Crash to desktop without error message

That does sound like the original issue, but I am probably mis-remembering something. In any case, I thought MSFS had fixed that bug…

I’m searching the forums now, as you should by the way, to gather more info. You didn’t mention the platform, but for MS Store, your controller configs are store here:


In here is another folder, and beneath that other folders, some of which contain the controller config.

Below is a portion of my yoke’s config, and how they should look:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Version Num="1517"/>
<FriendlyName>VirtualFly - YOKO+  profile</FriendlyName>
<Device DeviceName="VirtualFly - YOKO+ " GUID="{D068FA70-84D6-11EA-8002-444553540000}" ProductID="3488">
		<Axis AxisName="X" AxisSensitivy="0" AxisSensitivyMinus="0" AxisNeutral="0" AxisDeadZone="0" AxisOutDeadZone="0" AxisResponseRate="-1"/>
		<Axis AxisName="Y" AxisSensitivy="0" AxisSensitivyMinus="0" AxisNeutral="0" AxisDeadZone="0" AxisOutDeadZone="0" AxisResponseRate="-1"/>
	<Context ContextName="PLANE">
		<Action ActionName="KEY_AP_MASTER" Flag="2">
				<KEY Information="Joystick Button 6">5</KEY>
		<Action ActionName="KEY_ELEV_TRIM_DN" Flag="2">
				<KEY Information="Joystick Button 2">1</KEY>
		<Action ActionName="KEY_ELEV_TRIM_UP" Flag="2">
				<KEY Information="Joystick Button 3">2</KEY>
		<Action ActionName="KEY_AXIS_ELEVATOR_SET" Flag="4">
				<KEY Information="Joystick L-Axis Y ">1042</KEY>
		<Action ActionName="KEY_AXIS_AILERONS_SET" Flag="4">
				<KEY Information="Joystick L-Axis X ">1026</KEY>

The “null profile”, and this was the search term to use, explains how to remove these dodgy profiles, with no bindings:

I can’t say 100% that this is your issue, but it sounds an awful lot like it.

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