Can we please get an official update on the FPS / stuttering bug

I understand the issue with different systems and setups and while I agree with you on that specific issue, I have personally experienced over the last day with MSFS stuttering/terrible FPS in the same location on two different systems. Both were vanilla installs with nothing in the community folder that should be getting 40+ FPS in this particular location and both times, as soon as I hit that specific point after departing KCMH, the FPS dropped to 18 and the stuttering commenced and did not recover in either case.

And it won’t. That’s not how cloud-based / client-server architecture works. Both client and servers must be running compatible versions, or things can go awry even worse than what we see in MSFS now. Without rolling back the server side of things, there’s no rolling back the client, and vice versa. No matter how much you may want this, it’s just not possible.

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Yea…Its a start

You may be correct. But the fact that I’ve been flying around for many hours (mainly US and Japan and London) without any issues either means there are people that don’t have the issue, or that there are plenty of places in the world where these issues don’t happen. In either case, the sim would still be playable, no?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m thankful to the people that report those issues and that they passionately push for a fix, as this will ultimately make the sim better.

There was a while when X-plane was completely broken during Vulkan beta after each update too. The difference was that users had the option to opt out.

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Being on the MSFS CS team has got to be an awful experience based on the number of issues they have had…

So rollbacks are not possible and let’s say 15% of users are suffering a degradation in their user experience. Curious, if you had a software title out, what percentage of users would you find acceptable to be having a poor experience where prior they had none? Feel free to put a number on it.

Yeah, I have the issues like everyone else, but the sim is still flyable- just a little annoyingly-jittery here and there.

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Typically, you have to opt into the beta in the first place, or your get the ‘normal’ version. And of course you can opt out at any time as well. Normal users aren’t delivered the broken beta goods like we are with MSFS.

Exactly; I know that in my job if I break things I am expected to fix them at my own time and expense and ASAP. I guess the way to avoid this is to become a software developer.

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I just checked the FPF Drop Bug thread. If this is what Asobo is looking at to decide a priority, the users begging for a fix are going to be very disappointed.

If you are having an issue…

  • file a DETAILED Zendesk
  • VOTE in the related BUG thread

If you don’t do those two things, you will be ignored. (Not by me, by Asobo)


I’m a dev and that’s expected of me as well. If I break something, it’s my responsibility to fix it ASAP. It won’t be at my own expense, as it’s just a reality that there are bugs in software and no amount of testing can cover all possible permutations.

How things like that are handled have more to do with the ethos of the company and its internal culture.

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I just did the math… current related posts, unique users, votes in the bug threads.
Based on the 80000+ members, currently 0.365% have actually reported an issue.

The numbers I found are the same numbers that Asobo is seeing.

If you believe the percentage is higher then I suggest you round up all the users posting in the “General Discussion” and drag their butts over to the appropriate bug thread and have them vote.

I am no statistician but after doing a dig through the forum, I am convinced that this will be a “Backlog” item on the bug list. If I was Asobo, that’s where I would put it.

Considering there are bugs with 1.2% of users voting that haven’t been resolved.

The vote count is nothing more than a comparitive number and imo shouldn’t represent a “count” of how many users are having the issue. Some FS users are forum members, the majority aren’t. Some users are active posters, some aren’t. And within those active users, some report problems and vote, some don’t. The most we can do with those numbers is compare them to other reported issues. And so far, this issue approaching an equal number of votes to the highest voted bugs in the feedback snapshot.


Its worth pointing out that in just about every other industry other that commercial software that is not “life support critical”, that the way the absolute ‘seriousness’ of problems/issues/risks are measured isn’t simply chalked up to how many people report the issue…

Likelihood, Frequency, and Consequence should all be factored in.

So even IF it were true that a low percentage of total customers experience game-breaking FPS issues (frequency), the likelihood of it happening seems high (if it does happen to you, it almost always happens), and the consequence is high, both from a customer relations perspective (refunds, bad reviews, loss of brand trust and loyalty, etc.) , and from a customer experience perspective (product doesn’t work well or at all, takes up your time troubleshooting, etc.).

Asobo can do the math for the actual risk matrix easily and prove it for themselves. The issue deserves a proper blog post at a minimum.

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Statisticians would put that figure much, much higher. It was really a tale of two days. Day one, I had no problems. Day 2 with update installed, I had major change in user experience. My rig is adept, not top line but very similar to what the market has available. If we had the actual numbers, I would bet that 40 percent of all users are getting the FPS issue.

Hey JR, I not am suggesting that this is it. 231 people have the problem. I am suggesting that there is a process in place to elevate the 1000’s of personal complaints up to a legitimate level where ASOBO is going to start to take an issue seriously.

That means if you want your voice heard, stop hanging around in the general discussion, and round up those having the problem and drive them to vote. There are now 4 or more general threads on this. Most with well under 100 members posting. You cannot convince me that out of 80,000 members you can’t get more than 231 votes in a bug thread for a bug, I keep reading is “user wide”.

I think I said that incorrectly. You do not need to convince me. Convince ASOBO.

You do know that the thread for those NOT having the problem has almost 140 posts.

There are way more than 231 votes, to be accurate. There are at least three separate threads in Bugs and Issues regarding performance problems with the latest update, which pushes that number over 1000. The thread with the largest vote count is over 600.

Just because not everyone has the problem doesn’t mean there aren’t any problems…


There could be many many folks out there who never go to the forum. I scratched my head all throughout 2020 thinking I have bad equipment, doing something wrong or didn’t have the right configurations before realizing, NO, this program, as beautiful as it is, is truly a BETA. That’s when I finally took to the forums to express myself.