Career mode and realism not up to expectations

I must be one of the luckier ones as my system seems quite stable and not seeing the problems you are having …I’m on PC so maybe that’s the difference!
Lets hope with every update people see improvements on all platforms.


I also don’t have many of the mistakes they write about. On the other hand, I have the most common mistakes. It calms me down. Because I am sure that I have no problems with the equipment. (I even had the latest patch installed in 3 minutes)

And you’re flying strictly with a controller :video_game:?

What bothers me most about the state of 2024 is the lack of communication.

They wished everyone happy holidays in the last stream and that was it.
Since the patch didn’t deliver some of the promised fixes, I would expect to hear something from them about how things are going now. For example, whether we will get fixes this year or whether we will have to live with these problems over the holidays that were supposed to be fixed with the last patch, which would be very frustrating.

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sure, I acknowledge that. And everyone has the right to complain about it. I am also very unhappy

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No. HOTAS One, Xbox Controller when on the stand, Wireless mouse for sensitivity settings. I have a 600 GBP ‘cockpit’ here (which I can also play games on :yum: ).

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Some of this is way overblown and absolutely ridiculous. It’s okay to be unhappy or upset or whatever. It’s okay to request a refund, it’s your money. But telling me I’m “delusional” because I’m happy with the sim and enjoying it? No, that is unacceptable and ridiculous.

I’ve been flying the iniBuilds A320 on a daily basis together with A Pilot’s Life 2 and Self-Loading Cargo for immersion. I’m experiencing no issues whatsoever aside from the occasional minor bug and I’m having a perfectly good time. The performance is amazing on my rig (I’m on an RTX4060, so although it’s a modern current-gen GPU it’s not exactly a 4080), it works almost as well as a patched MSFS 2020 and it definitely works MUCH better than 2020 did at launch, when I literally could not complete flights without CTDs galore.

Even in career mode, which is more problematic than free flight, I’m not running into game-breaking issues (I fly planes only, I recognize that helicopters are in a worse state and do need more work). If you’re that bothered about real-world procedures, go into free flight instead and use a third party ATC add-on like Beyond ATC, which offers 2024 compatibility. Or go on VATSIM. For a third party career mode, there’s the aforementioned A Pilot’s Life.

So, tone the toxic rhetoric down, please. It’s fine if you’re not enjoying the sim, it’s your opinion, but don’t try to shame those of us who ARE enjoying it. Just as OP is entitled to his opinion, I will not allow someone to shame me for saying I am having a good time. It’s not a “scam” and I am not “delusional”. This is perfectly enjoyable and functional as is (at least the fixed-wing side of it) and MS/Asobo will support it for years. No one is disputing the fact it has bugs. No one is saying the launch wasn’t a disaster. I myself couldn’t play the game for a couple of days after launch. But the worst is long over and right now I’m having a great time, and I look forward to future patches and updates.


That doesn’t mean X-plane is any more REAL than MSFS. They’ve just gone through the steps necessary to get it certified (with the inclusion of a buncha hardware.)


I must be delusional then because I’m enjoying free flight. Most of the bugs are in career mode.

Why do you resent people that are enjoying the product so much? Can’t handle it that people have a different experience than you?

Yep I’m delusional and I’m loving it even with the silly bugs.

75 mostly trouble-free flying hours since launch, generally free flight, some career and photo and challenges.

That’s a LOT of delusion going on. I should probably see a doctor.

If you wanted a refund, you should have requested it a day or two after you purchased, not 3 weeks later (assuming you purchased on release day). You’re abusing the refund system at this point if you have more than a few hours of actual flight time in the sim and your refund will probably be denied. If you go to your credit card company to ask for a chargeback, your account will likely be banned.

A few thoughts on your thoughts:

  • MSFS will likely never be approved for any kind of flight training because it changes too often to try and stay on the cutting edge. Often those changes break things. X-Plane updates offer tiny incremental changes from version to version and the sim is more stable overall as a result. But as far as flight model and environmental realism go… well, enjoy flying on rails in X-Plane. That sim has never “felt” realistic to me, no matter how accurately you can fly by the numbers.
  • Your first example of procedural issues has already been fixed in the patch: the hold short area is correctly placed behind the hold short line on the taxiway. MSFS under Asobo is still new to helicopters, and I’m sure those issues will be ironed out in time. ATC… well, Asobo mentioned they have some big surprises coming up, and I wouldn’t be surprised if one of those is related to ATC.
  • Everyone complaining about visual details really needs to list their hardware and internet speed/provider. Runway textures, trees, pretty much everything in the sim looks better on my system than 2020. Better than the 2024 trailers even.
  • The career certifications are made so new players as well as seasoned vets are able to jump into career missions quickly. Upping the realism too much will scare away new players and likely frustrate some experienced simmers by rehashing what they already know. I’m disappointed with the training missions, mostly because they recycle what was available in 2020 and don’t go into enough detail to show someone new how to fly and have scoring bugs. We’ll likely need to rely on 3rd party developers for something complex that has any semblance to real world training. Those trainings will likely only appeal to folks who are committed to truly learning procedures and possibly have aspirations to go for a PPL in real life.

I have close to 50 hours of logbook time in the sim and 80 hours total (which includes waiting in the queue on release day). I would have even more hours if I had unlimited time. Much of that unlogged time is due to aborting missions because of bugs and not wanting to take a reputation hit as a result. Frustrating? A bit. But I wasn’t expecting perfection with procedurally generated missions in a new sim.

Meanwhile, I’ve spent a few hours on YouTube and Reddit learning how banner towing and skydiving operations work, something I never would have considered if not for this sim. The helicopter missions have inspired me to learn how to fly helis without assists. I haven’t been this invested in a sim since I was a kid and later when I used MSFS to help prepare for solos during my PPL training.

