Are you on Xbox, Steam or Microsoft Store version? Microsoft Store
Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it? No
Brief description of the issue: I’ve tried some flights from and to Dublin EIDW airport and everytime I end up with a CTD or freezing. If I try to depart from EIDW, MSFS freezes and CTDs when loading the flight. If I try to land in EIDW, MSFS freezes and CTDs as I am 400 feet from ground. I’ve flown in the past months in EIDW without problems. I’ve tried to empty my Community folder and I’ve tested this issue both with default airport and MK Studios airport with the same result. I’ve deleted my rolling cache. What else could I try to solve? Thanks
Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:
I’m on xbox and it’s the same here, SU 8 has ruined Dublin but stabilised most other areas. I assumed it was due to the MK Studios scenery but clearly not as you’ve said. Very frustrating.
Intermittent CTD’s on Xbox Series X when spawning at MK-Studios Dublin Airport. This issue began yesterday after the unannounced 7GB update. I have not bought LHBP from the marketplace either. To reproduce simply spawn on any runway or stand.
I was wrong…I thought that deleting LHBP solved the problem but it did not. I am getting again CTDs even if LHBP is not installed and Community folder is empty. There must be something else I can’t understand.
Experiencing frequent CTD at Dublin also. Went through all troubleshooting. Seems to happen a lot on short final to 28L. Previously only happened when using Aerosoft CRJ. Removed MK-Studio too.
So I’ve seemed to have isolated my problem with CTDs at Dublin Airport. I can spawn at Dublin Airport with other planes like the Aerosoftt CRJ but if I try to spawn at Dublin Airport with the FBW A320 I get a crash on the loading screen or on final approach. Weirdly I can spawn at any other airport with the FBW A320.
Scratch that, I’m able to spawn at terminal 1 with the FBW A320 or any plane but spawning at Terminal 2 or the gates closest to Terminal 2 causes the immediate CTD, so it must be something with MK Studios scenery