CJ Simulations Eurofighter Typhoon released

@CurleeToes, I know the problems you are referring to, but it is happening to me randomly and with any plane. I suddenly go from 60 to 40 FPS. I don’t know what causes it but it has happened to me since the last update, with the dlss entry. Something is not right.

Xbox CTD happening randomly at the beginning of the flight.

Hi Batterby76,
how did you get the Map/HSI on the left MFD?

Hi, its nice and easy to do, there is a switch on your left side near the throttle maked STICK HIDE. if you flick that to get the stick out of the way there are some buttons behind it on your lower centre console. the buttons with the arrows on move the corresponding displays to where you want them

i hope this helps


Monday morning flight training, EGXC to BERUL, low level round the loop then up to EGXE for a few circuits then back to Conny in time for a brew.


Thanks a lot. Let’s continue to enjoy this splendid plane.

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I’m on Xbox Series X , SU11 beta currently and this aircraft has been very stable for me.
The only CTD I’ve had were caused by airport DLC.
But xbox also crashed with other aircraft as well.

I am really enjoying the Typhoon, another instant classic to go along with my F-14, ,F-15 and F-16


On the Xbox, the euro fighter causes CTD 5 out of 10 flight attempts. I get a CTD after clicking on the fly button. I can’t think of any other aircraft that causes so many CTDs.

Most add ons when initially released have some type of bug anyway. The same can be said about the F-35. It too had some nasty bugs :bug: when it was first released. the developers managed to fix the problems wirh multiple updates . This euro fighter is no different. I’m sure CodeNameJack is going to get to the bottom of it soon.

Love the Luftwaffe liveries. Took her for a spin from Coningsby to Lossiemouth via the lakes and then the great Glen. Unfortunately I crashed on approach but she flies like a dream :+1:t2:


You need to control your IAS during landing as well as manual trim below 186 IAS. For a weight of 28000lbs as a reference, your landing speed should be around 145 knots.


Oooof. Those are quite significant modeling mistakes / shortcuts.

Cheers Jack

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First of all, thanks for this beautiful Plane. It’s so much fun to fly!

I have to ask more about the Lift Dump. I did not understand everything in the Documentaion Screenshots added here. Do I have to switch it ON only on touch down? Because if I have it ON in the Air with wheels down, it starts to add Drag or at least animates the Carnards that way. Is this correct? My understanding was that this only works on Ground but maybe I’m wrong and the Doumentation Screenshot already explained this…

I’ll explain it: some of the switches you see on the plane are based on the DA7 prototype, which is the declassified Nato that we have always had access to. Hence the existence of the Lift/Dump switch. In the prototype, that switch was for testing, while in the serial model it was removed since its operation is automatic, no pilot intervention needed. Therefore you must leave it on Auto, so that the scheduled deflections are applied in the approach and touchdown phase.

In a future update, we will remove that switch to get closer to the series aircraft.

Regarding the animations, you will see them finally fixed this Thursday, but the internal workings are correct. It’s just animation correction in this case.


The documentation we both posted previously states that lift dump is only active with nose gear on the ground and low-speed NWS active.

Yes, and as I just said, they will be corrected on Thursday.

Have I missed something?

You said the animations are wrong, but still indicate that it should be doing something during the approach.

Yes, and that’s correct, in the air foreplanes will stay at -2 degrees as specified in the manual and slats will apply maximum deflection if 17 degrees AOA is exceeded.

there are still deflections