C208B Grand Caravan EX Mods General

I’m anxious to try it, thanks for your work, @dgtlanlg While I installed it and did a quick test, I apparently have a lot of work to figure out since I had no instruments and idle thrust was somehow resulting in 42% thrust. I’ve not been keeping up the mods though so I’m sure I messed something up with the install. Anyhow… :roll_eyes:

As I said, I’ve not been keeping up with the mods but am curious when the three flap settings were introduced? Is there a reason for this mod? (In the real EX, we only have 2 flap settings. See below).

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Hi Trev, it looks like something went wrong with your install. The mod has only two flap settings and the textures in your pic are the standard.

Hi, I’ve been following this topic and am eager to get it working as I fly into bush strips in PNG a lot. So, to be absolutely clear, we only need the three mods linked in your post and the Working Title’s G1000? There is nothing else we need at all? e.g. Dros’s project or Exp232?

OK thanks - I’ll start over fresh and see if I can get it working.

Cool, thanks for the mod. Will take it for a spin shortly and report back. It really would be one of my favs, but default it is a mess.

You shouldn’t need anything other than Working Title and MagrainaOne’s annunciation fix.

It still needs a lot of work, hopefully others will contribute. Then there are some fundamental flaws that can really only be fixed by Asobo.

I was able to get the install sorted and just completed a few quick (70nm) flights of A-B, then back to B-A plus some pattern work. My initial impressions are that this is the best mod combination I’ve come across so far and succeeds in getting the Caravan to a point where I’m pretty happy with it in the sim. Honestly, I hadn’t been flying it much in MSFS2020 before now because of how annoyingly unrealistic it was. These mods change that. :+1:

The mods I tested, which are all linked to above, were:

  1. WorkingTitle’s G1000 - which I think everyone knows by now is a must (I know, it’s not new but this was the first time I had it installed in the C208). It is so much of an improvement compared to the default and I’m sure will only get better.

  2. Similarly, @MagrainaOne 's avionics/systems update is awesome as well. This fixes a lot of the annoyances I had with the CAS messages before. I did notice that 1) the STBY PWR ON message was showing all the time whereas it should only display during a (rare) generator underspeed situation, and 2) I think this mod also fixed the huge BAT AMPS discharge… Which is now showing a large positive integer. BATT AMPS should show 0 unless the gen has been tripped, then it’ll show a discharge - but I still call think it’s an improvement not showing the discharge. Also, the addition of the SYSTEM page is great to have. Yay!

  3. Finally, @dgtlanlg 's main 208 mod plus GMC710 mod puts the icing on the cake… :slight_smile: First, thank you for fixing the textures - things like HORN instead of NORM on the anti-ice subpanel were driving me crazy. :crazy_face: The placards are now spot-on; even down to the reference number on the decals themselves - I really appreciate that attention to detail.

  • Ground handling is much improved and taxiing is far more realistic with the increased turn radius.

  • Takeoff is much better especially considering how I needed to feed in more right rudder on the takeoff roll - That’s very much like the real airplane where you never skip ‘leg day’ from pushing on the rudder during the TO roll (rudder trim is your friend!). I do feel like there should be a bit more of a nose-down pitch movement during flap retraction but it’s hard to quantify - I’d say it’s captured well enough for now.

  • Climbout at 120 knots was good if not a bit sporty, but I’m used to flying at close to MTOW from field elevations 5000’+ MSL vs the lower altitudes where my sim test flights were. Cruise performance ended up very close to the book numbers - though fuel flow was around 25% less than predicted book value in the sim (at 10,000’ MSL, max TQE, 1900 rpm, and ISA temp). Cruise speed settled very close to book value though.

  • Approach and landing will still bug me until Asobo fixes the prop drag issue. However, approach and landing speeds work pretty well with this mod, wherein you have to keep power “in” until you’re in the flare - no gliding it onto the runway power-off in the RW Caravan.

  • I noticed a few other minor cosmetic things (like the standby TQE gauge redline that has been incorrect from the start) and other things that are probably not fixable, but overall from my RW experience flying the Caravan EX, I’d give my stamp of approval to this combination of mods and can’t wait to see them continue to be improved. Great work to all involved!


Just want to clarify please - from magraina’s msfs2020-C208-Improvment-Mod-main folder we copy the following folders into the Community folder?

  1. fix-WorkingTitle-g1000-Annunications

  2. sheepind-cessna208b-g1000

That’s all?


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Thanks for your feedback Trev, it’s really invaluable.

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Sorry if my instructions were a bit vague.

You need to have Working Title’s G1000 mod installed. https://github.com/Working-Title-MSFS-Mods/fspackages/releases/download/g1000-v0.3.2/workingtitle-g1000-v0.3.2.zip

Then from Magraina’s mod, you’ll need to install their annunciation fix (fix-WorkingTitle-g1000-Annunciations - copy the html_ui folder into your Working Title G1000 mod), but not the mod itself (sheepind-cessna208b-g1000) since it’s already bundled into my mod.


Great insights PilotTrev! I find that extending the flaps on approach causes the nose to pitch up too much! Is that accurate in the real 208? Seems like a bit much.


While it’s hard to quantify, I can tell you that there IS a pronounced pitching effect associated with the flaps on the Caravan. If you look at the wing, you can see why - they take up a lot of the trailing edge span. In the real plane, usually give the trim switch a 1-2 second lead before adding/removing flaps.

I’m sorry but sould I place the ‘‘GMC710-texture-fix’’ folder in the Community folder, or files inside it need to place place somewhere precise?

It just goes into your community folder.

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Looking forward to trying this new combo out. Thanks so much.

Ps. @PilotTrev… in the real world, is the reverse thrust in the EX ever used to reverse the plane on the ground? If not, why?

Been flying the 208B quite a bit recently in sim and the taxi speed issues with the default plane are just a pain in the ■■■ right now. I tried the combination of mods listed above and after one flight I can see that it is worth it just for that taxi fix :slight_smile: On the other hand I did enjoy being able to use normal climb rates. I did notice however that on approach for landing and once going on full flaps I really need to push down on yoke to get the plane pointing down. I am assuming this is something I can address with trimming prior to getting to that level of flaps. Is that normal behavior for this plane in real life?

Thanks for all the hard work.

I’m enjoying these mods… has made the cessna much more interesting to fly… some comments from someone who has never flown one … the taxi speed seems wrong. I need to constantly stand on the brakes else idle throttle makes the plane taxi too fast and keep on accelerating.

Also climb rates at around 120 knots seem excessive… it seems possible to climb at 2000-2500 ft per minute easilly at this speed which doesn’t seem right to me… maybe I am wrong…

Otherwise really loving it…

Hi everyone,

Here’s an update for the C208B mod, compatible with the most recent sim update (, it also brings the mod inline with the current default version of the C208B.


  • Reversionary mode is now functional during startup; wip.
  • Standby torque gauge replaced.
  • Standby avionics power switches fixed.
  • The pilot flood and pedestal light knobs have been swapped.
  • The glareshield light knob does nothing for now; previously it was backlighting the decals.
  • Some minor texture fixes.

To make installation less of a mess, I’ve included the most recent version of Working Title’s G1000 mod (v0.3.3) with @MagrainaOne’s annunciation fix. Delete any version you might already have and replace it with this one. I’m hoping the WT team will integrate this into a future release.

Delete any previous versions of the C208B mod you might have before installing this one. To install, unzip into your community folder.



Thank you very much