DC Designs F-15

no problem,

i’m working now, but tonight :slight_smile:

thank’s Jack:)

Great work all round team, thank you.

The eagles are a joy to fly now and really freshen up my experience (usually fly the DA62 and TBM).

Enjoy your weekends :champagne:

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Have a look at the FIAT G2 Simskunkworks it’s a classic especially in VR.

I should be available this weekend for testing. Hopefully with new release. Keep up the good work. Let me know if there is a specific function you need tested. I can test on all modules again as needed.


Thanks! Keep sure i will count on you too :slight_smile:

The middle part of the vector will not separate when trying to align to VOR with DME station, if start your F-15E from a given runway. I will double check but pretty sure. It works fine if you manually start or hot start plane from a parking position. image

On the HSI in the F-15 C can we get a HDG bug. Like on the HSI on E. That way you can move your HDG and know where it is pointing. Also on the C can we fix the missing Dist. and Heading in reading. Thanks Love the work just some issues with latest release.

You mean this wasn’t happening in previous versions?

I mean, maybe we changed something without noticing

This is 1.14i is what I am testing.

In the picture of what it is supposed do, when you hot start from a runway. It defaults to not aligning. If that makes sense.

Hi, how did you manage, to move the CDI (Course Deflection Indicator) away from the middle position. I tried with hot start on runway and cold and dark on parking position, without success.

Hi Jack,

I don’t think it’s a 1.14i issue.

10 days ago I sent Dean the following list of malfunctions of HSI and other gauges in all f-15 versions, I’m sure he will fix:

F-15 C and D:

fuel flow indicators show 100% FF all time
nozzle indicators don’t indicate nozzle position.
the AOA bracket in the HUD is missing since version 2


heading select bug is missing

course select pointer is missing

the symbolic aircraft is moving with the selcted course but should be fixed to the glass

the course select knob and the heading select knobs of the HSI are not functional, instead HUD knobs are used for input

the indicator windows for the selected course and the DME distance are not used.

TO/FROM indicator is missing

Glide Slope indicator for ILS approach is missing

F-15D only: the HSI behaves like a magnetic compass (shows acceleration and rotation errors)

Frequency selection is working fine (but wrong knobs)

the course deviation indicator (CDI) is working fine

The analog HSI is a standard gauge in thousands of aircraft. There should be some stock ones.

F-15 E:


the course select pointer is not centered in the compass card.

the course deviation indicator (CDI) does not function

Frequency selection is working fine (I don’t know how it’s selected in the real F-15E), freqency is properly indicated in the display.

DME distance is properly indicated in the display
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does anyone else’s AP not follow the flight path at the very end? It’ll follow the flight path about 90% then at the very last 2-3 lines it’ll just keep flying straight rather than turning and aligning with the runway etc.

Yes the AP doesn’t follow the approach… same for me…

Hi Jack,

when i use your mod (V. 1-14_i) i cant switch (F-15E) to the copilot seat.

All fixed with the latest update, ready to be released on Monday or Tuesday depending on the Just Flight schedule. Full VOR NAV possible in the new update, everything working as it should be.


cameras.pln (18.6 KB)

Just rename to .cfg and replace you actual cameras.cfg for E/I. Should be selectable from UI

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Guys I don’t know if I get it. Are you trying to land the F15 with the AP?

Not really land, only follows the approach… with a manuel landing after

Was this working before 1.14i?