Boeing 707 as Famous Flyer 10!

I really doubt it will have this sound.


I have flown it quite a bit, but only with the excellent duckworks mod. I don’t even remember what it was like without it. I can’t say I am overly impressed with it from a visual point, but it was free so I won’t complain. We shall see what the 707 will be like :slight_smile:

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Exactly. One can tell when the developer actually cares and clearly has an innate passion to provide the best possible representation of an aircraft. I don’t get that vibe from a single AH plane.


I was excited untill i saw ‘‘aeroplane heaven’’ and then you know its not gonna be mindblowing.

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Wait, just flight’s developing a 727? When was this announced? The only 727 I am aware of is from FSReorn.

JF has older A300 and 747 classic I think, although the 747 is classic is not yet officially announced for MSFS.

I am also thinking that at this rate blackbird sim may get another nasty surprise if (when) MS announces a 737 100/200.

Better to see what it will looks like before judging AH like this. One thing I’m 100% sure, this representation of the B707 will best the best one from any previous version of flight simulator, so to me it will be superb. I hope they will make both version passengers and cargo like they did with the DC3.

Did you see the X-Plane 12 B707 ? Oh boy, I’m pretty sure our B707 from AH will looks much much better. Very bad looking, the nose on the first image looks really strange and the cockpit is really bad too. I would be really disappointed to get a such B707. It looks FSX version.

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There is an X-Plane 12 B707?
I don’t really understand what it has got to do with anything. A different developer made a similar product on a different platform that is presumably not high quality? What does that have to do with AH 707?

The AH 707 will not be compared to anything other than other aircraft in MSFS 2020, as it should be. We will see how it turns out soon enough.

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Is looks the only part of an add-on you care about? What is the systems modeling like in the X-Plane version you find scandalously ugly?

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Wilson 707 has disastrously bad systems modelling

Then there are buyers like me who will buy a Famous Flyer because this is a hobby, and we collect aircraft just to have in my hanger. :grinning:


I know we can’t compare to any other sim, but my point is to highlight our AH B707. Most are complaining about AH but looking at the preview picture, it’s the best B707 I have seen ever in a sim. Even if the system are not high end, this plane will be so awesome to fly.

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I really enjoy this freeware for now, but look at the difference with the AH’s one !


You have just contradicted yourself in the same post. You say let’s wait and see and then continue to tell us how great it will be and that you are 100% certain. How can that be when it’s not released yet. Guilty of the same thing you are claiming others are doing. At least the other view is based on past history which quite frankly is all any of us has to go on as of now.

Opinions will always differ simply because there are differences in expectation. If you have a lower expectation then you will more likely be pleased.


Just looking at this first picture this does not look promising.
The engine inlets are completely wrong if those should represent JT3D engines. Seems to be more like a JT4 type inlet.
The picture below of the PanAm 707 has correct inlets and nose cowls.
Hopefully this will be corrected before release.

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Agreed. People who don’t like AH planes or get mad about everything not being complex system depth can get over it.


So, what is going to be the first flight you guys do in the 707? And what liveries are we looking forward to?

Hoping for a Kennedy era Air Force one livery


I might be a bit boring, but I’ll probably do my first flight with Pan Am :slight_smile:


There’s a saying over at the dusty old man forum that some sage old dusty wizard came up with, once upon the olden dust : “try to let being helpful be more important than being right”
You may be right when you think a certain developer could do better - or have a better track record than AH. But how does running them down or running down the folks who are enthusiastic about this upcoming release help in any way?
The core sim has issues that are unresolved too.
Many developers have to work around those issues to solve complex problems, but those fixes create problems for Xbox compatibility.
This plane is going to be made simply to avoid those issues entirely. It isn’t being made to impress the Boeing engineers who built the original or the long since retired veteran commercial pilots who flew it for years.
It’s being made for recreational flight sim and aviation enthusiasts who don’t have home cockpits and an attitude thicker than London fog.
It’s great that you have the knowledge of the original type as it flew in the past to be able to itemize this one’s shortcomings - but you might just have to wait a little longer than this release to see something closer to what you wanted than this ‘Famous Flyer’ is going to be.


Nah not boring. That’s a solid classic choice.