I have noticed both on Caravan and to a lesser degree on the King Air, that maybe the autopilot coupling with the GTN750XI can be a little slack sometimes on a waypoint turn leading to fishtailing and even divergent fishtailing, but it isnt a colossal problem for me as I just pick the next waypoint and do a direct to, which settles it all down. Like I say, it isnt a big problem but just an observation that I would like to offer up. Nothing will stop me loving both aircraft.
About 10 nm. Trying to fly to and land with an old-school RNAV approach. Certainly not that close.
Coming from WP1 to WP2, with no wind, HDG of 130 should hold the 130 course if I’m on that line. It didn’t. It took me from WP1, then left of the line, then back to the line at WP2. It did the same thing with using a VOR 70 nm away. Same track error, whether at 500 ft or 4000 ft.
I think there’s an error in the trig calculations.
I am having trouble getting the new KAP-140 to capture an altitude… If I preset the altitude on the ground, turn on the autopilot after takeoff, and leave it in PIT mode, I see ALT ARM on the display but most of the time it just flies straight through the set altitude.
It does capture the altitude on some flights, but in that case if I select a lower altitude and hit the ALT button to enter V/S mode, I see “0 FPM” on the display and the UP/DN buttons do not change the V/S.
I did not have any trouble with the default KAP-140 or the modded KAP-140, so I am not sure whether this could be a conflict with other mods.
Also, is there a way to turn on the autopilot and enter V/S mode during the climb besides hitting the ALT button which makes it level off at the current altitude?
maybe a wrong throttle management, if you keep going full throttle the plane will automatically climb, you have to lower the power to maintain an altitud, sometime he keep climbing just because it take ask a delay to stabilize altitude and can experience this feeling he keep climbing, but you have to give to the ap time to stabilize the VS , then he will lower slowly the alt
the ARM feature ( in not emulated in msfs and working neither as far as know)
“about It does capture the altitude on some flights, but in that case if I select a lower altitude and hit the ALT button to enter V/S mode, I see “0 FPM” on the display and the UP/DN buttons do not change the V/S.”
or maybe a sim bug
I saw twice such behaviors, on my end , I m facing a conflict between the sim and my joystick (l think so) that result in having some key IG not responding as they intended, maybe give a try with controler unplugged as it sound like to be a similar issue
@bufordtx I m sorry if I can’t be more helpful I did never faced any issue flying and reaching ENR VOR within the kns80 also never checked the path l flew, to see if I was exactly on the line, only stuff I know, using trims & HDG mode is enought to don’t have to correct anything regarding the trajectorie up to my destination
EDIT : For those wondering about this story of trajectorie being a bit encurved devs gave me an answer to this behaviors, and I don’t know why I havn’t think earlier about it since sky vector also provide curve line when watching over long trajectories between two point:
“This is not a problem with the trigonom per se, but likely with my lack of adjustment for the spherical world in my calculations. In the real system, the radio signal is forced to follow an orthodrome path, while you follow a luxodrome path when you steer a constant bearing. If you were to plot the course to a VOR station on a mercator projected map (rhumb line), which is essentially what my software is doing, you would discover that the required course, if flown for the duration of the leg, will not take you to the station. Instead, constant adjustments are required to follow the orthodrome path to the station. In a different way, consider that the three angles of a triangle do not add up to 180 degrees on the surface of a sphere. Rest assured that I will be working on this, and provide a solution in the next update to my aircraft.”
woke up a bit late ,so today sound like I will have to fly above china BY NIGHT,
usually it s a problem, but right now it s not, taking the GPS, then do some IFR ,nothing can go wrong with those cozy lights
leaving Wuhan
I have a different problem with KAP 140. When engaged it levels the plane. It shouldn’t. Instead, it should capture current VS and continue the climb.
That is one of the biggest show-stoppers for me in the default planes. With the KAP 140 hard coded and unmoddable (in other planes - like C310 - I use modded AP that works quite well!) AP it really puts me down when the plane behaves so strange when AP is engaged.
Also - I did not encounter ITT limits in the climb. Are there any programmed? It seems like I can climb at full power, no matter what altitude or OAT.
about KAP 140 it will get a patch soon, but thought he already got +/- 700 fpm climb or descent regarding how the plane is when activateds
About the ITT : I did read it mustn’t exceed 685° on CRUISE on a caravan manual
on the analog manual their is some mention about ITT limit read those following part
“When ITT exceeds 765°C, time at this power setting should be limited to 5 minutes.” also said
“increased ITT with Inertial Separator and Bleed Air: Aircraft configuration can have a
substantial impact on ITT, which may cause limit exceedances if not managed properly.”
wich in my understanding imply damage (I may be wrong) as it say somewhere else say
"When you operate an engine beyond its limits, damage to the aircraft is accumulated according
to the level of the limit exceedance, and the type of limit exceeded. For instance, exceeding
starting ITT limits will destroy an engine in seconds, while a slight exceedance of the maximum
governed propeller RPM would not cause an engine failure for quite some time.
