C152X Realism Mod

it sounds like you may have overwritten the original files… the C152X folder is meant to be dropped as is into your “community” folder so to not mess up the original files. Things in the community folder, like this mod, will supersede the original files in the game without having to removed them or edit them directly. It helps A LOT with multiple addons over multiple aircraft with troubleshooting and such.

If you don’t want to undo it you will be fine, but this is why msfs is re-downloading the c152 i suspect.

Thanks for your work on this! The C152 is my favorite aircraft to fly, mostly because it’s what I got my PPL in and the simplicity of it. Great mod!

I think you are spot on there - I didn’t realise this was a Community targetted add-on and did indeed copy/replace original files. I kept a back-up though so can easily revert. Thanks for the heads-up.


Just an FYI regarding RF30q’s original comment:

Running this mod for the C152 does impact the 8 training lessons in the game. The lesson tiles become disabled with the mod installed in the community folder and removing the mod re-activates the lessons. Not really an issue once you’ve completed the lessons once but thought it worth mentioning.

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Thanks for that information, working on some new stuff at the moment, but when I get a chance I will look into this.

@DRF30q Hi again, I restored the default then moved everything in your package to Community folder and it all works great, but I notice the AOT gauge seems to be reading high - example is BBC Weather reports 19 degrees C at Milan Malpensa currently but I see approx 27 degrees C in sim. Small point but I thought I’d mention it anyway.

I also sprayed some WD40 on the left rudder/brake pedal and have killed that awful constant squeaking with the parking brake applied. I simply commented out the entry

<Sound WwiseData="true" WwiseEvent="brake_movement" ViewPoint="Inside" NodeName="HANDLING_YOKE_HIDER_1" ContinuousStopDelay="0.3" SimVar="BRAKE LEFT POSITION" Units="PERCENT" Index="0">
  <Range LowerBound="15" UpperBound="90"/>

in the sound.xml file. Is there a way I can integrate it into your package, so I can keep the default install clean?

All in all, a great little mod! Thanks again, donation sent.

Thanks for that update, I am trying to look at each item in turn, I have quite a long list. The temperature gauge I know has a few issues, both in the needle calibration and the texture itself are wrong, I hope to get to that soon. As you have seen there are some sounds as well that probably need some work.

Fortunately I just made some good progress with fixing some of the other gauge issues. Working on the CDI gauges at the moment…


Another update to the mod has been uploaded to github, now V0.14.

Hopefully no new problems.

Includes completely revised coding for significant aspects of the NAV CDI gauges.

Changes include:

Unlike the default, the CDIs now respond to:

  • User selected On/Off state of corresponding NAV/COM Radio.
  • Power state of corresponding NAV/COM Radio.
  • CDI gauge will power off when Avionics Power (Battery Master Switch) switched off.
  • CDI gauge will power off when the applicable NAV/COM Radio is turned off using the Volume/Off knob.
  • CDI gauge will power off if the battery discharges and the voltage level supplied to the applicable
    NAV/COM radio drops below the minimum required for operation.

Great work. Just flown around a bit.
1 thing I noticed is just like with the 172, it is very easy to keep the nose wheel in the air after landing. I can strike the tail if I want to below 20 knots :smiley:
For the 172 some ppl suggested to lower the elevator efficiency in the flight model cfg. I tried it a bit an it worked quite well.
Maybe you could look at it for the 152 as well.

Is it possible to repackage this mod with the unaltered C152 files and rename it? So that, the game sees it as a different aircraft?


thank you. I have the Steam version of FS2020. My commmunity folder is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MicrosoftFlightSimulator\community

Great idea. Perfect for comparing modded vs original.

At some point I may considering doing this. I do understand that people may wish to revert to the default aircraft temporarily or for comparison etc. I have tried a few things but so far have not found a successful solution to allow both versions of the aircraft without either making the mod based on a complete copy of the default aircraft or resorting to modifying the actual default aircraft files.

There may be a potential issue with the legitimacy of redistributing essentially the complete ms/asobo aircraft content.

For me, also quite significantly, the current C152X Mod (which only includes the additions and alterations from the default aircraft) is a total of only ~ 123Kilobytes! The default aircraft is a total of ~508MB. Basing the Mod on a complete copy, would clearly seem a little inefficient.

I don’t know, but it is also possible that there could be practical and possibly negative sim performance / memory implications for having two separate sets of data loaded for the two aircraft.

The other consideration at the moment is that all of the default files which are not adjusted or modified remain as per the default. With the likelihood that various items in the default aircraft may be updated in the near future with official patches etc, there is some advantage to continued linkage with these files, in order to obtain the possible benefits of those updates.

As with everything, it is a compromise.

For now it is pretty easy to add or remove the Mod folder as required.


Enormous thanks for your work in the C152; you have made this little Cessna into something amazing.


very good work.

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Absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for your outstanding work. It’s really appreciated!

Found the donate button on github and send some money your way! Thanks again!


Had a further look today, trying various options to achieve the desired result, so far without success. For now, I am going to focus on various other additions/improvements. Hopefully I will get a chance to look at this again at some point, or potentially someone will come up with an elegant solution.


CDI needles are not working. I’m flying an FSE asignment (FSE aircraft have IFR package, so thats not the problem)
The flag under the vertical needle is gone (comes back if I turn off the radio) . The correct nav freq is tuned, I can hear the morse code. but the needle is just at the center not moving.
ADF is working ok.
Both NAV1 and 2 are effected.

Does this mod fix the C152 sensitivity problem too? Thank you

Does this problem exist for you under normal conditions - no FSE assignment?