Cant re-install mfs error Error 0x80073d12, 0x80070005

Nope. Not tried. Not sure I understand though what to do.

for example:

# How To Repair install Windows 10 without losing any data

Ahh I see. My Windows Pro install is within the last several months, and I really don’t want to mess with it until I’m completely run out of ideas. I have P3D relying on this installation as well. Appreciate the idea. I do feel though , that the install process is seeing something it doesn’t like
maybe my uninstall just wasn’t clean enough as I had the original on 2 different drives.

Give it a try. You have nothing to loose. Good luck!

There are some threads on this forum regarding this. Maybe the registry is messed up.

Most of your settings are kept “in the cloud” and are put back in place with a reinstall.

i did an inplace update repair 2 days ago already -.-

Well I’ve discovered something new. Originally I had installed MSFS to a brand new clean M2 drive. Windows installed on my C drive. So my problem with this setup was that I could not back up my Community Folder . I wanted to back up my Community Folder before acquiring the February 16th Update. So this was the reason I decided to uninstall and try to install on my C Drive where Windows resides which would allow me to back up the Community Folder. My C drive has 350 GB Free
so that should be enough room.

What I have just discovered is that the Store will download to the M2 drive where MSFS was residing before I un installed it. Really Strange. Of course it will download to my laptop as already mentioned but I do not want it there
and it only has 63GB free. So I guess
if all else fails Ill place it back where it use to be and live with not being able to back up my community folder due to encryption issues.

I’ll give the Windows repair without losing data a try as well. Never know. I feel it may be a registry issue as well.

did that now, but no success

MSFS doesn’t add any registry entries.
Only the MS Store, and the X-box data do.

Do you happen to know where in the Registry the Store makes an entry?

The 0003 as you probably know is a Windows update error.
It is saying you don’t have the latest updates.

The 3D12 is MSStore related.
Did you reset your Microsoft Store?

To do that, go to Start and key-in Settings > Apps > Apps and Features > navigate and click Microsoft Store > select Advanced options > Reset

i think thats EXACTLY my problem. i had mfs earlier on my C: drive, later on my D: drive

but sadly NO solution on that page -.-

i checked the registry, but it wont allow us to change / add any other user rights on that particular entries!

WIN+X - in the searchfield type regedit and run as administrator

Hi. i found that maybe it works.

or that

Had this error. Went into the store, and noticed an update to the XBOX app. installed that, and after signing into the app, was then able to launch successfully.

Was originally thinking I’d have to reinstall, but that fixed it for me!!!