Bad performance (Low FPS) with World Update 3 and new London photogrammetry - possible memory leaks

So I have managed to get it to work in the northern half of the city, I do have the uk2000 Bristol airport installed from the app store, copious amounts of uninstalling, reinstalling and clearing the cache has fixed it. However there is still not Photogrammetry data for anything South of the River Avon in Bristol, which is disappointing seeing as that’s a big chunk of the city!


64 gig ram
3090 gpu
ping 16ms
60 Mbps

Microsoft Server 23ms …have tried northern and western europe servers

Communtity folder empty
all settings on except multiplayer
rolling cache off and deleted
graphics set to high end

Have turned all settings off and saved and turned back on with no affect
No photogrammetry over london at all…haven’t tried any other areas…just dont know what to do from here.
Boats have appeared on the river…2 in fact where hms belfast should be but that’s about the only thing
i see that has changed …everything else is as it was before …stamford bridge is flat and buckingham palace auto generated as before…albert hall as before.

Any sensible suggestions much appreciated

Did you download the United Kingdom from the Market Place?

yes downloaded from market place first…then went into sim and it upgraded to latest patch

Did you activate photogrammetry data and bing data in your settings?

yes …all settings are on except for multi player

Have you ever tried to deactivate and reactivate then restart your simulation?

yes…turned all options off and applied…exited the sim…restarted and then set all options back on except multiplayer

How did you download the UK extras from the marketplace before updating MSFS?

i went to game store and selected MSFS2020…it automatically started to download an update…once it had downloaded i clicked on run and the sim started up

Ok, I assume then it downloaded 20GB content, right?>

Then AFTER you still need to get the free UK package from the market place. Another 5GB.

I am just making sure all the correct steps were taken.

once the sim started it downloaded 23 Gig

ok let me check the ingame marketplace and see if i have missed something…i dont think i have but will try that right away

ok …how odd…it is downloading a 4.93Gig update…fingers crossed …will let you know if this works :slight_smile:

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That’s the one! :+1::grin:Enjoy!

It will :smiley:

ok…happy bunny here…:)…thank you all for your help…much appreciated

Yeah, I totally missed this step as well! I don’t remember having to do this for the Japan and US updates. Then again, I have a pretty shocking memory :slight_smile:

I don’t want to be a hater, but…

Before the UK update I could clearly see my house, now it’s a massive barn! I can’t see my neighbours house because it’s surrounded by trees even though in real life it’s not!

Some rivers are about X3 wider!

There’s trees in the middle of the roads!

Some side roads are covered in grass!

There was none of these bugs before the UK update.

Has anyone else noticed these issues??

By the way I still love this game and it’s incredible, I just wish I could see my house again :sob:

If you have a manual or rolling cache; disable or clear it.

Make sure ‘Bing data’ and ‘Photogrammetry’ are turned on in the settings.

If you have community mods (especially scenery ones), disable those before testing.