools menu to turn that off, but you have to run the app “As Administrator” and restart your PC after you made the change.

btw, for the next version of AAO I am creating a few simple FIP gauges, for example basic radios:

Best regards
Oliver Binder

I just tried that on my end, I can’t see anything wrong with the Switch Panel. The Magneto switch turns through all positions, OFF, R, L, BOTH, START, both on the panel and in the Cockpit of the C152.

Sometimes when you turn it quickly from the START position right to OFF, it may get out of sync and go back to BOTH from R. But cycling OFF-R-OFF fixes that for me.

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Ok perhaps it was to quick i test it.

Switch Panel only at this time, works well on the simplest aircraft, but I can’t rebind any of the switches. It crashes every single time I click the Events button (Tools -> Saitek Panel Config -> Events).

Have tried with both the newest version and an older one (forget version number). Same error on both. Have also tried both in and out of the sim, and in and out of aircraft. Getting the Multipanel next week, so I need to find a software that works with that one. Currently I use DCS Flight Panels which works well with the simple Switch Panel, but it does not work for the ones with displays apparently.

Please try the Events button when you are connected to the sim and the aircraft has been recognized. That button shouldn’t be active in this app state but unfortunately it is (that is a bug to be fixed in the next version).

When rebinding switches please be mindful that not all events are currently working in MSFS and not all events are known at this point. Especially the glass cockpits seem to be using a few tricks under the hood that are not yet part of the SDK documentation.

Best regards
Oliver Binder