My friend Cessna2807 came to me this year with the idea of a plane mod over Asobo’s Cessna 172 to bring to life the Reims Rocket variant. He has access to a lot of theses airplanes IRL and a lot of information
The FR172 Reims Rocket was produced by Reims Aviation in France from the late 1960s to the mid-1970s. It was powered by a Rolls-Royce built, fuel-injected, Continental IO-360-H(B) 210 hp (160 kW) engine with a constant-speed propeller.
The Reims Rocket led to Cessna producing the R172K Hawk XP, a model available from 1977 to 1981 from both Wichita and Reims. This configuration featured a fuel-injected, Continental IO-360K derated to 195 hp (145 kW) with a two-bladed, constant-speed propeller. The Hawk XP was capable of a 131-knot (243 km/h) cruise speed.
Mod includes :
Prop lever
3 blade propeller
a different nose design from the recent C172 model
a different exhaust pipe
2 different wheel fairing types
a new flight model built around the IO-360
gauge cockpit (see notes)
a sky diving option
specific checklists
customizable (optional) stickers inside and outside
This is interesting!
I’ve got hundreds and hundreds of hours in C172, and some experience with the stallkit equipped one (short and soft fields…woho!), and this is something that tickles my fancy
Looking forward to this. As it will have a slightly different shape, will you be releasing a new paintkit (2D Photoshop style if possible!) along with it , assuming current C172 paints won’t fit.
Quite a few HawkXPII were/are based in Ireland.
It will show as a different plane in the hangar, so it will require specific liveries.
Conversions should not be too hard : only the nose is modified. If there are thin details in this area, it could require a new painting.
I’ll have a look at the paintkit !
haha To be honest It was not really my favorite plane before.
But working on it got me attracted. I’ve spent a lot of time importing, correcting and re-exporting the model that it’s also a kind of way to make that work profitable !
Don’t be too surprised if you ever see a different plane mod in the future
Well I don’t know : I’ve been doing two small seaports from FSEconomy, it took me 4 CTDs and 2h for simple airports and water runaways objects
It seems that the aircraft part of the SDK has become much more stable than the scenery part
Alternative wheel fairings : older style that were usual on theses planes (they’re ON by default, you switch to recent ones in the book)
Last features from the Cessna 172SP Skyhawk AS1000 improvement mod :
ingame manual for the mod (click spot on the panel)
state saving (new option in the book, cold start trigger)
visible passengers (you need to check the option in the book and give weight in MSFS fuel & balance options)
Fixes :
Engine modes : closer to POH
RPM max on ground (2800)
you can get 500fpm climb with 2500RPM, 25MP
cruise at 2400RPM, 24MP gives ~120knts
UVMaps fixes
Wing texture fix (thanks to SebStep91)
No break modification : it is still on the default value from 172SP. With the engine modification I don’t find it under powered. Tell me what you think about it
In incoming updates :
Sounds : We are still working on appropriate engine music
The 2 blade variant with 195HP engine
Cowl flaps and rudder trim control are still missing in the cockpit
Excellent! I’ll grab todays update, thanks!
I notice that when I turn on the battery/alternator the cabin lights are on by default. I must turn them off on the overhead above at each start. Same with the centre console lights. Is this normal?
Also get double vision on the mouse cursor in some spots in VR.
I’ve seen that I couldn’t sync theses lighrs through standard Lvars. They’re outside the state saving scope.
I planned to work on that : it requires to redo the animation code.
I’ve been asked to add red light inside too, so I’ll definitly have a look at all that.
Thanks again for the report
no it is strange feature after some previous update I have this also in my Carenado Seneca what isn’t def aircraft and has no update about 1 year??? To me good feature because I don’t need in case of night flight find in dark that lights On day I can easy turn them off.