C208B Grand Caravan EX Mods General

I’ve had an issue with the pre mod and finding a similar issue with this mod, I find that I can’t add a arrival into the flight-plan? I can add it through the flight-plan before you fly but when I try manually, I have the departure options come up along with the approach but for some reason, options for arrivals don’t come up? Is anyone else having this issue?
I use navigraph

That is odd, I did a flight from Kapiti to Woodburn, entered everything manually through the aircraft flight planner, got select my departure and approach but I couldn’t get any arrival options. I couldn’t select an altitude but could select vs mode and when I activated my approach, it did a u-turn to ‘usr’ and when I selected direct to, ‘usr’ kept coming up and it wouldn’t follow my approach at all. Is there something I’m doing wrong or do I need to enter a flightplan through the world menu. As I have done a flight plan through the main menu and had no problems

This mod does not change anything on the G1000.
So this might be a problem which need to be reported to the WorkingTitle team.
But maybe someone here can help you too.

Cheers mate, I’ll do that, just making sure it wasn’t something that was known and has already been reported.
Yeah I did a flight from Kapiti to Woodburn through manually entering the flight plan I couldn’t select an arrival, had a similar issue a number of months ago when after completing a flight that was planned through the inbuilt planner, I tried to do another flight within the same session and had a similar issue where by I could enter a flight plan ok, could select a departure but when it came to entering an arrival, nothing would scroll down when in those input pages in the arrival section, I could select an approach but not any arrivals

After last update I get front of pilot face blocking the instrument panel, and side view, the same for copilot, and unable to remove the yokes. Is there a fix for this? It happens with or without the mod.Thanks

Hi Folks,
since the SU8 and the new mod I’ve problems to get the engine up and running
Following the prevoius procedures dosen’t work for me, the propeller is spinning but the engine dosen’t start. Could please post your steps from cold and dark.
My steps:
Batt = on
Beacon = on
Avionics = both on
Fuelselector = both on
Fuel valve= on
Fuelboost =on
condition lever = low idle
Gen= on
Starter = on

I had the same situation, after a few seconds noticed the following: the fuel valve in the new mod is already set to on so you don’t have to do that anymore. And you have to set the propellor handle forward and that red thing next to it :wink: (sorry, I’m not behind the sim right now)

Well, today I turned on and everything looks normal, never mind…

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Procedure looks OK, does Autostart work for you ? CTRL+E ?

Yes, that’s working

I found my “bug”
I’m using the Honeycomb Alpha “Starter-Knob”. That doesn’t trigger the Ignition Switch. Need to figure out, how get it working again

First of all, again, kudos to all the devs involved in the development of this mod: for me, the best one after FBW. With each release, more buttons are available to simulate the real checklist. The last one I’ve discovered: Test Switch (Fire detect & Fuel Select Off). Even the corresponding annunciators!

Let me ask you a doubt I have related to these two buttons: In the real checklist I have (MODEL 208B 867 SHP / GARMIN G1000 - Dec 2012), Before Starting Engine section, point 27, we have to check this switch and the related annunciators. BUT at this point we haven’t switch on the avionics yet (it’s later, in the Starting Engine section) , so we can’t check if the annunciator appears correctly. It’s a mistake or maybe I accidentally missed something?

Hmm… it looks strange indeed, Maybe sombody with a real plane experience could help ?

The ITT is wrong, during startup it has to be higher.

@MagrainaOne @NewoPL

Well i finally got some time to install the new update and wow that was a lot of stuff. You must of been saving it up for a post SU8 update, Anyhow thanks for sorting the avatar bug and all the extra bits they are most welcome. One thing i spotted in particular that i liked was the battery current showing charging/discharging. I haven’t had a chance to go through everything yet so i may have further observations on other stuff which will likely be anti-ice related. Here are my observations so far.

The MASTER_BATTERY_ON & OFF events is something i raised after the last release and i just haven’t had time to have a real look at it again until now. They do not function as i had anticipated meaning they do not perform the job of the master switch. I can see them turning the battery circuit on/off but without enabling bus connection 10 nothing will power up. This is fine by me but my original point about it not being basic hardware friendly still stands. I have it working just fine as i said but others may struggle with this arrangement. The other point about this is even with what i have used the animation of the battery master switch is still inop via sim connect control. That is a switch that every aircraft has and for it not to animate like that is not good IMHO.

The Avionics standby power and Avionics 2 switches do not function per the real aircraft as i believe was the intention.
Avionics standby power when on should supply an alternative means of power to the Avionics 1 bus but it appears to do not a lot.
Avioncs 2 should turn on the Avionics 2 bus regardless of the state of Avionics 1 but it does not.
The Avionics 1 and Avionics cross-tie switches work as expected.

I’ll be sure to post again if i find anything else.

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What is your key binding?

Thanks for the feedback!

Well, than we net to check that again and may see what is wrong about this. I had tested this and had no such problem (With Hardware and also with Sim Connect).

As I remember, we haven’t changed anything yet on avionics stby power.
I’m actually not sure if that’s correct. But we will have a look on it

Can the DISPLAY BACKUP be used with the current mod in conjunction with G1000 NXI ?.

I have tried it and observed the following :-

  1. On VNAV approach the VERTICAL DEVIATION INDICATOR disappears.

  2. OAT display disappears on PFD

  3. Cannot revert back to normal display


You mean if you only using the PFD?
If so, some systems are only active if Avionics 2 is active.

Anyway I cannot follow correct what do you mean with BACUP DISPLAY?
And what do you mean with " 3. Cannot revert back to normal display"?

Yo may could describe all steps to do, to reproduce this issue.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to ‘…’
  2. Click on ‘…’
  3. Scroll down to ‘…’
  4. See error

Both Avionics 1 and 2 = ON.

Press RED Button - marked BACKUP DISPLAY, on console between PFD and MFD.

Maybe I am using it wrong.

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Oh okay, that’s not part of this mod.
That button is addressed by the G1000 NXi itself. So you need to contact WorkingTitle
I hadn’t know, that it can be used yet.
It should trigger the normal reversionary mode and vise versa.
So it seems to me, you may found a bug.

You can report them this issue via Discord:

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