Big circle of low res textures around my plane

Big circle of low res textures around my plane. This is completely ruining my flights. I changed no settings and it started happening around the time of the last update.

That’s a different issue to one discussed in this thread.

What do you have your TLOD set to?

Right. I’ll make a new post. TLOD is set at 200. I played with the setting, up to max and it made zero difference. Thanks.

There are other variables to consider also. Altitude being one. Think of the region around you as a sphere rather than a circle. The higher you are the lower the LOD of the terrain will be, at least that’s how I believe it works.

The other being the data for the region you are in. Some parts of the world have better representation than others.

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Thanks. I have flown these routes before and the ground imagery is detailed. I have also checked the coverage with Bing and the area is high res. These areas are covered in hi res imagery. This is a completely new phenomenon for me. It’s just a circle around the plane. Just beyond the circle of low res, the ground is highly detailed.

Do you have a lat/long for that region, and an altitude, so anyone who wishes to replicate can do so?

I can provide my flightplan. However, regardless of where I fly in the world, I have the same thing happening. Same thing at FL3xxx in the PMDG737, USA, Canada.

I moved these posts into Scenery & Airports

I believe there’s an existing bug on this but I’ll need to find it.

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Please do, though it would be handy to know two things:

  1. Exactly where you see this.
  2. What you expect to see at that altitude

If your answer to 2 is exactly what you see from ground level I have some bad news for you.

@hobanagerik @UnheardAmoeba55
It may be this bug?

I e found that using a VPN usually resolves this

This has been posted about for over 18 months on another thread, however the devs have never made a progress fixing it and the problem seems to be getting worse. If it’s the same problem as the other thread it’s 100% repeatable in many world areas. French alps are riddled with this. It’s really pushing my towards XP12 heavily now…

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Will try Proton. Thanks

Any luck getting the lat/long, or nearest airport, and altitude please? I would like to replicate what you were seeing.

Sorry, I had meant to provide you with that. I was flying CYVP to CYPX. The issue starts at a few thousand feet AGL and continued for the entire flight. I think I was at about 8000’. However, this happens regardless of where I fly, my altitude or aircraft. Thanks!

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Everywhere i fly i have Same issue here

Bug not yet fixed in build Here is Courchevel:

Just to make sure, I am guessing the fix above fixes the tiles popping in and out from World Updates?

As in this one:

I would recommend clearing the rolling cache, if you have it on.

It may also be your TLOD.

Or maybe they just haven’t done all of the areas yet.

I don’t use the rolling cache, TLOD is 200.

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