Bug missing from feedback snapshot despite enough votes

Hi, what’s the reason this bug is missing entirely from the 2024 feedback snapshot despite having the necessary votes?
It should show up at #47 with currently 114 votes.

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Here it is, they just renamed it and it’s # 101 on the list with apparently 59 votes:

Give this a forum thread a read for a discussion about the bug reporting system:

(post deleted by author)

The Headphone Audio Switching bug is a different one. The Headphone Simulation Keybinds Not Working that is missing in the weekly snapshot has been escalated to the CMs.


Ah. Thanks for the clarification. Sorry to the OP. I was unable to find anything else with the name of Headphones or anything close to it. But that forum topic is still important imo…


escalated But not fixed since 2020? Okay…do you know when it was “ escalated”?

What has been escalated is the fact that it does not show-up in the weekly snapshot. It was also reported in the topic here: Headphone Simulation Keybinds Not Working - #75 by Zeke12587. It is already bug-logged.

Can a mod comment on the status on this bug? Since it’s not on the snapshot?

Apart the tags you can find in the header of a topic to know the status of a report, unfortunately no one from the mods or CMs know when a fix is planned to be released.

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Surely every bug is valid notwithstanding the number of votes. I know there are very many but at some point even those with less votes should at least be investigated. Asobo must be aware that not everyone can use some of the workarounds as we are not all computer programmers or coders - we risk doing more damage to our sim/computer if we fiddle with buttons we know nothing about!

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It’s pretty common for large software products to have bugs that never get fixed.

If you have more bugs than you have developer time to investigate, even with a prioritised list, some will inevitably never get looked at, unless you have a team dedicated to investigating - but not fixing - bugs, which can spend as long as required to eventually reach the end of the list. And even then, if the rate of increase in bugs over time exceeds the capacity available to investigate the bugs, your total un-investigated bug count will go up, not down.

This just gets the bugs reproduced and prioritised. Not fixed. That’s a whole other story. In this situation, bugs that are viewed as low priority will go the bottom of the list and likely stay there.

If your developers work on features and also investigate and fix bugs - which I imagine is the case throughout the various Asobo and 1st party teams - then the amount of time available to investigate bugs to prioritise them, and the time available to fix the highest-priority bugs, will fluctuate based on the amount of feature work they have to do.

Since there will likely always be feature work to be done, the chances of the lowest-priority bugs ever getting fixed are, therefore, quite low. And since feature work tends to introduce new bugs over time, the situation gets even worse over time.

It’s pretty embarrassing, as a developer, to add a new feature to a product - like the keybinds for the headphone simulation - and have it pass QA despite never working and ship, or end up shipping despite not passing QA. It’s worse to then never be able to fix it and know that it’s still there, not working, in the product.

As someone who runs large dev teams, in this particular situation, I would have responded by removing the keybind entries (which I assume can be done without needing new code) pending a fix. If that fix never comes, at least I haven’t left a not-working feature in the product.

Having it left in, not get fixed and then get ported, unfixed, to the next major version of the product is about a bad a fail as I can imagine.

I appreciate your explanation and point of view, as a developer you have seen both sides of the coin. I am glad to see that at least you have a heart and conscience. It seems that on the one hand they give you deadlines when they themselves don’t meet them.

However, I still feel that if you have a product, that people pay for, in the expectation that it works, there must come a point where you feel that perfecting the current product is a must prior to prioritising further “feature work”.

If your base product is good, you will attract new customers who would be prepared to put up with a few bugs in a new feature until they too were fixed. Sadly, with 2024, as they admit themselves, a poor product was released which has damaged the brand - which I am sure will change in time given the fixes that will be done.

Having been a playstation groupie all my adult life, I can say without hesitation that at release of a new game, the number of bugs that need fixing are certainly proportionately few. It is therefore possible to release products in a far better state.

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Hello :wave:,

TL;DR; : bugs are all reviewed, most fixes require priorization, but not all.

I’ve been unable to find the good link on the forums, but I know this has been discussed before : bugs with less vote are investigated. They are just not fixed in priority. That means that if a small bug with few vote arrives, and the fix is easy (a few hours), it will be fixed. If the amount of work needed to fix it is consequent, and does require scheduling, then it will hit the “priority wall”.

I’ve seen a few “easy” bugs (if such a thing exist) like this being fixed. Obviously, this is not the case for this bug, which either is not seen important enough, or is more complex than it seems (which could be the case, the audio implementation of MSFS 2020 & 2024 is a bit unstable at times, it’s visible if you have a soundcard change during a flight for example).


We are looking into why that particular bug isn’t pulling through on our reports for the Feedback snapshot. Will let you know when resolved. Thanks for letting us know!

Confirming this is logged internall as bug and being investigated.

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Thanks for checking on this. This is actually a bug starting in the 2020 version of the game. That’s when it was first introduced

Can you tell me how this works?