CPU cores?

How many cpu cores does MSFS software use/require.

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At least four but for a smoother experience six which is the recommend, ideal eight as per the system requirements state.Depending on where I fly,what I fly I’ve seen the sim use all 6 of my cores.

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6 cores with hyperthreading seems to be the sweet spot. You can get away with 4 cores with hyperthreading. 4 Cores and only 4 threads is lacking.


The consensus seems to be: 8 Cores with NO hyper-threading, is the optimal setting.
For me, because I use my PC for other things, I have hyper-threading ON at all times.

Recommending at least 6 cores. My desktop has i5-7600 and 4c4t is always 80-100% load with occasionally stutters when entering large cities. My laptop with i7-9750H 6c12t is not having that problem and runs pretty well most of the time with 55-70 load (gpu is 100% now).

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Same here. I have the i9-7900X, 10 cores. Running MFS2020 in 4k, with HIGH settings, puts the GPU at 100%, but the CPU constantly running under 50% on all cores. So, even though I have the 7th generation of an Intel Extreme CPU, it is still more than enough for MFS2020. Graphics is another matter. I have the RX 5700 XT, which gives me around 23 FPS on the ground and between 30 to 35 FPS at cruising altitude.


I had kabbylake (4.6ghz) 4 core I5 . I had issues with stutter and lag. Developer mode often displayed in red. Spent a long time changing settings and experimenting. Could only get minor improvement. Overclocked cpu made it worse, so removed overclock. Limited by cpu. MSFs is ok


Built a new pc for MSFS 2020 with 8 core (3.8-5.1ghz) I7. Stutter and lag issues have gone. Developer mode displayed green. Limited by gpu . MSFs is really good/excellent

4 core & 4 threads works fine, 4 core only is definitely an issue. Overclock helps also.

I started with an i5 3570k, 4 core at 4.4 ghz at 100%. Changed to i7 3770k at 4.4 ghz and the extra 4 threads made a significant difference.

I’m still amazed this software runs really well on an 8 year old cpu

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I’m running my old and trusty I7 990X processor (6 core, 12 threads) OC’d to 4.7 ghz with 24 gig RAM and an RTX 2060. Sim runs and looks just fine. I see no reason to spend money for a new rig.

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Same here!
Had i5-2400 and it was, ehm, struggle. 4 cores, 4 threads. Constantly limited by CPU.
Upgraded to Xeon E3-1270, same socket, same mobo (8 years old), 4 cores, 8 threads, running just fine on high!
Had issue with clouds due to old GTX770 GPU, swapped for new 1660 OC few days ago and still getting limited by GPU. The old CPU´s are just fine! Motherboard old as hell Z68AP
Screenshot from today´s flight

Just FYI - DDR3 RAM´s (16GB) and SSD (random 500GB) over SATA. All works just fine :v: (so far)


Pretty much identical spec, I upgraded to a 1660ti, and added extra 16gb of ram to 24gb which has made a difference, tops out at about 19gb

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