Bad performance (Low FPS) with World Update 3 and new London photogrammetry - possible memory leaks

Do you have any add-ons in your Community folder? If yes, please remove and retest before posting.

Yes and did remove them.

Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?

Yes, used it for FPS and relevant data only.

Brief description of the issue:

Photogrammetry buildings look very low resolution and take a long time to load as if in a really bad connection. Network use it 0.1%. The sim is not using all bandwidth it can.

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

Detail steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

Just load any dense photogrammetry city.

PC specs for those who want to assist (if not entered in your profile)

i5 2500k @4.5
Geforce RTX 2080s
16GB Ram DDR3
108Mbps internet connection
Win 10 latest version

Did you submit this to Zendesk? If so, what is your ticket #?


This latest update has really spoilt the sim. The scenery has become a huge disappointment, like looking at Legoland Buildings and the fields over the U.K. are just glorified artificial green grass with a smattering of fake cornfields. From Essex to the Isle-of-Wight everything similar. Now looking not that much better than FSX default scenery. I had far better 3rd party photo type scenery in FSX. I hope that this is not a reduction in quality in order to accommodate those with basic computers, if so I will return to FSX. Southend-on-Sea has gained the pier at the expense of losing the ploughed fields and authentic looking countryside. I have removed all in Community Folder with, as expected, no difference at all. Scrap the update until problems resolved please.

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Hey @moderators - can we kindly merge this to the LOD/Photogrammetry vote already in place?

I donā€™t think it has to do with Asobo lowering the quality but some sort of issue thatā€™s preventing the sim from accesssing more bandwidth and downloading what it needs to.

Or maybe their servers are just blowing up from the amount of people online.

Where do you find the local catch folder?

Try xplane 11 with orbx true earth UK, looks way better

Got the same problem. Have you had any luck solving it? Thank you

No not yet and zendesk sent me back to the forumsā€¦

No idea why the mods have split and moved my Bristol photogrammetry thread to London photogrammetry problems, Bristol is not in London!!

The fields look really realistic to me in the G2 and even though Iā€™m a 1000 feet up they look visually 3D a stunning effect. The photogrammetry is amazing - the feeling of flying low along the river Avon up towards the Clifton suspension bridge and seeing the houses perched on the cliff will stay with me forever and have you taken off from Out Skerries airport yet OMG.

If youā€™re struggling with photogrammetry detail you can always create a high detailed download area. Some buildings in photogrammetry can still look rough but third parties will pickup this, Orbx is already working on updates to London.

A truely incredible World Update with amazing high detail textures, elevation much improved, high quality POIā€™s and amazing photogrammetry covering cities with over a 1000 years of history - breathtaking.

Looks as if there are massive memory leaks in the London scenery. My laptop is an older i7-6700HQ with 16gb RAM and Nvidia GTX 960m and has been quite playable on Ultra with reduced resolution before the update, even with a bunch of other programs running. Since the update however memory consumption has gone bonkers whenever I try to fly into London City and performance is unplayable. I had a 16gb swap file but it was not enough so went back to having Windows manage it. Flights in other regions are fine

Guys hereā€™s some news
since last night, I was working on finding a better way to gain more FPS
I looked around and tried changing the settings of [Options]->[Graphics]->[V-Sync] and turned it [Off]

I gained around 10 FPS more on 3840x2160 (Total 30), Double the FPS on 2560x1440 (Total 42).
Both tests are using [Global Rendering Quality = ULTRA], Monitor 4K Philips 43" TV 60 Hertz
AC: A320neo

PC Specs:
Nvidia 3060ti
32Gb Asrock AMD Ryzen 5 5600Xā€ Motherboard

Not bad at all as these settings suit my needs for flying globally.
Wish this information helps.
Bo Nooraa

Have you changed anything in the Nvidia CP as well? do you have the Vsync activated in the Nvidia CP?

There is a chance this is related to this:
V1.13.16.0 - screen tearing not a bug but a design change

I didnā€™t spend much time looking at this yet, but this is a solid explanation.

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Just chiming in with similar experience in London. FPS in the low teens and frequent 1-2 second pauses. (Specs Ryzen 5 5600x, 5700xt, 32gb ram) Not seeing this issue with other photogrammatry cities. Iā€™d assumed it was because there were hundreds of others flying in the same place but not sure if that would cause it? No issues with quality of the photogrammetry itself though.


I dont think it has anything to do with so many people flying in that area. I even had turned off multiplayer and i loaded the whole photogrammetry into my 100GB rolling cache i think and still got bad FPS in low altitude flights.

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It might be there are also errors in the mesh causing these drops of performance. Iā€™ve noticed there are places where all of a sudden FS2020 is trying to consume much more VRAM than available and this is causing stuttering in the 10ā€™s fps as expected, and once past the area it resumes as if nothing happened.

Here is an example of mesh bug:
[World Update 3] London Photogrammetry Mesh Holes

I donā€™t know why these topics were merged, but I do not think they are the same.

Iā€™m not flying in London nor have I downloaded the new London scenery. All Iā€™ve done is the update and now I canā€™t load in anywhere, city or rural, on any continent, for more than about 10 minutes before my frame rates start to drop to the low teens with no heavy load on either my CPU or GPU. My normal frame rate on high end graphics is in the 40s. Moving my graphics settings has no effect on this. My community folder is empty. It doesnā€™t matter the weather or whether Iā€™ve got live or AI traffic on or off. I get a pegged Main Thread indication on the FPS monitor, super low FPS, and very low loads on the GPU and CPU. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Also noticed during main splash screen the audio( music) skips. At menu there is input lag as well in the world map. Memory leak?

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Yup same thingā€¦main thread and manipulators pegged red