Controls unresponsive during free look (hold)

Are you on Steam or Microsoft Store version?

Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?

Brief description of the issue:

While holding right mouse button to free-look, all joystick, throttle, and rudder input is ignored. This does not happen when free look (toggle) is used, only free look (hold).

See also Mouse issue when panning the view around in the cockpit since SU5

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

Detail steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

  • set mouse controls to default (so that freelook (hold) is on right mouse button for cockpit view)
  • start a flight
  • hold the right mouse button down to activate free-look
  • try to manipulate any hardware flight control (joystick, throttle, rudder)
  • Observe that the game does not respond to the control input

PC specs and/or peripheral set up of relevant:

  • Thrustmaster T16000.M flight pack (joystick throttle and rudder)
  • Honeycomb Bravo throttle

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:


Not sure why you’d want to do this? Seems awkward at the very least, but to each their own I guess.

You are correct in that holding the right mouse prevents any other peripheral movement(s).

However, if you scroll wheel click to enable free look, everything works fine.

Is it a bug? Probably not, just a limitation on input management. Holding the right button takes priority over other actions.

As I said, “toggle” free look works fine.

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You’re not sure why I’d want to be able to control my plane while looking around?

To each their own, I guess…

I guess you missed the part where I said “This does not happen when free look (toggle) is used”. Free look (toggle) is the binding that is on middle mouse button by default.

I guess you also missed the part where I said the issue appeared in SU5. It worked fine before then. They broke it.


Same problem here. Need to fix this bug … Was working when the sim first came out… Need to fix this bug. Ridicules’ how they wont fix this

Same thing for me too, been reporting it across few forum posts too but seems silent from any recognition from devs

Yes, it is a bug introduced with xbox release and still not touched.

See [BUG LOGGED] Freelook with mouse causes controls to freeze after SU5 - #358 by GreyBeagle


Yeah, please go upvote the thread that @Kays90 linked.

But don’t get any type of hope up for any type of fix or acknowledgement. We’ve had that thread going since last year without anyone acknowledging anything. It’s a meme by this point.

Looking around while holding button is an option, and since this option is available it should work.

Imagine doing a pattern, looking around, and the plane not responding to joystick or other inputs. This basically leads to an unexpected flight failures.