Buildings much too high still in Patch

The first one is fixing the tall buildings. It is also making more detailed 3D buildings objects displaying at longer distances.

The second one is just fixing the tall buildings.

It is easy to try both and compare on your system too!


No need to sorry, you made me wondering whether I’ve missed something we could add in the description!

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Brilliant. Again many thanks pal :+1:t2:

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lmfao, dude all you gotto do is raise the tax on the high density commercial and rezone for low density commercial!! Even a noob like me knows how!

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Indeed. However, what upsets me is some of the community behavior. I am software engineer and I believe you are as well and we know, pulling a project at this size indeed, is a very complex task at all levels that require us to collaborate. Some of us here unfortunately, act in not very collaborative manner. Instead of being constructive and helpful, you’d see “shame on you Asobo” and all that bashing. Sure, criticizing is healthy but only if is constructive one. I would admit it, I was upset at Asobo in regards to this issue and I started to criticize them of not having a proper regression test and QA, but after today’s Q&A, they realized that is not going to work and they need to us to test before mass release.

Let’s us embrace the change and support Microsoft and Asobo on this, they have managed to accomplish in 4 years (maybe even less) what others couldn’t achieve in 10 years. So yeah, bright future ahead!


I logged in just to say THANK YOU!

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I am seeing this in my home airport of KVBT in Bentonville, AR. Being the home of Walmart one might expect some tall buildings, but the tallest one in Bentonville is only 9 stories and across from the Home Office. Everything else is only 1 or 2 stories with only a few exceptions. Walmart data center is the tallest on campus and it is only 4 stories tall. In this update there are so many 9 and 10 story buildings around the airport you can barely fly out or make an approach. Not realistic.

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Thank you sir!

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A big THANK YOU from me as well!

My lovely part of the world was wrecked with Patch #3 and you have rescued it :slightly_smiling_face:


Reminds me of this, these buildings roofs in real life barely top the trees in front of them, after patch 3 it’s horrendous massive office blocks, completely ruined.

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Do you have the same screenshot but with the community pack I’ve posted here, just for comparison?

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Thankfully the patch offered here worked. Still a lot of “not there” buildings, but more like real life then it was…

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Yep i agree 100% @DayRaptor621407 Im also having buildings that wern’t there before but…again cheers to @CptLucky8 your files are great mate and its much, much better than without them :+1:t2:


:+1:t2: :trophy: :man_pilot:t2: thank´s for the fix !

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Thanks for this outstanding fix JL!

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Hm, this broke airport terminal buildings for me…

With tweak:

Without tweak:

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Where is this airport?

I noticed the same at EDDH. With the temp fix most of the airport buildings there were replaced with very generic blocks.

The fix is good as generic airport buildings are probably less game breaking than the skyscrapers everywhere. But we still need a hotfix for this from @Asobo as soon as possible.


Nice - thanks a lot. Its more comfortable and less risk to have a file in community folder, that we can delete,until (if) Asobo has an own patch.

Do you have also a “lightning and thunder patch - even sun is shining and only few clouds” patch ?? :wink: See my sreenshot — got grow

ling thunder even blue sky in Bremen…

Phoenix KPHX