Cessna Citation CJ4 Issues and Support

About to return to CJ4 after 1+ years so currently working on a new checklist which is essentially what Sharpe put together for WT CJ4 about 1.5 years ago with some improvements of my own after dozens upon dozens of hours flying with this aircraft in VATSIM. Haven’t finalized it yet and I’d also like to cross check it with JayDee’s (his checklists & procedures are always a must).

Mine can be found here for the time being, I should think it’s 99% done and will go 4 pages long (I was using it for WT CJ4 so it has inherited some stuff that wasn’t transitioned to the current aircraft version, e.g. SimBrief and PAX briefing):

Updated 2023-03-14: CJ4 Checklist v1.8 Cpt Zeppos - Google Docs