DC Designs F-15

@NYZ06000 Why do you feel the need to get in the middle of this, and try to instigate a problem? You posted private messages, you brought this to the public light. I was fine just letting this all go and moving on, but you feel vindicated for some reason and you shouldn’t.

You are exactly the person I would want to avoid when dealing with testers.
You have gone out of your way to try to make this a public issue.

And @YuriKAiRi when others tell you to “borrow” from another mod specific things, and then you release a mod update with those “borrowed” ideas, or something very similar, it seems extremely suspicious.
As a revision we did was literally linked to you telling you to and I quote “borrow ideas”.
Then you release a revision with those ideas. Maybe you coded it yourself, but the idea might not have come from yourself, and that was the only issue I think with all of this.
If someone didn’t tell you to go borrow ideas from others, on your flightsim.to page, and you seem to oblige them by adding it, none of this would have been a thing.

I was willing to let all of this go, I believe Jack was as well(but I wont speak for him), no reason to make a public stink about something as minor as this.

But for some reason @NYZ06000 found he would like to make private messages between him and others public, and try to create more drama and chaos in a community than is needed.

NYZ is upset that he couldn’t test the community revision mod 1.15 before we plan to release it sometime this weekend, and this is the result of someone not getting their way.

It is a free public revision of the official release that you can fly whenever we have it published if you wish.

If you feel Kairis revision is better, then go fly it.

@NYZ06000 Obviously this was a mistake for @CodenameJack447 to even involve you in the first place, and you shows what kind of person you really are.