Disappointed in Sim Update 5

You are wrong.
Look at the Video, you see the downgrade. The massiv downgrade.

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Have you read any of what I’ve written?

That. Video. Is. Obviously. Offline.

I haven’t had my morning coffee yet but are you not blaming the end-user for problems they encounter?

EDIT: I will go ahead and make a video.

No, I’m not.

As I said I’ve seen 4 types of people contributing to these threads…

  1. Those having no issues so just getting on with it
  2. Those who are yelling just because they hate consoles
  3. Those who are being struck by the settings bug…they think they’re at Ultra. The game says they’re at Ultra. They are, in fact, at low.
  4. Those with genuine issues.

The genuine issues are demonstrably not caused by a deliberate conspiracy to dumb down the graphics to gain parity for the XBOX.

If this isn’t a data problem how to you explain what’s just happened to me? Limited by MainThread would suggest I have a ■■■■ processor and a local issue. My fps is 23 in the cruise. I turn all data off, go back into the game and turn it back on and boom. Back to 50fps.

Wrong again.
This video is online.

Right. Tell me exactly where it is…and I will go and fly over it and prove that in SU5 it looks better (or at least no different) to how it did in SU4.

That’s not the downgrade everyone is talking about, that’s offline scenery.


That video shows this downgrade already, there is no need to do it again.
There is a massiv downgrade, for sure.

No, that video shows someone who is offline.

Are you scared I’ll prove you wrong?

Again, as someone who flies a ton under VFR on VATSIM relying heavily on VFR charts (which are invaluable for use in MSFS) I can tell the difference…

EDIT: Moment, let me try and make a better video.


There’s not.
Listen, you’re entitled to your opinion, and to vent it here. But you’re going on mute for me, that annoying mantra seems to be the only thing that you’re ‘contributing’.


Am i the only one that has had server issues with bing imagery and photogrammetry not downloading?? Even though the option is turned on and connected to the internet


chars chars chars

Totally convinced that this is where the root cause of many of the issues with this sim lay.


1440p will take a bit.

Your video shows that it is data related and not graphics related. Problem is, you can’t do anything about it other than restart FS and hope it keeps loading all data. Your video also shows there are good graphics, which if it was a total graphics issue those would also be terrible. The only thing we can hope for is that MS adds capacity.

I think they optimized MSFS for Xbox by using PC users as beta testers. Makes sense- Xbox will be their bread and butter. My hope is now that Xbox is up and running, they will focus on improvements that can be scalable depending on the systems we use. For now, it seems they just renamed medium-high settings to ULTRA. Fortunately, we can improve these settings with some .cfg tweaks. So, it’s not a total loss.

However, there are some limitations in the core that are impossible to improve at the moment. Low-res imagery, blurry textures, generic cloud models…

Until they provide better options to work with in the first place, what we see is what we get.

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Right….I am 100% certain now that this is data related. I’ve fired up my PC again and started a VFR flight and ironically, for the very first time, have been presented with this abomination.

I am now seeing exactly what you’re talking about. That is that the game is not streaming the Bing data correctly, and the terrain is blurry and seriously lacking detail. The AI buildings (non-photogrammetry) are bland, generic, and also lacking detail. The World Map was also very very slow to load in and lacking detail. I’m on a 1GB connection so it is definitely at the Microsoft side of things.

If this is what you’ve been seeing all the time then no wonder you feel they’ve downgraded the graphics. I promise you though, this is not how the game looks. This is as it is even though all the data options in the sim are turned on. I’ve cycled it on and off, changed servers etc. but it makes no difference.

Without doubt something is properly wrong with the servers. These server related issues happen far too often. It is unacceptable that they are this sketchy and it is NOT good enough for this to keep happening. For a game that relies almost entirely on streamed data these servers need to be bullet proof. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


One of the reasons I’m glad I have Orbx TrueEarth for P3D and XP.

We shouldn’t need add on content to fix an issue with the core sim (especially when it’s pretty darn good when it’s working).