Boeing 707 as Famous Flyer 10!

You can not just announce a release date and then change it ON THE RELEASE DAY and not expect people to be angry.


The problem isnt that its not here. Its that thereā€™s ZERO COMMUNICATION. On top of that they then tried to put a different product in front of folks to try to distract them, instead of actually coming out and making a statemnt about it being delayed. What they did is from a professional marketing standpoint unacceptable. Its not really about the product its the lack of communication. Though i dont see why people are surprised Asobo/Microsoft have always been ā– ā– ā– ā–  poor at communicating with its audience since day one.


For real, at this frickin point Iā€™m going to code my own flight simulator if it gets worse


Yes, okay, fair enough. I accept your points here.

Your comments about the bad communication are actually fair in my opinion. It could definitely have been much better :slightly_smiling_face:


Yeah, and also i hope i didnt comw off as brash towards you. Lol that wasnt my intention.

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For real, tell us.

No worries. I actually agreed with your comments :+1:

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:sunglasses: I hope for a USAF Air Force One version with a presidential interior to appreciate the flying style of the 1960s! :face_exhaling: :face_exhaling: :sweat_smile:

Personal views and comments:

It saddens me to see posts in threads like this where people get demanding and frustrated at CMs when there are delays to releases and/or a delay in communicating updated timelines.

Outside of flight simulation, itā€™s very rare to see such complete and specific roadmaps with dates against addon/update releases. Coupled with the openness we see in the dev Q&As from Jorg and co, we have a unique relationship between MS/Asobo and the community which is not a common thing in the wider gaming world, let alone software development.

And as in all software/game development, things shift. Whether thatā€™s because of development difficulties, testing hiccups, delays to acquiring licenses, or the ā€˜green lightā€™ from corporate, timelines often have to shift, and sometimes at the last moment. Importantly, itā€™s not always possible to give a quick answer to what the new timeline looks like - depends on the nature of the holdup and the conversations that are needed to establish a new timeline. No use them coming out and saying ā€œitā€™s delayed, and we donā€™t know when weā€™ll release itā€ if internal discussions are needed to establish bug fix time, changes to license agreement process, etc.

All that frustrated comments such as some in this thread do is create an atmosphere that makes it far less likely for the devs to be as forthcoming and open with their roadmaps in future. More likely to say coming ā€œJuly 2024ā€ or ā€œ2024ā€ than the specific date based roadmaps weā€™ve come to take for granted.

So I for one feel that if the CMs are saying things along the lines of stay tuned, weā€™ll let you know an updated roadmap when we can, we should accept that there are things behind the scenes that need to be ironed out before that timeline can be established and communicated. The more understanding we as a community are to the fact that timelines change and finalising a new timeline takes time, the more likely weā€™ll continue to have the openness we do that means we get precise roadmaps and open Q&As in an industry where quite frankly knowing the month of release of an item 6 months in advance is a luxury.


Another disappointment, this delay on top of server issues and lousy communication.

Friendly reminder to everyone that the forum Code of Conduct states the following (emphasis added):

The most frequent staff members you will see posting on the forums are the community managers and moderators. We enforce the Code of Conduct and respond to threads and posts, whether it is to address an issue or simply having fun.
If you donā€™t see us responding, it isnā€™t because we are ignoring you. Sometimes we donā€™t have a good answer, or we are looking for an answer or we cannot comment on the issue at the time.



Sorryā€¦but the time to discuss a Tuesday failure is Monday ā€¦ not Wednesday. This was NOT communicated in any way.


Iā€™m still optimistic about the Caravelle!


I donā€™t think anyone here wants to be receiving LESS information than we have been. I think thereā€™s just a percentage of the gen pop that canā€™t help themselves when it comes to ā€˜registering complaintsā€™ as it wereā€¦
So a couple of in house or promotional releases were delayed - or released in different timeline or sequence to what had been relayed in earlier published information. Itā€™s not like THAT has never happened before - at work - at home - on vacation - at the restaurant, the hotel, the jobsite, the tire store, doctorā€™s office, coffee shop, dry cleanersā€¦


I donā€™t think itā€™s unfair for people to be disgruntled by sudden multiple week delays on products and updates the day theyā€™re scheduled for release. A day or two delay because something was found at the last second? Understandable, very possible it wasnā€™t known until it was too late. Several week long delays? This was known well beforehand and should have been communicated. I think itā€™s a reasonable ask to have delays announced before the scheduled release comes and goes.


I agree that this is not the end of the world but letā€™s be realistic: someone at Microsoft knew yesterday that FF10 was not going to be released today and that LL17 unexpectedly would be released instead.

A simple, short message to that affect would have avoided all this commotion. Even small Indie add-on developers are apparently capable of such simple notices via Discord, forums, Facebook or whatever so I think itā€™s reasonable to expect the same from a large, professional software company.

Furthermore, Microsoft surely has marketing professionals and Iā€™ve never heard them say that itā€™s smart to release software products willy-nilly, without a known release date and without the associated pre-release hype-up to maximize sales etc. etc.


On days like this, you guys have a tough job. From a longtime customer service rep, I hope you can fix yourself a nice stiff drink at the end of your shift.


I appreciate the sentiment, but I truly love what I do. I often tell my colleagues that the worst day working on the MSFS team is better than the best day I had at any of my previous jobs when I formerly worked in corporate IT. :slight_smile:


I served as well - coming up with polite ways to tell folks things they donā€™t want to hear is a taxing profession. I couldnā€™t imagine volunteering to do it.

Community Managers are not volunteers and are Microsoft employees.