Crashes back to Xbox Series X Desktop

Give it (XBox) a complete reboot, also make sure it is up to date too, and a clear the cache (in FS2020) after scenery install. I’ve found that there is quite often a CTD soon after updating FS for me. I sometimes think it takes a session or two playing it afterwards for it to settle down to the new normal after each update. To me the benchmark is how many CTD’s do I get in next week post update after doing the reboot and cache clearance. You don’t want old cached scenery disrupting new scenery. It shouldn’t but best to be sure it doesn’t by clearing it out. Some people do complete FS re-installs , but I think that is overkill and would be my last option.

That’s probably the sensible step. I took the nuclear option of nuking the ‘Reserved Space’ again which has remedied it.

I notice I’ve lost my weekend entries from the logbook, mind: pretty sure they were being shown earlier. Ay ay ay.

This far I have resisted wiping my logbook!

CTD is a daily thing. Some days are worse than others. If I combine all the CTD from all my other games to MFS and it not even close.

I just got one when in the cruise phase for the first time and about to reach UK, was well before top of descent.

I’ve tried all the clearing cache stuff. So live traffic is gonna have to be turned off again as that appears to be the culprit in a lot of mine. When it’s off I haven’t had a single one.

I’ve used FS2020 for a good few hours in past week averaging probably 4-5hrs a day on Series X since the hotfix update last week.

Summary of issues in past 7 days POST WU6 + Hotfix (with AI Traffic->OFF & live traffic ON, live weather ON) -

  • 17/09/21 CTD Launching/loading a flight from the flight planner in the very first flight after hotfix install. I rebooted XBox, cleared cache, ok after that
  • 23/09/21 a FS2020 hang/freeze during a flight in dense central London scenery

So, no CTD’s seen in a week, despite using FS for bushflights, landing challenges and other planned flights (usually <90min). I was getting a daily CTD after WU6 & pre hotfix. This is the most stable it’s been for me.

No denying it is more stable but its not quite there yet. Still had 3 CTD’s in a row trying to leave KATL with live traffic on. Live traffic off no problem. We shouldn’t have to disable features in order to just fly. Had another CTD after landing and mid taxi to gate with live traffic off at LFMN. It’s getting there but needs more time in the oven for sure. I am seeing that CTD;s are more likely when flying airliners, live traffic, 1+ hour flights, and starting from cold/dark ie at a gate/parking spot. Its very hit and miss.


That’s interesting. I have live traffic ON, but haven’t spent a lot of time in traffic dense areas like the US where ATC and live traffic is busier. Yes airliners maybe have more going on, and they certainly transit across more densely scenic areas (cities/airports) and encounter more distant and constantly changing weather quicker in a flight. Re gates, I can honestly say the one thing I never do is depart a gate (I find it a bit boring), will have to give it more of an effort sometime, even if just to moniter potential CTD’s. My biggest issue right now is occasional loss of mouse control, it just freezes, which is bad when you’re in the middle of dialing in AP settings during an approach say. It’s very unpredictable but seems like it should be a very basic function to get on top of, and requires a FS2020 reboot to solve. Re CTD’s, I just wish they’d install (if they haven’t already) a monitor so they can debug automatically rather than relying on us to feedback a multitude of not unreasonable every day flight sim things that we were doing when a CTD occurs.

Well good news is they are able to track virtually every crash. Asobo is well aware of whats going on. I rarely experience an issue with a bush trip. A whole lot of this is very situational. Some people experience nothing and some have mad issues. It all boils down to what they are doing in the sim.

A good example is the screens blacking out on aircraft approaching a destination (a320 mostly). I personally have never experienced this. Turns out that it is linked to the in-game flight planner. Since I plan my flights from Simbrief and enter them manually into the aircraft I don’t experience that issue. Just for kicks I tried a flight from the planner and poof blackout.

The actual really good news is that I believe that they are focusing on getting these issues fixed. We have 2 back to back sim updates coming and they have been very proactive in telling us that the CTD’s and stability are pretty much their number one priority right now.

Now if I can just get them to fix the autopilot oscillation issue with the Longitude then I’ll be a happy camper :slight_smile:

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Just hope the XBox bugs aren’t buried under a lot of PC fixes that leave many XBox users frustrated. I personally am very happy with the sim as is after last week’s hotfix, but CTD’s are a nightmare as I found out post WU6. They drive your blood pressure up, and make you want to give up, every last one of them. I’m glad to hear they can see reports of them, was concerned they were just relying on us to feedback.

Also interesting to hear about it being the flight planner causing the black screens. I’ve never encountered this but don’t do particularly long flights. I did do a 4 1/2 hr one to see if I could replicate black screens and that included using the fligth planner, but perhaps it needs to be a longer flight. A weird problem though, and certainly an enjoyment stealer for many fans of long flights.

Fingers crossed on the next two SU’s there will be a lot of expectations for them from various quarters, that’s for sure.

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I was only able to get the blackout to trigger that one time. It may be more prevalent on series s (maybe, I’m on x but still triggered it) but I’m not sure at all. It may have something to do with adjusting the screen brightness of the cockpit screens as well. I didn’t adjust screen brightness when I made my run to find it. A nasty and elusive bug for sure. I only know that once I tried to recreate it it decided to show its face.

But yeah I’m absolutely with you and everyone who has and/or is experiencing issues. Nothing is worse than losing all of your progress with a CTD.

Also there is a Dev Q&A coming up on the 29th or 30th I think. Should get some real good answers straight from Asobo.

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Playing on a Series X in Performance Mode, I’ve had some crashes but not a lot. They’ve mainly happened during loadscreens while zoning. Particularly, I have crashed leaving dungeon/arena instances while grouped, usually when using the door to do so. You can read this guide to fix errors.

For mine it crashes 100% of the time when loading up a free-flight in the A-10 warthog. Like I cannot fly this plane ever, at all. Every other military plane works fine, but the a-10 sends me out of the game to the main Xbox desktop

Using default aircraft here and I haven’t had a CTD since last hot fix at all (series X). A few weeks passed now & it’s all very stable. Many hrs flying time accumulated. If you are seeing CTD’s not related to other issues like long flights then perhaps uninstall addons and see what works/doesn’t. I have had 2 FS complete ‘freezes’ in that time, so I suppose you could call that a ‘crash’ too, but CTD’s now rare to none.

I’m flying from PAWG to PAYA With C208 and Live traffic on. xbox s.
1.Yesterday ATC routes me into a mountain…
2. Today about half way there CTD

Almost makes me think its personal.


Nothing more frustrating than a CTD on final approach after a long flight… I’m on Series X… Had a 5 hour flight from KMIA to KSEA on the B787. Smooth flight from departure all the way to approach. As I’m turning to capture the ILS glide slope and localizer, all of my displays turn-off; my autopilot stops working. I then decide to hand fly it in… A few seconds later… CTD… Just frustrating…

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Had my fist CTD (back to home). I was flying from Heathrow to Gatwick with a little site seeing in between using Airbus A320. I did NAV approach. Just into the glide home and it locks up.

This is the first time I had manually changed weather and flight path. But was a very short flight.
Had zero stuttering before crash.

It seems random for crashes as I loaded the game back up and quickly flew the same route without issue.

You should take train from Hunslow to Gatwick, rather then fly! :rofl:

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There is a train simulator

Hmmm maybe they should make a planes, trains and automobiles simulator. :joy:

Crashes here, had 2 crash to dash on series x.

Very annoying, especially when it happens towards the end of a flight.

When will this be fixed?