Cerasim Mi17

The solution is to wait for the comprehensive patch currently in development, as Cera is aware of the issue.

After a bit of experiment I think I could patch it. Just edit the systems.cfg and change the windshield de-icing parameters to a positive value, they are at -0.1 and the default in the SDK is like 0.0023 or something like that so I think the negative value actually makes the anti-ice create even more icing (?).

I changed it to 0.1 and flew at Irkutsk without icing in the whole flight with live weather.


Good to know. Will re-install it and try that. Hoping to see the patch by April or so, but we’ll see. I know they said they have a lot to do.

Funny thing is - this clearly seems like initial attempt at exactly that - force trim!
But it’s raw, definitely not ready to replace native cyclic trim

I agree about the systems, disagree about flight model. Its a MESS, rotors stall due to excessive blade drag, and excessive blade lift lets you simply fly through it. I fixed most of it, mod is in the works


Update: I malied CeraSim about some of the most important issues in the Heli, like the windshield de-icing working backwards. I got a totally unacceptable answer about “issues going to be fixed in next update”.
This is a huge red flag to me as some of these issues really need a hotfix or a faster development cycle from the dev.
I had previously got good feedback about this dev but now it is on my “be careful” list.

Hope to see your mod soon, it would be great to have a good flight model for the Mi17.


Hoping we’ll see an update in a month or so at most. They’ve been working on it since December apparently, having know about the issues through this thread since November. Just takes patience. I think their philosophy is one huge update rather than other devs that do them nearly daily.

I can totally understand that for updates and new features but if the product you released is unusable or almost unusable as this then you ought to get a fix out as soon as possible.
Releasing a payware and then saying “ah yes you are right it doesn’t work, wait until we fix it” is not acceptable.


 The problem with this add-on is that it’s so close to being awesome, but it’s also a real mess under the hood.

  • Flickering annunciator lights
  • Gauge backlight glow that disappears depending where you look
  • Overly bright lights that are too bright even on minimum
  • Overly reflective paneling
  • Low res interior model and texture work
  • Sounds playing at the wrong time (fuel pumps) or not at all (engines)
  • Spatial audio issues
  • Events that fire incorrectly, like the right engine trying to start itself
  • Default switch state isn’t great, more or less requiring you to click the Cold & Dark button on the tablet (Or implement state saving
  • Electrical systems all function as if they have power during a cold start without the generators
  • No windshield anti-icing
  • Missing the center tank in Weight & Fuel config
  • Really weird interaction with the tablet to open the sliding doors
  • Beeper trim is disabled with a script to constantly zero out the values
  • Force trim works if you click the button on the cyclic but good luck doing that while flying it. Apparently it can be bound with SPAD, but it needs a standard binding as well.

And all of that is before you get into the flight model issues, like being able to fly around at 100% collective and still generate lift with 60% rotor rpm. There are major problems with how it’s configured, and like I know some of that is Asobo’s flight model limitations but a lot of it isn’t; There are other devs making helicopters on the Asobo FM that don’t have these kinds of problems.

DinoPete’s mod will make a huge difference to weight, inertia, top speed, cruise attitude, and more. It’ll feel so much better to fly, but there will still be that laundry list of other problems that we need CeraSim to fix.

The hard part for me is that we still don’t have any idea what CeraSim actually plans to address in this first patch, nor anything beyond a vague idea of when they plan to release a patch. Just hoping this thing eventually turns into an add-on I can enjoy and recommend to others.


I’d buy that philosophy with regard to systems, maybe
 But I still think it’s a mistake in this case. Fans of the type had access to excellent Belsimtek module for years, thorough scrutiny should be expected. They should have finished cooking up their xml magic before release.

Flight model? No excuse. Initial test version of mod took ~2 days of trial and error, now I’m just polishing and testing with the assistance of some very helpful community members. Cerasim - next time please spend at least that on testing and improving the flight model. 2 man-days of work of somebody familiar with established products can’t be that expensive.

Bad FM ruins the overall impressĂ­on


You are absolutely right about the flight model being key to any flightim add-on.

And if you are going to make mistakes a good customer service is important and Cerasim so far and in my case is showing a really very very very bad customer service experience.


That sounds nothing like “close to being awesome” to be honest. :wink:

Well, the other side of the coin is it IS a quite complex helicopter. Cera attempted coding many things that weren’t done before without WASM - if they committed to fixing the bugs and sloppy mistakes before release, it would have been a gem.


Or they could have stood behind their product and update it several times fixing the most glaring issues.
Instead they decided to take a vacation with the money they collected from a broken product. Awesome.

I know, but it feels like they did all this work and got most of the way there and then just stopped instead of doing the fit & finish work or the final rounds of testing.

  • The sounds themselves are nice enough but they are poorly configured.
  • There are all these startup bugs that were easy to identify that shouldn’t have launched with the product.
  • They should have put the same level of care into the interior as they did the exterior.
  • The DCS Mi-8 has been available for 11 years and is widely considered a gold standard of consumer helicopter flight sim. You don’t even need a real Mi-17 SME to provide feedback you can just boot up DCS and compare for yourself. Nobody is expecting DCS level FM from this bird, but being able to fly around at 100% collective (for example) is just
 not ok?

It’s a big list of issues, sure, but most of it shouldn’t have launched the way it did. And if those things got addressed we’d be left with a very nice product where I’d have much smaller complaints.


I think that the only thing I can recommend is that interested parties reading this thread continually apply pressure on them via their Facebook page, as well as email. They won’t be happy about it, and it may be a rushed patch, but you’ll get something (maybe).

I’m sorry to say you must have got lucky :wink:
Changing the scalar itself did not help, I tested it quite a bit in Canada. It seems the switches only trigger cera LVARs for custom deicing system that isn’t ready, and doesn’t do anything yet.

No native MSFS/Sim connect deicing event is triggered as far as I can tell. The system detects icing correctly, and does all the cosmetics right, but does not remove ice outside of natural thawing once you’re out of icing.

FM seems ready, comparative tests with DCS went well. I’ll try to hack-in working deicing by forcing on native deicing events and will probably post the mod soon.



Initial testing suggests mod needs complete recalibration on SU15 Beta. I’m afraid we will not be releasing before update goes live, more testing is needed


Mod might not need complete recalibration, but I’m now 99% certain that SU15 Beta breaks governor trigger and the logic of how ECL levers and the throttle interact with each other.

Workaround may be possible.


We are looking forward to it!
The helicopter deserves to be at least a little closer to what is presented in the DCS