BlueBird Simulations 757

July update from BlueBird


December release?

I really Respect the information that you let us in on. ( You don’t have to do it )
You will have my support on your future projects. And I can’t wait to see what you will become.


I hope so but I think we have to calculate with early 2024 :slight_smile:

Hey guys. Thanks for posting my update here. I will give another one in about a month.


Hello @BlueBirdSim,
what about the pricing from the 757. So it’s definitely not a product at study level, so the price won’t be at PMDG level either, right?

p.s. Your 757 looks great so far. I am verry exitet about it !

I don’t care how much its going to cost. I’m going to get it on day one. They have been nothing but honest and open about the process and I appreciate the look into the hard work that they put in.
I will pay for that.
What is study level ?
All the buttons in the PMDG don’t work? :yum::rofl:
The cockpit door doesn’t even open.


At PMDG, the high price is paid for the failures, among other things. I don’t expect the circuit breakers to work or failures to be implemented correctly, but that’s exactly what study level means to me.
Since BlueBirdSimulations mentioned that these features will not be included (at least not to the fullest extent and from the start) I also expect it to be priced somewhat less than 70€. So a lower price such as PMDG or FenixSimulations.


Hey guys. To answer the question on pricing, we won’t announce any pricing info until a release date is confirmed. But I’ll also point out now that release is looking unlikely for this year. I made a promise to the community and we will not release it until that promise is met :slight_smile: . I am really excited about where the plane is headed and it’s going to take some time to get there.

Regarding the systems complexity, I’ll make another video next month to give a little more insight to it and some other updates on the 757. We have a new “Scope of work” document that is several pages and outlines what we aim to implement in terms of systems. When I initially announced this project I mentioned it will be “mid-level” complexity but without getting into too many details, the complexity will be higher than I initially presented. Here’s a snippet from the scope of work. This is just section 1 out of 13 that we have outlined.

As always I will continue to be as transparent as I can with updates. :slight_smile:


Thanks for the active community involvement here. Always nice to see developers being approachable. After reading the update this week about the 757 I started to wonder if the initial ‘medium realism’ was abandoned for a new aim to high level realism. I suppose my question has partly been answered. …I wouldn’t be surprised if your team will go full-in eventually, now that you got the hang of it. Very very nice to have such an iconic airliner in the sim with high realism.


Hey all. I posted another update video yesterday. Just to summarize, the 757 will not be released this year but good things are in the works and it’ll be worth the wait.


Take the time and do it right. For all intents and purposes, this will likely be the only 757 for at least a while… so it’s worth the wait to not jump the shark and do it justice. Last I checked, we have plenty of great high fidelity aircraft to fly while we await your work.


Take your time BlueBird .
But I want it NOW. ( LoL ) :rofl:
Thanks for the update and openness.


In case anyone missed my post on FB, the electrical system is being completely redone from scratch. We are mapping over 500 circuits in the 757 to the correct bus ( over 20 buses ). So far we’ve mapped 414 circuits with the rest to be done later. This gives a little insight into the system depth that we are aiming for. One thing I should clarify is that not all 500+ circuits will be connected on the initial release. Some like the lavatory flush motors or pax oxygen deploy will be mapped but not working since we are not modelling that… yet but maybe one day :smiley: lol . I don’t have an exact number of working CB’s for the initial release but lets just say it will be A LOT. I will give more details on other systems and our progress when I make an update video most likely in January of next year. As always I appreciate the support from the community.


So no lavatory flush motor circuit brakers modelled? COMPLETE UNFLYABLE! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:


It’s flyable but limits it to short cargo ops. No way I’m gonna fly passengers around without a working lavatory…


My passengers won’t need the loo, they’ll relieve themselves in their seats involuntarily when I get that bad boy up to 200+ knots on the takeoff roll then yank it up into a 45 degree climb.


Hey @BlueBirdSim
First of all, I’d like to say I’m impressed with the progress and appreciate what has been done so far. Hoping to purchase it the instant it releases.

I did have a question on cockpit options (I couldn’t find much about this). Will we have the option to customize the cockpit as the 757/767 is one aircraft family that has received major upgrades to the flight deck over the years. I see that the cockpit has been modelled around the fairly standard 757 cockpit which is used by UAL/CO and many other airlines.

Will there be:

  • a round artificial horizon that is optional as this is used by Delta 752s (without the speed tape)
  • the retro-fitted cockpit used by Fedex, American and Icelandair (below)
  • the Collins Aerospace flightdeck upgrade for the UPS fleet (a very cool upgrade :star_struck:) (below)
  • an option to only change the secondary artificial horizon, altitude indicator and airspeed indicator into an ISFD (used by Delta 757-300s and some newer 757s)

If these options are possible, then that’s excellent otherwise hopefully at another time.

PS. I wasn’t sure if I’m allowed to add pictures from the web like this. I added for clarity but if not please let me know :slight_smile: .

Hi there. We are still working out which options to do. We will have the FPDS option for the cargo expansion which will work it’s way into the pax version. The other options I can’t commit to yet but we’ll see. The Collins LDS layout we don’t plan on doing only because there is not enough info and it would require a major rework of the displays.


Can’t wait for this! Looking forward to flying virtual stag and hen parties down to Ibiza from the UK. Hope someone can do a Titan Airways livery. :+1: