I’ve been unable to play as everytime I start I get a D3D11Renderer_Z error. Does anyone know the fix?
I’ve been unable to play as everytime I start I get a D3D11Renderer_Z error. Does anyone know the fix?
Yes I experienced this issue as well.
FlightSimulator.exe - Application Error (0x80000003) - Self-Service / Bugs & Issues - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
I have the same bug. It stops the loading of the simulator. It is fatal. I just got the latest update and purchased the F-16 and X-1A. My sim has been broken ever since. Please Help!!!
you choose an realy old topic
Can you share your exact error message, best with the message from windows event log. And also give some informations about your system/hardware.
And in case it started since “purchased the F-16 and X-1A” , have you tried to remove that third-party-mods or tried a start in safe mode (
steam: Stuck on a Loop! Can't get game started - #7 by MichaMMA
store: Keep crashing to desktop - #30 by MichaMMA
) ?
But normaly its more like driver or gpu issues, but who knows.
MS flight sim was working OK a week ago. The error I received on startup of the sim was D3D11Renderer_Z. MS flight sim is unusable right now. Please help me!!