Yes the low pressure turbine does spin in the rear of the engine :). The textures are just too dark right now so they’re not visible unless you get super close. I will lighten them up eventually so they’re visible from further out.
WONDERFUL because it´s the details that seperate a great bird from an average bird
I am really looking forward to this 757 release.
My post was from April that you replied to…. FYI
thanks for keeping us updated!
Things haven’t changed much at all since April. A little.
Looking good. Beautiful VC. Feels like home!
Just posted another mini update on my FB page. Our programmer has started testing the autoland. Still some tweaks needed but coming along nicely.
Even if I´m an Airbus person, this is one of the most beautiful aircraft ever created.
Thanks a lot for your hard work.
Is the RB going to be the only engine option or will the PW variant also be included?
The 757 looks so slim and aerodynamic and cool and agile, with oversized aggressive looking turbines… Hard do describe it but it´s a “cool” looking airliner.
Most other airliners look somehow pure practical and boring and somehow bloated and slow… But not the 757. That´s a stylish airplane. These huge oversized and overpowered turbines look like a herde of horses that just want to run!
PW version will be included as well
I was fortunate enough to be able to take a flight on the AA 757 from New York (KJFK) to St. Thomas USVI Cyril E King (STT) once per month for nearly 10 years when I used to travel on business in the early to mid 90’s and, I have been looking forward to recreating these flights once this Bluebird b757 Model comes out!
However, after reading this wonderful article, I am now also looking to re-create these flights as well as, I had no idea just how prominent this bird also was in the Hawaiian Islands.
Can’t wait!
For those asking about the PW version, here’s a little update. I recruited a very talented modeler to help out
Will there be a cargo variant also, or only passenger?
Wow this turbine looks awesome! Catches perfect the style look and feel these things had in the eighties and nineties before the era of the oversized carbon N1 fans came.
You could develop the first Flight Sim 20 aircraft with an spinning engine core inlet compressor behind the N1 fan, and a spinning low-pressure turbine in the exhaust cone. It´s in your hands
Absolute stunning work! Can’t wait to see first shots with a livery on it!
Yes absolutely. Cargo version will be released as a separate expansion pack.
That is great! thanks for the info. Looking forward to it!
Hey this is so amazing that for the first time ever a 757 is created for the flight sim! I am always forgetting how cool and beautyful this Boeing is because always the 747 and 777 come in mind first.
It´s really time that the Flight Sim will finally get an awesome 757, I don´t think this airplane has been ever done before in good quality for any sim. (There is only one good 767 aircraft for P3D from Captain Sim - yes they make great planes but only for other sims!) - but FSX and FS20 never had a good 757 so far.
There actually was a 757 created for p3d / fsx and that was the quality wings 757. Was pretty good. Also captainsim made one I believe…with slightly better systems but flight dynamics flaws.