Can we get an honest and open explantion about what is going wrong with the Marketplace?

By next Thursday it will have been almost exactly a month since SU5 was released and broke a large number of the aircraft for sale on the Marketplace.

Since that release developers have sent in updates for their Marketplace products to fix the problems MS and Asobo created but a grand total of ONE of those updates has actually been released.

I think the community deserves an actual explanation of why.
What has gone wrong that has left paid for content broken for so long ?
Why aren’t delayed patches being released as soon as possible rather than being delayed up to another week later so they can go out on a Thursday ?
MS have proved they can deal with out of band markeplace releases with the G1000NXi and CRJ so why not offer that to other dev who have been suffering because their SU5 fixes still aren’t available ?


Add this to the dev Q and A rather


There are topics for the Q&A about the Marketplace… vote them rather then open a new one.


Frankly this needs addressing before the Q&A.

Not some carefully curated PR exercise but some actual honestly abot what has gone wrong and how it will be put right.

That’s what good communication from a developer ACTUALLY looks like.


lol… how will you adress this ? Q&A is the best time for this. Period.Fullstop!

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No it’s not. The Q&A sessions are basically a promotional exercise rather than any attempt to level with the community about problems.

Asobo need to talk explicitly about what has gone wrong, why, why their response to the problem appears to be so poor, what they intend to do resolve the problem and what lessons can be learnt for the future.


Looking at the replies, it seems the answer to your question is “No”, then.

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Pretty much as expected, to be honest. Communication when things go wrong is not their forte.


I’m really not sure this is an Asobo issue or that there is much they can do about it.

I don’t know who processes and applies the changes but Microsoft seem to require that Marketplace items be encrypted and have some DRM added and if this is being done by a faceless corporate drone at Microsoft there isn’t much Asobo can do but wait.

Now that I’ve spoken in their defense I will add that I no longer use the marketplace since discovering they don’t provide a proof of purchase receipt amongst other things (including the slow update process and encryption which can break other mods)

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This may well be true, but Asobo are our contacts here - they are the only ones who are in a position to get answers and pass that information onto us.


But they’re regularly releasing WT G1000Nxi updates?

I think that’s a clear sign people need to stop using marketplace. I was all for marketplace, unified platform for all addons but it just doesn’t work. Developers don’t have any control over their products. That’s ridiculous. If developers can’t update the products whenever they want then marketplace is useless and loses its purpose.


That leads to the question of why plane updates that were sent in weeks ago by other devs haven’t been released as well ? (With the one exception of the CRJ)

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Certainly If I was a dev with a product on the Marketplace that was broken by SU5,with customers demanding to know why I haven’t fixed it yet when i sent the patch in within a week of SU5 being released I’d be questioning exactly what MS/Asobo is providing for the cut of the money it’s taken and whether it’s worth it.


Yes exactly. You take a cut you must provide a service. Like steam for example takes a big cut but allows total freedom for developers, i’ve seen some of them pushing 2 hotfixes in one day.
Current state of marketplace only hurts developers since customers are mad but developers are not allowed to update their addons.
I’m done with marketplace, if it’s not allowed to update addons there i won’t be using it. 2 days later would be fine, but a month or more? Nope.


There are major rewrites going on at Asobo and potentially more things to break addons so if not Microsoft it’s either Asobo wanting things stable before testing, time pressures or possibly both.

And I can’t help but imagine that suppliers should be contacting them directly for an explanation rather than creating a scene on a public messageboard.


The Marketplace is a disaster for us. And this is almost 100% Microsofts responsibility. I say almost because there is a small responsibility left to devs who sell their products through Marketplace only.

The only way to deal with it in my opinion is to not purchase on Marketplace. Sadly, Xbox users can’t do that.


Asobos addons (Toprudder Solo as an example) are working perfectly after each update. None of their stuff is broken.

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I don’t think they were quite prepared well enough for the Xbox release, it’s rushed inception (for the PC at least with the SU5 fiasco) and Marketplace irregularities show a distinct lack of forethought and preparation. They need to sort it out and as ever sort it quickly, Microsoft that is, as Asobo can at least wash part of their hands for the blame on this one!

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Irrelevant I would say because nothing from Asobo is adapted or intended to be cross platform. Importantly all rights are probably owned by Microsoft too.