CTD memory could not be written


I did a flight from Austin to Los Angeles, and on the arrival received a pop up message saying: FlightSimulator.exe - Application Error : The instruction at 0x00007FF65FB00912 referenced memory at 0x00000000000000B1. The memory could not be written.

Then had a CTD. This is actually the second time I have this flying into LAX.
I check the Event Viewer in Windows and found the entire error:

Log Name: System
Source: Application Popup
Date: 12-05-22 14:25:14
Event ID: 26
Task Category: None
Level: Information
Computer: DESKTOP-4SG2V4O
Application popup: FlightSimulator.exe - Application Error : The instruction at 0x00007FF65FB00912 referenced memory at 0x00000000000000B1. The memory could not be written.

Click on OK to terminate the program
Click on CANCEL to debug the program
Event Xml:




FlightSimulator.exe - Application Error
The instruction at 0x00007FF65FB00912 referenced memory at 0x00000000000000B1. The memory could not be written.

Click on OK to terminate the program
Click on CANCEL to debug the program

Now, the interesting part is that 9 seconds later I see the following:

Log Name: System
Source: Application Popup
Date: 12-05-22 14:25:25
Event ID: 26
Task Category: None
Level: Information
Computer: DESKTOP-4SG2V4O
Application popup: Windows - Virtual Memory Minimum Too Low : Your system is low on virtual memory. Windows is increasing the size of your virtual memory paging file. During this process, memory requests for some applications may be denied. For more information, see Help.
Event Xml:




Windows - Virtual Memory Minimum Too Low
Your system is low on virtual memory. Windows is increasing the size of your virtual memory paging file. During this process, memory requests for some applications may be denied. For more information, see Help.

Someone who knows a lot more about this than me, can probably enlighten me.
Could it be that Windows 11 ran out of virtual memory and tried to resize the page file ? And by resizing the page file, MSFS could not write to the memory anymore as the message says ?

I have now set a custom page file. However, what I find on the internet is that the initial size should be 1.5 x the memory, and the max size should be 3 x the initial size. That is a lot, isn’t it ?
Is this correct, or should I set anything else ?

This is my system:
Ryzen 5600X
32GB Memory

Any help would be greatly appreciated !

Maybe I am all wrong about this, but surely someone knows ?

Thanks a lot

Pls. use the forums own search function first.

feel free to join the club :

Well, I did read the entire thread you posted !
The error I see is a different one. I searched the forums before posting this, and errors that are the same, are older threads.
Your thread is about read errors, mine is about write errors. And no, no one is talking write there, only read.

But thanks anyway. I know you are trying to help. I really do. But it is still a different error.
I have seen the same error back in 2020 on the same approach into the same airport.

That’s an Interesting message !! maybe MSFS crashed because it did not like windows messing with the Virtual Memory while MSFS was running.

I have never got that message – probably because I manually set the Virtual memory size, and don’t let Windows mess with it.
For good measure, I also set in the registry, to CLEAR Virtual memory on shutddown,

( which is something I CHOOSE to do, for many reasons, so please, do NOT tell me I don’t need to do this – you really have NO IDEA what my need are, and likewise, I have no idea what yours are – and lets face it, neither of us care !! )

I see that once every few days. It actually happened to me this AM. You’re not alone. I’m not savvy enough with computers to know why it happened though. I wish I was.

Hi, thanks for the reply.
It’s what I think too. Windows started messing with the size of the page file and MSFS crashed.
Indeed, no idea what your needs are, but to go slightly off topic, I do heavy video post processing. What are the advantages to clean the virtual memory ? Purely out of interest

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Thanks for the reply. I am wondering if some sort of a memory leak creates this, but I really don’t know. I set a custom page file size. Let’s see how this works out

Since you ask so politely –

(1) Historically, with mechanical HDs, the Virtual memory map on the HD could get fragmented, that would cause a slow down, or even make it so that a needed contiguous size of HD space was not available.
With the Introduction of SSDs, this is no longer a issue (or at least greatly reduced)

(2) Clearing the Virtual memory at shutdown, is often used as a security measure, to remove traces of confidential information, that may be remaining in Virtual memory – not an issue directly with MSFS.

(3) Clearing the Virtual Memory on shutdown, means you are starting the next boot with a Cleared Virtual memory, now in a repeatable & known state. This “may” help with any possible past corruption cased the last time the system ran 

(4) Why not - with a SSD, the time to clear it is insignificantly short, so you may as well do so, and start off with a Virtual memory in a Known, cleared state. The more VARIABLES one can eliminate with MSFS, the better chances of narrowing down on the cause of other issues. .

(5) My computer - my choice --------------- your computer - your choice


Wow, this is interesting ! I just learned something. Thanks a lot
I can see why you would clear it

Write degradation; SSD’s have a finite number of write cycles. Except for security reasons, I see no need to clear it on every shutdown. If Windows reaches corrupt contents of a pagefile after reboot, it is because of a hardware failure.

as i said .

(5) My computer - my choice --------------- your computer - your choice

My computer - I do not get any CTDs (anymore) so as far as I am concerned, I must be doing something right – even if clearing Virtual memory is not making any difference 

A new NVIDIA driver was released today. Maybe that’s it? I just installed the ‘skinny’ version. Testing in a bit.

Please keep us informed. If it were an NVIDIA issue, I think the CTD issues would be more widespread. But I have no idea. I hope it fixes things for you!

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The new driver didn’t fix it. It just happened again. Ugh


After the last occurrence, I checked for Windows updates and found 3 C++ updates and a DirectX update didn’t work. I updated all four and am back in. So far, so good. Hmmm

I use the latest amd gpu driver. The strange thing is, I saw this error over a year ago also arriving into LAX. I am wondering if something in that area causes a memory leak. I set a custom page file and I’ll try this flight again to see what happens

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Just built a brand new PC - 3 weeks old. Sometimes my flight goes fine, other times it CTD’s. This error:


Usually when I switch camera views or go outside it happens. Any solution or tips? Thanks.

Hmm, will check it out. All that stuff is off for me so
 idk. Thanks.

As an unfortunate member of the exclusive “memory could not be read” club, that has read every single of the more than 1300 replies in that thread, the unfortunate truth is that there is no official fix for this type of CTD yet. But there are quite a few suggested methods that may or may not make the CTDs happen less frequently. But of course, as always, your mileage may vary. The thread has been “bug-logged” so hopefully a fix might appear in the not so distant future. Meanwhile, there’s always the option of choosing a different sim, or perhaps take up another hobby (gardening?).

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