DC Designs - F-15 Strike Eagle (C, D, E & I)

If you’re replying to me there, not sure if that’s the case, I was just replying to someone else about the update to their F-15 at Aerosoft.

Yes apologies, I wrongly did that. And it was just a flippant remark about the state of the marketplace.

Hello from me,after my 30 days BAN period.That also means,one more and i’m out for good(just in case people don’t know)
I wanted to ask if anyone else is having my issue with the throttle in the F15.
I remeber Dean told me that it was something with the sim and now with the latest DC Designs patches,i still have it.
The issue is that the throttle of the F15 is not synced when pressing the A on the Xbox Gamepad.I mean that the one throttle stick goes more or less than the other,instead of them going together.
In the options,the A button is properly asigned to THROTTLE in general.
No other aircraft gives me this issue.Not even the F14

I see that DC Designs F-15 is on sale this weekend through JustFlight. I am a big fan of their F-14 and thinking of picking up the F-15 as well.

Input from current owners/flyers welcome!

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The answer is we don’t know what causes it. The F-15 Eagle throttles are all coded and animated identically to the F-14s, and the throttles work fine on PC. No idea why they don’t on Xbox or with the controller.

You’ll find them similar to the Tomcats, except that there’s four of them. The F-15C is the best dogfighter, while the F-15E is exceptionally stable at low level. The D is the combat capable twin-seat version of the C, and the I model is the Israeli Strike Eagle.

Systems and depth are about the same as the Tomcats. I’m sure others will reply here too but if you like the Tomcats, you won’t go far wrong really :+1:


Ahem…I am on PC and no matter if i press the gamepad button or the keyboard key,the issue remains

Correct, that’s what I’m saying. Throttles work normally unless using gamepad controller. I don’t use keyboard so no idea there but will test it. With a proper throttle quadrant, they work perfectly.

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So basicaly…we’re in trouble :rofl:

Sold … :slight_smile:

Took the E model out for a high-altitude, high speed run tonight. No issues whatsoever with the default control setup on my PC with my Logitech X52 HOTAS. Way more sensitive and powerful than the F-14A (or B) and more maneuverable, but all the more challenging for it. So much fun!

Well done, Dean and crew!


Yes, I have it, thanks. :+1:

I picked up the F-15 the other day and I’m enjoying it quite a bit. I am having a bit of a time figuring out how to use the basic autopilot features. I see that the system has an Altitude Hold mode but I have no idea how to actually set the hold altitude. I can set the heading bug and have the aircraft turn to follow it, but can’t figure out how to set the altitude. Or is it supposed to just hold the current altitude when engaged? Because if so that didn’t work either.

Altitude Hold in my experience (from other planes) refers to holding the current altitude.

Does the manual mention something ?


That would make sense but when I tried it this morning, the plane had no issue following the Heading bug when I changed it, but slowly descended the entire time from ~12,000’ down into the northern Illinois turf south of Chicago, lol. The altitude tape in the HUD and external views had “700” set, just like the AP altitude setting for any other plane. But I had no way to change it.

We have a pending update to map those buttons precisely, I suggest that the buttons, alt +, alt-, vs hold, vs +, vs -, and speed + speed -, you configure them on your keyboard. The idea is to map them in the future on the buttons of the PFD


Very cool, thanks!

In the meantime, here’s what I experienced in a series of test flights I just made - spawning on the runway, the “set altitude” on the tape was something like 5,000’. When I took off and climbed out, passing around 4,400’, I activated Altitude Hold and the AP master switch, and the setting on the tape was suddenly 600’. When I toggled the Altitude Hold control off and back on, the setting on the tape was now much closer to my actual altitude (4,300’) even though my now I was under 4,100’. But at least it was reasonably close. Once the aircraft climbed to the set altitude, it held very well. Just getting that initial altitude is hit-and-miss.

Another oddity - the manual states there are two-stage flaps but I only seem to have one (full) setting. Is this a bug in my install or has the aircraft changed?

normally when you press alt Hold what it does is maintain the current altitude and not the one you selected previously (it resets to current one). What I usually do is: set an altitude and press vshold, and select the vertical speed at which I want it to climb or descend. By doing it this way, the aircraft automatically switches to alt Hold when it has reached the selected altitude. I’ll check it anyway. Regarding flaps, at first it was launched with two deflection levels, but after we read the official manual and realized that the f-15 has two flaps positions only: 0 and 30 degrees, we had to correct it. we will have to update that manual :D.


This is the part I hadn’t figured out yet because I though there was a cockpit control to set the ALT and VSpeed. Now that I know there’s not (yet), I will try again later with keyboard commands.

Thanks for the info re the flaps - that was confusing as heck to me but makes sense.

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I’m on Xbox, I bought the F15’s yesterday and yes I’m having that weird throttle issue to, we must have the same Version. Have you figured out how to fix it? I’m confused because the Tomcats have never done me wrong, only a couple localizer issues. It doesn’t seem to affect performance on my end but looks strange having one engine at Military Thrust and the other on Afterburner. They actually go into synch for brief moments then always settles out of synch.

There is no fix at the moment largely because nobody knows what causes it. Everything is coded the same as the F-14s and yet the throttle lags for some reason, very, very strange. Doesn’t happen on PC so I fear it might be either controller or console doing something, which puts it out of my reach to fix. Hopefully I’m wrong and a solution will be found though so I can put it right.