D3D11 Fatal Error

I’ve been unable to play as everytime I start I get a D3D11Renderer_Z error. Does anyone know the fix?


Yes I experienced this issue as well.
FlightSimulator.exe - Application Error (0x80000003) - Self-Service / Bugs & Issues - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

I have the same bug. It stops the loading of the simulator. It is fatal. I just got the latest update and purchased the F-16 and X-1A. My sim has been broken ever since. Please Help!!!

you choose an realy old topic :slight_smile:

Can you share your exact error message, best with the message from windows event log. And also give some informations about your system/hardware.

And in case it started since “purchased the F-16 and X-1A” , have you tried to remove that third-party-mods or tried a start in safe mode (
steam: Stuck on a Loop! Can't get game started - #7 by MichaMMA
store: Keep crashing to desktop - #30 by MichaMMA
) ?

But normaly its more like driver or gpu issues, but who knows.

MS flight sim was working OK a week ago. The error I received on startup of the sim was D3D11Renderer_Z. MS flight sim is unusable right now. Please help me!!