BlueBird Simulations 757

Now this makes me really curious, because I wanted to buy this “other sim platform” soon only for a certain 757/767 freighter that has even openable maintenance hatches on the engine nacelles on their website screenshots.
So you plan to bring a study-level 757 oh wow I am getting really REALLY excited and curious!! :wink:

Really, in the cockpit I could do without :smiley:

How often, as a pilot, would you open these?

Hm well that´s a good argument… but I also love to play around with my simulated aircraft´s functions a little bit - the more, the better :wink:

And even better than sticking my nose into the exhaust cone of the simulated turbine to see if the fan blade titanium material has changed colour according to the temperature of the low turbine pressure stage exhaust stream, is fully opening her up like the bonnet of my car just to look at it (the engine).
I do that sometimes, just to enjoy being close to my engine… it´s hard to understand for normal people, it´s a thing only engineer and mechanics freaks understand *ggg

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Investing in ugly generic graphics (“the other sim”) just to get some hatches to open you likely never use but once to have a look? :wink:

Well, okay, it’s your money in the end (or the money from your parents, whatever).


We won’t have opening maintenance hatches. We are more focused on normal operations of the aircraft . I agree maintenance hatches and covers are cool to have but they require a lot of work. IMHO, it’s not something that too many people will use for the effort that is required.


I would heartily agree :slightly_smiling_face:

For me development time spent on high fidelity systems, flight model and optimisation is the way to go :+1:t2:

Please let us have a 757 with systems/flight model as good as you can make them. I doubt that I’d open maintenance hatches even once :slightly_smiling_face:


It’s been one year since we announced the 757! I posted this video to go over some FAQ’s and showcase one of the many features of the FMS. One year ago we announced the BlueBird 757. Time flies! - YouTube . Hope you all enjoy.


I love the updates and you answering the most common questions. In my opinion, the best thing you can do is communicate and answer the questions from simmers. If the normal systems are as complete and tested as is being implied, this will be my first Boeing purchase. Something about the 757… I don’t know what it is, but I’m a big fan of the plane.

I really do hope you decide to have a support system on par with the FBW or Working Title teams. They have a very active membership and forum participants that do a great job working together to answer questions, find bugs, and improve the product.

I’m not at all a big Facebook fan, so I would like to log a vote for a simple Discord server to interact with the community.

Good luck, and I can’t wait to see how things go when launched!


Thanks for the feedback. While we don’t intend on opening a public Discord server I do want to eventually have a web forum for folks to post questions or comments. I have no time frame yet on this but it’s on my todo list. :slight_smile:


I wanted to thank Clement for inviting me for an interview. You can listen to the whole interview below. I do my best to give some updates on the project and what our plans are for the 757. Apologies for my poor audio. I need to get a better mic. :upside_down_face:


Great job keeping us informed on the project, this is gonna be a day 1 purchase… but of course, take your time. :nerd_face:


New info just dropped on the JF website - Just Flight - 757-200/300

Looking great guys, Jet2 here we come! :sunglasses:

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Here’s some screen shots I wanted to post just for the MSFS forums :slight_smile: I can’t wait to get the cabin textured and lighted.


Can’t wait


Day 1 purchase for me. Icelandair all day!


My future 757 flights would be much with these airlines:

  • American Airlines
  • Delta Air Lines
  • LTU Lufttransportunternehmen

Cannot wait to sit there in First or Business Class to look and hear the engine sounds during flight.

And please give us the sound as loud as this:


We need Privilege Style as a day one livery! :heart_eyes: Old classic bird without winglets and screaming RR engines.

Funny that you mentioned no winglets. I just posted some screen shots today of the non-winglet version :slight_smile:


This a day 1 buy for me



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