I think the core sim, after this latest patch, puts 2024 in a much better place than 2020 was after a month. It took 3-6 months for 2020 to get to the point we’re at now with 2024. As for “being lied to” and “false advertising”… MSFS is a platform. 2024 will be the latest and greatest for at least 4 years if Microsoft/Asobo stay on a 4 year release cycle. The promises in 2020 didn’t arrive on day one, and I didn’t assume the promises for 2024 would arrive on day one either. Just like MMO’s add content as they age, 2024 will do the same. I’m happy that I get to experience the sim today, even in it’s unpolished state, and I’ll continue to sink a bunch of free time into it while the issues are slowly ironed out.


I wish I could heart this post a second time, so this will have to do instead. It’s refreshing to see mature, level-headed people posting here. Not been much of that lately.


Sorry but that‘s no point. I‘m pretty sure that you could also get FAA certification for parts of MSFS if anyone would be interested to invest the money.

I don‘t know the exact part for what X-Plane can be certified, but I‘m pretty sure that it‘s not the whole sim, not like a certified sim for VFR Default C172 flight, but maybe as procedure trainer with special aircraft system addons for IFR or MEP or… procedures under very special circumstances. And the operator must be certified as well.
Certified sims are not like loading the C172, fly around a bit and then log your hours in your RL logbook. It‘s for specific purposes under specific conditions with clear operations. Having the sim SW is only one part of the whole thing and the sim itself must not be realistic nor have a super realistic flight model.
Being certified has nothing to do with how „realistic“ a simulator is. There are sims that don‘t even have any visual representation. It‘s about system depth and that‘s not the part provided by X-Plane or MSFS but by the aircraft system.
And some certified sims don‘t even represent real aircraft, so a certification is also not a representation of the realism degreeof an aircraft.

No, nobody will be a better pilot just by using X-Plane. As a RL SEP pilot I must say that VFR flying is much better in MSFS 2020 and 2024 compared to XPlane.
VFR Navigation is more realistic in MSFS, both versions. With MSFS you can fly accurately by terrestrial navigation. I know that because I often use MSFS to familiarize with airports and airspaces before getting there IRL for the first time. At my home base I can even see the tree that represents one of the CTR entry points IRL.

Flight model for the typical VFR planes are 95% equally good. Near ground (landing, flare), XPlane is better than MSFS2020, MSFS2024 is at least as good as XPlane if not better (finally, planes get heavy with throttle at idle and gear doesnt bounce as much). But even for the „worse“ MSFS2020: it‘s more like flying different aircraft types than a totally unrealistic behavior. Landing the C152 in FS20 might not feel like a C152 but maybe more like a more modern plane that tends more to floating but not unrealistic in terms of flying in general.

Turbulence is more realistic in MSFS2024, as obstacles on the ground have effect on air turbulence. Put a steady 40kts wind in 3000ft and fly in 50ft over an open field and over the edge of a forest or buildings and you know what I mean, and other than that, fly in different heights to get an impression about friction turbulence. It shakes you heavy in low heights and you feel nearly nothing in 3kft, just as in real life.

No, X-Plane is not the better and more realistic sim just because under very specific circumstances it can be certified. That‘s an illusion.


What are you pc specs. I’m in the market for building one.

It IS the kinda thing that X-plane zealots like to trumpet in order to try and justify why they keep flying it. :wink:

My PC is a few years old now, so anything you buy today will likely be faster. I’m on an i9-12900, 3090, 64GB of memory, and quick NVME’s for OS and games. I run ultrawide 3440x1440. MSFS 2024 defaults to Ultra settings, and the only thing I changed is TAA to DLSS since the blurries/artifacts are much less prominent in 2024.

I’m a bit spoiled by the 24GB of VRAM on the 3090, but even the 4070 TI Supers have been upgraded to 16GB. That said, if you’re on a GTX 20 series or equivalent/newer, the 50 series is right around the corner so it may be worth sticking with your current GPU to see what the new gen brings or if prices on the 40 series comes down. MSFS has always been CPU dependent anyway.

I have gig fiber, but I’ve read reports from plenty of people with slower connections that don’t have issues with blurry textures or melted photogrammetry. But a lot probably also depends if your ISP throttles your connection. If the photogrammetry works well for you in 2020, I would assume 2024 will be similar on a new rig with ultra settings. Happy part hunting!

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I really must praise Microsoft for their efficiency in refunding my money. I requested the refund for MSFS 2024 and within 30 minutes the money was back in my PayPal account.

Hopefully I will be re-purchasing MSFS 2024 at some point, once it is more usuable in VR. I really wish the project well but currently, from a VR perspective, MSFS 2020 is far superior - in that it works well, even if the smoothness is not quite as evident as 2024. THe toolbar and mouse in 2020 both work and CTDs are rare on my RTX 4070, i9 and 64Gb RAM…and I can fly all the aircraft I have bought.

I look forward to the day when I can return to 2024 but that day is probably a long way off at present, unfortunately.

Man, I don’t know. I must have gotten another MSFS 2024 version.

I loving my time in the new sim. Flying the Fenix in and out all the big airports I couldn’t fly to in MSFS2020 due to the bad performance.

In 2024 I can now fly from IniBuilds’ JFK to LAX without a hiccup and steady 35+ FPS in full ultra settings. The lighting is way better, flying at night is a beauty (beside the bright airport lights that they will fix).

Haven’t been back to 2020 in 2 weeks now.

Hey City Skylines player here too (MrMaison). Trust me, the developers of CS is nothing like these guys. yes the 2nd one was a disaster launch but it’s a small team (like 30) and I think I can safely say we won’t be waiting another 4 years.

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