[CONT] Official Discussion: Hotfix

Thanks…will have to give this a try once my network is back up…:+1:

No idea only thing that I noticed on your Developer Mode was you had no GPU memory allocation? Strange

Committed includes the Page file too. It is not the amount of used RAM.

Yeah, committed is 24GB but he was only interested in the dev mode figures.

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True, but it is promised memory space that is usable. And it is requested by the application. In this cas MFS. The OS promises the amount available with given the requested commit memory.

Or to make the flight simulator work on the Xbox?

Ah, i misunderstood, thanks!

Is this done by the software or can you change how much memory is committed to a program in the OS?

By the software, it requests a reservation because it does not know upfront how much it would possibly need.

Software runs Out Of Memory when it tries to exceed the amount the os has comitted to be able to be used by an app. An app will try to limit to the amount that has been comitted to the app. When it grows in usage, it will ask for a new commit amount from the OS

Agreed, hence my comments about the engine aggressively limiting usage even when more is available. Frankly its pretty amazing what they have achieved. Flying over London at ULTRA 4k at 40-50FPS with only a marginal reduction in texture quality and fitting that in 6GB or RAM is brilliant. It would be nice if we could increase the Target from 6.5 so that textures come through at nearer their full resolution and we can make use of this expensive hardware!

??? :confused:

The GPU allocation is shown as over 8GB? :confused:

Too be honest, i envy them for being able to do this.

What i think they have done is made the garbage collector (clean up orhpaned items in memory, as in not used anymore) more agressive. and the assets earlier marked for deletion by the GC (garbage collector).

But, if there is no garbage collector, and they do it manually. We should even praise them.

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So any changes to this must be done by Asobo. Maybe in future updates they may raise it on the PC side…I’ve seen alot of suggestions about a “slider” in the options section of sim…wouldn’t be a bad idea to let the user decide what they can or can not use.


Yes, but this is amazingly complex. Garbage collecting is a study on it’s own. Especially if you want to be able to mark dynamically (slider up or down).

Yea its impressive, but I think its more than just garbage collection though, they must be dynamically reducing texture quality depth (DXT) throughout the scene and maybe more aggressively for distant objects.

I am rendering a scene here of London at over 4k with 1000s of buildings and its only using 6GB of RAM. It has to be reduced texture quality, thats what my eyes say too. The obvious area is trees, they look awful now, very low texture quality.

I agree. I think that is EXACTLY what they have done. The actual optimising has worked amazingly well, the issue is an over zealous culling system which clears anything out of the FOV - it should allow them to be much longer lasting, where memory allows.

It was hard to read the small print.
What I am reading is the following.
CPU MEM 16.3GB out of 63.8GB your ram must be 64GB
Peak CPU 16.5GB notice the word peak.
GPU budget 8.4 out of the 16GB
We still come back to 16GB total I believe.

Also depends on color depth, amount of color channels, mipmapping etc… But yeah, reduced texture resolution definitely helps (only in ram, not video ram, unless they also changed processing).

Yes, definitely.

DXT Compression, lots of it! It does help in VRAM because video cards have hardware to process and decode these textures on the fly.

Hopefully in the next update they will give us this new slider. Perhaps it could be called Xbox Kneecapping 0 - 100.

I was referring more on the lines of graphic settings. Like other games have ( COD, BF4, ).