did a fast try in game, I had damage with isa 60°C, yes very hot oat (sea level) and ITT exceeding 740 while climbing
I m agree , it s very hard to reach those condition, (had to turn ignition on , bleed air , idle high ect… ) in fact it start when you hit the yellow part I think
while at 37°C at sea level was exceeding 740 ° without experiencing any damage
something you have to take in count the amount of damage is also influenced by the global faillure rate
So imo they can increase a lot this factor (I think so) if it doesn’t kill the engine at the ignition ITT’ spike
maybe the limitations mentionned are on the maxmum torque available (like on the default G1000 caravan having different operating limit regarding the prop, don’t know if I m clear) havn’t fully compared this way
I got another hypothesis , maybe devs introduced codes using new variables working fine on SU11 (they are working with this version) but having no effect on SU10,
I will keep you inform if I got new about this case
EDIT : add it s maybe my fault since I m running devmode, and it disable crash, maybe other stuff like storm windows event, it could be a faillure like overspeed , I mean a black screen ending your flight with a message telling you, your plane have suffered of too much stress, will give a try later
while still had 50nm, noticed my AP doing strange things
definitely best place to loose the vacuum pump …
the nearest and final airport is in this smog
global faillure rate x8 is very fine, not every flight but have to stay vigilant
Great aircraft love this machine
Hi everyone, got some news regarding this story of KNS80 and curve track more or less accurate to what may have been planned,
here are his last result and finding on this technical case
Ep. 2
"I spent several evenings examining this problem, and even implemented the spherical geometry solution for my RNAV instrument. I quickly discovered that the spherical Earth was not the culprit, and it is not even worth shipping in my code, because the maximum difference I could produce at 200 nm from the VOR was around 5ft lateral error in waypoint placement. After several more days of testing, I have determined that this is the result of incorrect declared VOR magnetic declination. If you are to fly a route created with the KNS-80 that follows actual VOR’s so that they can be monitored with the RMI, the same angular error is observed. Unfortunately, a modern GPS confuses the matter, by using the declared declination from its database to “adjust” apparent radials when in OBS mode. This means that the GPS will give you the correct desired track to the waypoint in GPS CDI mode, but an apparently incorrect desired track in OBS mode that follows the named VOR radial! This is not a MSFS error, as I have confirmed the behavior in the GTN 750 Trainer.
If you’re thinking that this upends most of what we’re taught as pilots about flying VOR radials, following Victor Airways, and triangulation, you would be absolutely correct. A centered CDI in no wind conditions does not necessarily mean that you should fly the selected course to navigate directly to the VOR. This is only true when the VOR’s declination is accurate to the local magnetic variation. In the case of the Corpus Christi (CRP) VOR used in your example, the magnetic variation in the area has drifted over six degrees from the VOR’s declination since its installation. For some real world reading on this subject, the best explanation I could find was this report from the Civil Air Patrol: https://savannah.cap.gov/media/cms/VORRadialsvsMagVariation_0CFCC08B02E70.pdf . While there is no solution to this fundamental VOR problem, as it is completely accurate to real world behavior, there is lots of related discussion on this MSFS forum thread with regards to LittleNavMap: A VOR was off by 5 degrees. List of problematic VORs?
In summary: The RNAV behavior is accurate to the real world, and matches the indications from a simultaneously monitored VOR. The apparent angular error is introduced by VOR stations that do not broadcast with updated magnetic variation. In the real world, this is most likely disregarded as a wind correction angle, but absolutely affects real aircraft. This is not an error in the operation of Black Square’s RNAV systems in MSFS, and the courses should be flown as they would be to any VOR in the real world. See above for more reading. For VOR’s with inaccurate magnetic declinations, the actual magnetic bearing to the station is the flown course that produces a centered CDI in zero wind conditions, regardless of the OBS setting."
I m so glad to hear from devs that they are still working assiduously on this product in order to keep perfecting it as well I m impressed of the attention given to users feedback !
Thanks for taking time to explain and keep us informed about your progress.
Serious commiment there. Some people do all of the hard work whilst us mere mortals get to enjoy it. Thank you very much indeed for a fabulous product.
In case anyone else comes across this problem, I resolved it by removing the C172 JT-A mod from my Community folder. I do not know why that would be a conflict, but I haven’t had a problem with the autopilot since then.
Does anyone have experience setting up the Analog C208 with external hardware via SimConnect (AAOs/spad.next)?
In general the plane works very well with the default SimConnect events, but I have one issue that I wasn’t able to resolve yet.
I currently control the OBS on the HSI (KI 525A) via the default events (VOR1_OBI_DEC/VOR1_OBI_INC). As soon as I switch the HSI source to RNAV (KNS 80) and dial in my radial the CDI doesn’t update correctly anymore. In other words, the needle is turning as expected, but the deviation indicator seems to be stuck. That’s only when turning the knob through SimConnect. If I do it with the mouse in the sim the CDI works as expected.
I assume this is caused by the fact that the RNAV is not native to the sim (and the AP doesn’t work with it either), so there seems to be some specific logic in place to update the CDI needle that’s not triggered with the VOR1_OBI_DEC/VOR1_OBI_INC events.
Was anyone able to make this work? Does anyone know if there are other events for turning the OBS knob that could potentially trigger the CDI update logic?
Does anyone know when this and the King Air are coming to the Marketplace?
When changing VS from my Honeycomb Bravo, the KAP140 screen is not showing fpm for a few seconds, as it does when using the mouse. It worked with the old KAP140-mod. Does it work for someone else, or will that be fixed?
Are the functions “true to life” now? I’ve a hard time relearning the small differences
I’m just wondering; does anyone else get the feeling that the plane is abit too slick. With that I mean, not enough drag, i.e when slowing down etc.
on my side don’t got this feeling maybe it depend of the weight after would say I m not flying ton of various aircraft and don’t get a real experience on those phenomena
Can anyone help please - I’m getting this error but cannot find InstrumentUtils.exe any where on my machine. have reinstalled latest version of caravan but still nothing. Thanks in advance
The Caravan is kinda of a “dirty” plane, fixed landing gear, that giant cargo pod, straight wings and a big airbrake in the front. So I get this nagging feeling that this flight model is a bit too slick. I havent flown the Caravan, but I’ve got some thousands of hours in the air so this is just a gut feeling of sorts.
Time to read “how to modify a flight model” docs…