Can you focus on core issues not just random sceneries?

Let me ask you this

  • If Asobo did not plan to release Japan scenery, would the bug fix on G1000, etc. come earlier?

I mean, you could argue that Asobo should not hire any janitors until the bugs are fixed, because they could be more focused?

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“Bing Maps sucks! So outdated! Japan is wrong! Make better! More 3D data!”

[World Update announced; Japan improved, more 3D cities]

“Stop working on scenery!”


One thing that seems certain is that your expertise also extends to being exremely offensive.

This dialogue is now concluded.


Quick summary: Use at own risk, bugs are not juicticiable.

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How do you know they’re not?

I’ve read some funny stuff on forums before, but this is near the top. :rofl: just like that…fix it all.

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The title of this thread says it all. Who cares, at this point, about new scenery if the “flight and nav” portion of the sim are less than what we had in FSX??


When you change code, you have to validate it against every possible combination. That’s time consuming.

Otherwise, you fix it on a handful of systems and break it on countless others, or break other functions.

Software development is time consuming, there’s no denying it.

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■■■■■ these forums are so polarized, who could have known a flight simulator could create so much controversy…

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hehe nice response

My previous post is still spot here.
You nor any other supposed “software development” expert know what is going on behind the scenes at MS/Asobo.
You are wildly speculating what you don’t know!
Quite frankly it seems like you are defending MS/Asobo because you are an expert at “software development”.
You should join there team along with all the other so called software development experts.

Or is it because you’re someone who doesn’t like people with a different opinion and you don’t like being challenged - and the Tech Alpha tag is the only way of singling a group of people out.


True, we don’t. We do however know how the industry works in general. Thats true for any industry BTW.

Is it possible asobo has their devs producing scenery? Yea sure, would be stupid imo but not ruling it out.

Its just very unlikely given our collective experience in an industry. If you don’t agree with that fine, but back it up instead of accusing folks for knowing nothing.

I haven’t been to the sun to check, but I’m sure its a star fusing hydrogen and helium because experts have laid out clear reasoning convincing me its the most likely explanation. But it could be made out of cheese too.

No i dont like people who sneak up the aasss of a company just because they got selected as Alpha Testers… i couldnt care less.
I am a developer. I run my own company that does game development. I would never accept one of my coworkers to take 2 weeks to fix a simple UI issue! Never! I would never ever let my reputation or that of my company depend on lazy people who think this is normal. No it is not… such things are adressed in a release day patch, „hotfix“ or whatever you will call it. Never in a 2 werks update… never ever! And my company is small… very small compared to microsoft.
I dont care at all how many folks work at Asobo… i bought the product from microsoft and if in the current constellation they are unable to adress such minor things in a timely manner then they have to invest more money so that asobo can hire more programmers. Its absolutely ridiculous that such FIXES require that amount of time!


So, not Ubisoft then? :wink:

I guess with so many issues, they have to be pretty careful as far as triaging issues. Everyone wants their particular issue fixed first, and if it isn’t addressed yesterday then the developer gets accused of being lazy.

And you can’t rely on simple numbers as a method of directing your efforts in the right direction, just look at the top item on the wishlist!

No of course not! I know where getting at… bugwise! But even at Ubisoft… do you think a developer who needs 2 weeks to fix an UI issue would still work for them?
Obviously also at Asobo it certainly was fixed within a few minutes. However not releasing such things immediately as Hotfixes and instead wait 2 weeks for the next major update… that is the joke here!


I think at this point, everything that could be said, has been said. We are all flogging a dead horse at this point, and with the patch coming on Tuesday, we don’t have long to wait now.

I can either choose to gnash my teeth, and write angry posts on the forums, or I can fire up MSFS, and go fly. And in 7 minutes, the latter is what I intend to do.

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Whatever, you are so right and you obviously know what you are talking about.


I’ve worked with game developers for the past 20 years, and the only thing your post says is that you’ve never even walked in the same building as game developers, let alone being one.

PS: lots of exclamation marks don’t make your lacking point any more solid.


Lol ok thats fine with me… what was it? Lazy Sheep studios?