Constant CTD’s on Xbox with 3rd Party Scenery & Airports

My CTD count has also dropped a lot on Xbox Series X, and has mostly been limited to using the drone cam extensively at third-party airports or cities. Great progress there compared to SU9!


This is very encouraging. I’m a bit worried to enter the SU11 beta though. I read all sorts of issues…

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What are the sizes of these airports in GB?

Is this with the cabin or non cabin version?

I tested exclusively with the no-cabin version of the A321.

KLAS by FlyTampa is 1.55 gb while KBUF by IniScene is 2 gb.

I still have to play around with the sim a bit more to be sure, but after a full flight in daylight today, I’m suspecting that there may have been some serious visual downgrades in SU11.

SU10 seemed to remove the grainy appearance of clouds, but it’s back again in the SU11 beta. I also noticed that the bing satellite overlay of the ground itself looks markedly worse compared to previous sim updates. My bandwidth/connection is great, so it shouldn’t on my end, but maybe this is just a bandwidth issue that will clear up on it’s own once less people are streaming satellite data. If not, then it seems they have greatly reduced the distance at which the satellite data becomes detailed. Even at <3000ft agl on approach, buildings/roads seemed low quality.

I’ll update once I’ve tried the beta more.


Thank you.

Personally, I can live with some visual downgrade, if that means we could finally use all or most of the 3rd party goodness. I have about €70 worth of airports, which I still can’t use at the moment. And I know others have spend a lot more than this. This still hurts.

Out of interest :do you have any of the Justim airports installed? If it’s true the issues are mostly gone then, wow, my wallet won’t be happy… :sweat_smile:

No, grainy clouds are still there , it depends on clouds density . But live weather gets better , that’s a fact

Never owned anything by Justsim


Well as of 12UTC and the so-called update from them, I re-installed three Cdn airports and went to fly my HondJet. Two CTDs before I got off the ground so I uninstalled these, clean started the game and got into CYYZ just fine. Now either I received the update, which they didn’t listen to all the complaints and there was no changes re. the addons, or the the little elf just passed me by???

Anyways, like I said, no Airports for this guy and BTW, the marketplace and other sites say the Kodiak 100 Amphibian is out, but not on my Xbox marketplace; a reason why I don’t think I received the update.

Did anyone on EST (daylight) get the update?

I see is the beta release notes. So nothing new then re. the regular version?

I’m a bit confused but you seem to be indicating that you didn’t join the beta. I don’t believe there is an update for the public build. When I was describing my newfound success, I was referring to my experience in the SU11 beta which came out the night before last.

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Unfortunately, after another flight in the SU11 beta, I have found that the visual downgrade was not a fluke. Ground imagery is terribly blurry, clouds are grainy, pop-ins are constant. Hell, even the roofs of buildings look awful. Honestly, it’s such a terrible visual downgrade that I’d rather go back to SU10, where I experienced CTDs at all of my favorite airports. At least in SU10 I could still fly to the rest of the world outside of those select busy airports and the sim would look good.


Sorry, my mistake. I am not on beta, as I misread the update.

So the saga continues!

Happy Flying, if you can. Cheers.

Same here any airplane for me 3rd party or default airplanes, I can’t leave the gate. Miami international Airport addon, KFLL addon, and MYNN addon same thing CTD on short final into these airports. It just frustrating.


I entered on the SIM 11 beta. after experencied some of CTDs, sttuters, and see the downgrade of the visusal terrain buildings I decided to back to SU10. now I’m having CTD all time on the airport that Have solved the problem of 3rd party add ons. I don’t knoe if the the decision to enter SU11 was right. maybe I will unistall the SIM to see if it come back without the fest of CTDs.

There are still same CTDs on same airpots for me. World map is 3-5 fps, main menus 15fps. 3 airports i managed to take off directly from runway as fast as possible. KLAS instantly crashed under 3 secs into finishing loading. There are land textures on rivers and seas, there are some strange different textures on airports, and some areas around airports looks really bad. Imgur: The magic of the Internet forgot airport name, but at Japan. (Edit: ROAH NAHA)
Edit: KLAS 3x attempts directly from runway, and 15mins flyin over it each time, no CTDs! Fingers crossed. I afraid to test cold start…

Still no CTDs using the HJ, TBM or 787, but still no third party airports. A tradeoff yes, but nevertheless I love to fly and hate CTDs.

Well thought today would be different, it is Friday, but wrong. Installed one 3rd party airport, and you guessed it, three CTDs in a row! Uninstalled the airport, clean started and all was good. Good flying for me, and 0$ to ms.

I thought they and Asobo would have learned, by now.

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I guess you are on SU10? I bet when SU11 beta is installed, there are no issues.